ICANN Nominating Committee
Formal Call for Recommendations and Statements of Interest
5 April 2003
Key Points
* Deadline for Completed Statements of Interest - 5 May 2003
* Target Date for Announcement of Selections - Early June, 2003
* NomCom website
* Send comments/questions to
* Send completed Statements of Interest to
* Send Recommendations to
* If you would like to receive NomCom announcements, please send an e-mail
with the text "subscribe nomcom.announce" to
A: Introduction
B: Permissions to Redistribute and Translate
C: Language Requirement
D: "Deadline" and Confidential Treatment of Recommendations and Statements
of Interest
E: Positions to be Filled by NomCom and Terms of Duty
F: Eligibility, Criteria, and Other Selection Factors
G: Current Composition of Board, GNSO Council, and ALAC
H: Review Process Summary
I: Target date for Announcement of NomCom Selections
J: Further Questions and Comments?
K: NomCom Disclaimer
L: How and Where to Submit Recommendations
M: How and Where to Submit Statements of Interest
A: Introduction
The ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) invites the participation of the
Internet community in a new process to select well-qualified, accomplished
men and women to serve in three sets of leadership positions in ICANN. NomCom
is looking for men and women who have demonstrated the maturity, experience,
knowledge and skills to handle the tasks and make the judgments involved in
fulfilling the roles of Board Directors, Generic Names Supporting
Organization (GNSO) Council Members and Interim At Large Advisory Committee
(ALAC) Members.
We invite both (1) Recommendations of persons to be considered and
(2) Statements of Interest from persons who wish to be considered for the
following positions: eight seats on the Board of Directors, three seats on
the GNSO, and five seats on the Interim ALAC. NomCom will use the criteria
and eligibility factors described below in Section F to make its selections.
The NomCom welcomes your active participation in this new nominating process
and will be grateful for the valuable input it hopes to receive.
If you would like to receive NomCom announcements, please send an e-mail with
the text "subscribe nomcom.announce" to .
NomCom and its Process
The objective of ICANN's new nominating committee process is to balance the
Supporting Organization-based and constituency-based selection of Directors
and individuals for other positions to ensure that ICANN can benefit from
participants of the highest integrity and capability who place the public
interest ahead of any particular interests, but who are nevertheless
knowledgeable about the environment in which ICANN operates.
NomCom seeks widespread participation, through submission of Recommendations
and Statements of Interest, to find the talent and experience needed for
these roles, to inform NomCom's decisions, and to generate the confidence
and respect of the community for those whom NomCom selects.
Central to the NomCom process are the Statements of Interest received from
individuals who agree to be considered for service in any of the above
positions. A Statement of Interest needs to be completed in full and received
by the NomCom no later than 5 May 2003 (see Section M: How and Where to Submit
Statements of Interest ). A person who has submitted the Statement of Interest
is considered a Candidate for selection by the NomCom. If the Statement of
Interest is missing required information, the individual will not be
considered a Candidate for selection by the NomCom.
In order to enhance the Candidate pool from which NomCom will make its
selection, Recommendations are encouraged. If you would like to recommend
someone for NomCom consideration, please see Section L: How, and Where to
Submit Recommendations.
NomCom members act only on behalf of the interests of the global Internet
community and within the scope of the ICANN Mission and the responsibilities
assigned to NomCom by the ICANN Bylaws.
NomCom operates independently from the ICANN Board, the Supporting
Organizations, and Advisory Committees. The functional and geographic
diversity of NomCom members enable and encourage it to select persons who
are not beholden to any particular interests and are capable of representing
the broader view of the Internet Community.
The Bylaws stipulate that the NomCom is responsible for the selection of all
ICANN Directors except the President and those selected by ICANN's Supporting
Organizations, and for such other selections as are set forth in the Bylaws.
[Article VII, Section 1 ]
NomCom selections are final; no further approval or ratification is needed.
ICANN Mission
The Mission of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
("ICANN") is to coordinate, at the overall level, the global Internet's
systems of unique identifiers, and in particular to ensure the stable and
secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems.
In particular, ICANN:
1. Coordinates the allocation and assignment of the three sets of unique
identifiers for the Internet, which are
a. Domain names (forming a system referred to as the "DNS");
b. Internet protocol ("IP") addresses and autonomous system ("AS")
c. Protocol port and parameter numbers.
2. Coordinates the operation and evolution of the DNS root name server
3. Coordinates policy development reasonably and appropriately related
to these technical functions.
