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ccNSO Assistance Group: Preliminary Recommendation on ccNSO Council 24 December 2002 |
ccNSO Assistance Group Consistent with the 29 October 2002 ccNSO Assistance Group Communiqué, the Assistance Group has prepared its preliminary recommendation on the ccNSO Council. The Assistance Group requests feedback within the coming two weeks (until 14 January 2003) for comments to be given utmost consideration. The preliminary recommendation on the Council can be found in Annex A. The ccNSO Assistance Group will consider feedback received on this preliminary recommendation and its effect on other recommendations. The posting of the preliminary recommendation on the Council is the fourth preliminary recommendation for the five issue areas that make up the Assistance Group's work-plan (i.e. to come up with recommendations on five category areas identified out of the Blueprint, namely scope of the ccNSO as a global policy-development body; process of policy development in the ccNSO; ccNSO membership; structure of the ccNSO; ccNSO Council). The preliminary thinking on scope was posted on 22 October 2002, and the ccNSO Assistance Group met with the ccTLD constituency on 28 October 2002 to receive input on its thinking. The Assistance Group received general support for its proposed methodology for defining scope and based on this it will solidify its recommendation. The Assistance Group's preliminary recommendation on the Policy Development Process was posted on 11 November, with a clarification posted on 29 November. The preliminary recommendations on Membership were posted on 10 December, and comments are still being received. The ccNSO Assistance Group will over the next weeks be issuing its preliminary recommendations on the final remaining area of its work-plan: structure of the ccNSO. As stated in its Communiqué, after the ccNSO Assistance Group has issued and received feedback on all of its preliminary recommendations, it will, following consideration of comments and their effect on other recommendations, compile the recommendations into one set, post them for comment and provide them to the ERC. The ccNSO Assistance Group is extremely conscious of ensuring that it provides its recommendations in a prudent, timely, and efficient manner. Annex A The Council will comprise 18 voting members, including 3 put forward by the Nominating Committee. [The PDP is being amended so that a final recommendation goes to member vote (and members are ccTLD managers only).] The role of the Council is to administer and co-ordinate the affairs of the ccNSO (including coordinating an annual meeting of members) and to manage the development of policy recommendations in accordance with the ccNSO PDP. The Council shall also undertake such other roles as the members of the ccNSO shall decide from time to time. Observer status will be held by a liaison officer appointed by the GAC, ALAC, and each of the ccTLD regional organisations may also appoint a liaison officer. To ensure geographic diversity, ccNSO members in each of the 5 recognised ICANN regions (the Region or Regions) shall be entitled to elect 3 Council members. To become a Council member an individual must be nominated by a member of the ccNSO to stand for election in that members Region; and while not necessarily being a member of the ccNSO, must support policies committed to by ccNSO members That nomination must be seconded by another ccNSO member from the same Region. If at the close of nominations there are more candidates nominated in a particular Region than there are seats available for that Region, an election will be held. All ccNSO members from the relevant Region shall be entitled to vote in the election. If unclear which region a ccNSO member belongs to, the member should self-select for the purposes of Council appointment. In the case of the inaugural Council, 1 member elected from each Region shall be appointed for a 1 year term, 1 member elected from each Region shall be appointed for a 2 year term and the final member elected from each Region shall be appointed for a 3 year term. Thereafter, Council members will be appointed for 3 year terms. The Council shall elect a Chair and shall elect such Vice Chair as it shall deem appropriate. Council members shall hold office unless removed for not attending three consecutive meetings, or for inappropriate behavior as determined by the super majority of the Council. Casual vacancies shall be filled by an election in the Region of the vacating Council member or appropriate measures approved by the Council after consultation with the relevant Region. Candidates elected by this process shall serve only the remaining term of the vacating Council member. If at some later date ICANN shall recognize other geographical regions, the number of members of the Council shall be adjusted so that each recognized region shall continue to have the right to elect an equal number of Council members. The Council shall meet regularly on a schedule determined by its members, but not less than four times per year. Meetings may be held in person, or via appropriate technology, at the discretion of the Council. To the extent practicable, Council meetings should coincide with meetings of the Board of ICANN, and of the other Support Organisations. Comments
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