B: Permissions to Redistribute and Translate
NomCom seeks your assistance in outreach and recruiting in this new
nominating process.
NomCom encourages redistribution of this Formal Call for Recommendations and
Statements of Interest provided it is transmitted in its entirety, without
any changes.
NomCom encourages translation of this Formal Call and grants permission to
distribute a translation provided that (1) any distributed translation
includes the full text of the Formal Call in English in its entirety and
without any changes and (2) a copy of the translation and the identity and
contact information for the translator are sent to NomCom at
C: Language Requirement
ICANN conducts its work in English, and those selected for the positions that
NomCom will fill must be able to work and communicate in written and spoken
All submissions of Recommendations and Statements of Interest should therefore
be submitted in English.
D. "Deadline" and Confidential Treatment of Recommendations and Statements of
Deadline for Full Consideration
NomCom requests your cooperation in meeting the challenge of completing its
work so that the New Board of ICANN can be seated at the close of the meeting
in Montreal on 22-26 June 2003. .
Early submission of Recommendations and Statements of Interest will be helpful.
NomCom reserves the right to consider Statements of Interest received after
5 May 2003, but makes no commitment to do so.
The term "Candidate" will be reserved for those individuals who agree to be
considered by the NomCom for whom all required information in the Statement
of Interest has been received.
The term "Nominee" is reserved to refer to a Candidate selected by NomCom for
a position it is charged to fill. NomCom selections are final, no further
approval or ratification is needed.
Confidential Treatment of Recommendations and Statements of Interest
To ensure open and frank communication with the NomCom, we have paid
particular attention in our procedures to safeguarding confidentiality.
Specifically, under our procedures all NomCom members will safeguard all
internal NomCom communications and treat them as strictly private,
confidential, and for the use of immediate committee members and NomCom
staff only, without exception.
NomCom members will not disclose outside of the committee the identities of
Candidates under consideration by the NomCom, nor any discussions about them,
unless both the Candidate and the NomCom as a whole have given explicit
authorization to disclose the information.
Note that because NomCom will need to check references and consult selected
third-party sources on a confidential basis before making its final selections,
those wishing to be considered as Candidates are required to confirm this
understanding of the confidentiality arrangements when they submit a Statement
of Interest. NomCom also reserves the right to disclose the identities of
those who submit Recommendations when it is necessary to do so in the course
of the review process.
When NomCom has completed its selection of Nominees for the positions it is
charged to fill, NomCom will, of course, publish the identities of the
Statistical information, without identifying information, may be published.
For example, information about the size and nature of the Candidate pool.
See Section K: NomCom Disclaimer for more details.
E: Positions to Be Filled by Nomcom and Terms of Duty
In early June 2003, the NomCom expects to make its final selection for
individuals to serve the 19 Terms of Duty that are associated with the
following 16 positions:
8 seats on the ICANN Board of Directors,
5 seats on the Interim ALAC (At-Large Advisory Committee), and
3 seats on the GNSO (Generic Names Supporting Organization) Council.
Associated with the above 16 seats, are 19 Terms of Duty (see below).
Note that the start of the terms of duty for these positions is when the New
Board is seated. [Article XX, Section 2 (4)
] We expect the New Board to be
seated at the close of the ICANN meeting in Montreal, 26 June 2003. This
expected date is used in the tables below, but may be subject to change.
Note that ICANN's Annual Meeting is required by the Bylaws to be in the fourth
quarter of the year, i.e., some time during the period 1 October-31 December.
[Bylaws Article VI, Section 13 ]
POSITION: ICANN Board of Directors
Number of Seats: 8
Number of Terms of Duty: 11
No. of
Terms Start of Term of Duty End of Term of Duty
3 26 June 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2003
3 26 June 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2004
2 26 June 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2005
3 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2006
[Note: Three of the ICANN Board Seats have two terms of duty: One term
commences on the 26th June 2003 and lasts till the conclusion of the Annual
Meeting in 2003. The second term commences at the conclusion of the Annual
Meeting in 2003 and lasts until the conclusion of the Annual Meeting in 2006.]
POSITION: Interim At-Large Advisory Committee
Number of Seats: 5
Number of Terms of Duty: 5
No. of
Terms Start of Term of Duty End of Term of Duty
2 26 June 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2004
3 26 June 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2005
POSITION: Generic Names Supporting Organization Council
Number of Seats: 5
Number of Terms of Duty: 5
No. of
Terms Start of Term of Duty End of Term of Duty
2 26 June 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2004
3 26 June 2003 Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2005
F: Eligibility, Criteria, and Other Selection Factors
In selecting Nominees of the highest integrity and capability, the NomCom will
apply the criteria for selection and terms of eligibility, defined in the
applicable ICANN Bylaws, to identify a pool of qualified Candidates. To select
from this pool of qualified Candidates, NomCom will take into account
additional considerations, related to the roles to be filled, that it finds
important as progress in the selection process is made.
By doing so, the NomCom seeks to ensure that ICANN can benefit from those who
place the public interest ahead of any particular special interests, but who
are nevertheless knowledgeable about the environment in which ICANN operates.
In doing so, the NomCom also implements ICANN's Core Values to seek and
support broad, informed participation reflecting the functional, geographic,
and cultural diversity of the Internet at all levels of policy development
and decision-making.
Roles of the Positions to Be Filled
NomCom will be selecting its Nominees with careful consideration of the roles
they fill:
ICANN's Directors, as a group, are responsible for exercising the powers of
ICANN, controling its property, and conducting or directing its business and
affairs, except as otherwise provided in the ICANN Articles of Incorporation
or Bylaws. Directors serve as individuals who have the duty to act in what
they reasonably believe are the best interests of ICANN and not as
representatives of the entity that selected them, their employers, or any
other organizations or constituencies. [Bylaws Article II, section 1
and Article VI, Section 7
The GNSO Council is responsible for managing the policy development process
of the GNSO. [Bylaws Article X, Section 3(4)
The Interim ALAC is to consider and provide advice on the activities of
ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual users. [Bylaws
Article XI, Section 2(4) ]
Criteria for Selection for ICANN Directors, GNSO Council Members, and Interim
ALAC Members
NomCom will use for all of these positions the criteria in the Bylaws for
selection of ICANN Directors. See below. NomCom may use some additional
considerations for the GNSO Council and Interim ALAC positions to support
the specific roles of these entities.
Criteria for Selection of ICANN Directors
"ICANN Directors shall be:
1. Accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence, with
reputations for sound judgement and open minds, and a demonstrated capacity
for thoughtful group decision-making;
2. Persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the potential impact
of ICANN decisions on the global Internet community, and committed to the
success of ICANN;
3. Persons who will produce the broadest cultural and geographic diversity
on the Board consistent with meeting the other criteria set forth in this
4. Persons who, in the aggregate, have personal familiarity with the operation
of gTLD registries and registrars; with ccTLD registries; with IP address
registries; with Internet technical standards and protocols; with policy-
development procedures, legal traditions, and the public interest; and with
the broad range of business, individual, academic, and non-commercial users
of the Internet;
5. Persons who are willing to serve as volunteers, without compensation other
than the reimbursement of certain expenses; and
6. Persons who are able to work and communicate in written and spoken English."
[Article VI, Sec. 3 ]
Eligibility Factors
1. Eligibility for Selection to any of the Positions NomCom Fills
No person who serves on the NomCom in any capacity is eligible for selection
by any means to any position on the Board or any other ICANN body having one
or more membership positions that the Nominating Committee is responsible for
filling, until the conclusion of an ICANN annual meeting that coincides with,
or is after, the conclusion of that person's service on the Nominating
Committee. [Bylaws Article VII, Section 8,
2. Eligibility Factors for ICANN Directors
a. NomCom shall seek to ensure that the ICANN Board is composed of members
who in the aggregate display diversity in geography, culture, skills,
experience, and perspective, by applying the criteria set forth above in
this document. [Article VI, Section 2(2)
b. At no time shall the NomCom select a Director to fill any vacancy or
expired term whose selection would cause the total number of Directors
(not including the President) who are citizens of countries in any one
Geographic Region to exceed five; and the NomCom shall ensure through its
selections that at all times the Board includes at least one Director who
is a citizen of a country in each ICANN Geographic Region. [Bylaws
Article VI, Section 2(2) ]
c. No official of a national government or a multinational entity established
by treaty or other agreement between national governments may serve as a
Director. [Bylaws Article VI, Section 4
d. No person who serves in any capacity (including as a liaison) on any
Supporting Organization Council shall simultaneously serve as a Director
or liaison to the Board. Details on this restriction are explained in the
Bylaws Article VI, Section 4. []
e. All the past ICANN Directors except Pindar Wong, and all current Directors
except Linda Wilson are eligible for selection in 2003, since none of them
has exceeded the three term limit as defined in the Bylaws. Wong and Wilson
are ineligible in 2003 by reason of their service on the NomCom. [Bylaws
Article VI, Section 8(5) ,
Article VII, Section 8 , and
Article XX, Section 2(8) ]
3. Eligibility Factors for GNSO Council Members
No more than one officer, director, or employee of any particular corporation
or other organization (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) shall serve
on the GNSO Council at any given time. [Bylaws Article X, Section 3(5)
4. Eligibility Factors for Interim ALAC Members
The five members of ALAC selected by the NomCom shall include one citizen of a
country within each of the five Geographic Regions (Europe;
Asia/Australia/Pacific; Latin America/Caribbean Islands; Africa; and North
America) established according to Bylaws Article VI, Section 5. [Bylaws
Article XI, Section 2(4)(b) ]
Additional Considerations for GNSO and ALAC Positions
The criteria for selection of the GNSO Council and At Large Advisory Committee
members are less specifically defined in the Bylaws, but the NomCom notes the
"Legislative History" behind the decision for NomCom to select some individuals
to the above committees. [ICANN: A Blueprint for Reform, Section 3 (20 June
and Final Implementation Report and Recommendations, Section 3(C) (2 October
NomCom is looking for men and women who have demonstrated the maturity,
experience, knowledge and skills to handle the tasks and make the judgments
involved in fulfilling the roles of Board Directors, GNSO Council Members and
ALAC Members.
1. Additional Considerations for the GNSO Council Positions
For the GNSO Council positions, specific experience related to the scope of
GNSO's work with the Domain Name System would be advantageous, whereas
Country-Code TLD (ccTLD) and Regional Internet Registry (RIR) familiarity would
be less important for these positions.
2. Additional Considerations for the Interim ALAC Positions
For the ALAC positions, experience and skills that bear on gathering,
understanding, and communicating the interests of individual users would be
advantageous. Perspectives not otherwise reflected in the existing ALAC
membership would be advantageous. NomCom's selections for ALAC are intended
to diversify the skill and experience sets of the ALAC, including in such
areas as group decision-making. Over time these NomCom selections present an
opportunity to connect with the interests of individual users from all
G: Current Composition of Board, GNSO Council, and ALAC
The current ICANN Board is comprised of 18 members:
Mouhamet Diop
Nii Quaynor
Masanobu Katoh
Sang-Hyon Kyong
Jun Murai
Paul Twomey (President and CEO)
Amadeu Abril i Abril
Hans Kraaijenbrink
Andy Mueller-Maguhn
Helmut Schink
Francisco A. Jesus Silva
Latin America/Caribbean:
Alejandro Pisanty (Vice-Chairman)
Ivan Moura Campos
North America:
Karl Auerbach
Vinton G. Cerf (Chairman)
Lyman Chapin
Jonathan Cohen
Linda S. Wilson
Biographical information on the current Board members is presented on the
ICANN website
When the New Board is seated, the members of the New ICANN Board selected
by the Board or Supporting Organizations and identified to date will be:
Mouhamet Diop (from the Address Supporting Organization)
Paul Twomey (President and CEO)
None yet selected
Latin America/Caribbean:
None yet selected
North America:
Lyman Chapin (from the Address Supporting Organisation)
John Klensin (Internet Architecture Board Liaison)
The current GNSO Council is comprised of these members:
None yet selected
Jordyn Buchanan (New Zealand)
Eung Hwi Chun (South Korea)
Grant Forsyth (New Zealand)
Ellen Shankman (Israel)
Bruce Tonkin (Australia)
Laurence Djolakian (France)
Tony Holmes (United Kingdom)
Cary Karp (Sweden)
Thomas Keller (Germany)
Philip Sheppard (United Kingdom)
Latin America/Caribbean:
Antonio Harris (Argentina)
Gabriel Piņeiro (Argentina)
North America:
Marilyn Cade (United States)
Milton Mueller (United States)
Jeff Neuman (United States)
Greg Ruth (United States)
Lynda Roesch (United States)
Ken Stubbs (United States)
Here is the current composition of the Interim ALAC:
Pierre Dandjinou (Benin)
Clement Dzidonu (Ghana)
Izumi Aizu (Japan)
Xue Hong (China)
Vittorio Bertola (Italy)
Thomas Roessler (Germany)
Latin America/Caribbean:
Erick Iriarte Ahon (Peru)
Sebastian J. Ricciardi (Argentina)
North America:
Esther Dyson (United States)
Wendy Seltzer (United States)
H: Review Process Summary
For full consideration to be given to a Candidate, a completed Statement of
Interest must be received by NomCom no later than 5 May 2003.
NomCom will begin its review of Candidate information contained in the
completed Statement of Interest as soon as it is received and confirmed to
have all required information.
NomCom reserves the right to consider Statements of Interest received after
5 May, but makes no commitment to do so.
The NomCom will evaluate Candidates in a fair and consistent manner,
considering the Statement of Interest, references, interviews, consultations,
and third-party information sources. While doing so, it will adhere to its
Code of Ethics, which includes procedures regarding Confidentiality and
Conflict of Interest.
NomCom will need to carry out due diligence regarding candidates it wishes
to consider in the final round of review. For this purpose NomCom will
arrange, with consent of these candidates, to conduct confidential references
and credential verification and consult with others, not named by the
Candidate, on a confidential basis.
It should be noted that this Nominating Committee process differs from an
election, although the goal is the same: to elicit the Internet community's
participation in a thoughtful process leading to the selection of very well-
qualified individuals to fulfill the specific roles of their positions.
In this Nominating Committee process:
Members of the Internet community will have the opportunity to recommend men
and women for the positions to be filled; members of the Internet community
will have the opportunity to volunteer to be considered for the positions to
be filled; those who submit a completed Statement of Interest ("Candidates")
will have the opportunity to provide NomCom with evidence of their
suitability for the positions; careful due diligence will be undertaken
about the Candidates' qualifications and reputations; the Internet community
will have a mechanism to submit comments to the NomCom about the process; and
a set of frequently asked questions with their answers will be posted on the
NomCom website as the recruitment and evaluation process progresses.
Note that Endorsements by organizations or groups and lists of signatories
are not appropriate for this Nominating Committee process, and they will not
be influential in NomCom's selections since popularity is not one of the
criteria being used.
The Bylaws stipulate that the NomCom is responsible for the selection of all
ICANN Directors except the President and those selected by ICANN's Supporting
Organizations, and for such other selections as are set forth in the Bylaws.
[Article VII, Section 1 ].
NomCom selections are final; no further approval or ratification is needed.
I: Target Date for Announcement of NomCom Selections
NomCom expects to announce its final Nominees in early June 2003.
Statistical information, without identifying information may be published. For
example, information about the size and nature of the candidate pool.
J: Further Questions and Comments?
Should you have any questions or comments, please send them via e-mail to
. Answers to frequently asked questions will be
summarized, without attribution, and communicated via the FAQ Section on the
NomCom website : the primary source
of information regarding the work and progress of the NomCom.
For example, the time commitment expected for each of the positions to be
filled will be explained in the FAQ Section of the NomCom website.
K: NomCom Disclaimer
The NomCom's procedures for Confidential Treatment of Recommendations and
Statements of Interest call for confidential treatment of the identities of
Candidates and the NomCom's discussions about the Candidates. In performing
its function, however, the NomCom will consult Candidates' references and do
third-party reference checks on a confidential basis. Once selections are
made, the NomCom will make the identities of the selected Candidates public.
Although NomCom will take reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality
procedures are followed, confidentiality cannot be assured and Candidates
shall have no claims against ICANN, the NomCom, or affiliated persons in the
event information is disclosed despite these procedures.
By submitting a Statement of Interest, each Candidate authorizes the NomCom
to consult with the Candidate's references and do third-party reference
checks. Each Candidate also agrees that he or she is not entitled to review
or access any of the information received, generated, or considered by the
NomCom regarding any Candidate, or any of the NomCom's discussions or
deliberations regarding any Candidate. Each Candidate acknowledges that he or
she has no right to challenge or seek review of the NomCom's selections.
L: How and Where to Submit Recommendations
To enhance the Candidate pool from which NomCom will select Nominees, we
encourage you to submit recommendations of individuals who should be invited
to complete the Statement of Interest.
We also ask you to inform those whom you recommend that you have submitted
their names to NomCom. If your recommendee(s) agrees to be considered by the
NomCom, please encourage them to complete the Statement of Interest, in full,
and return it to NomCom as soon as possible.
NomCom will only consider and select those individuals who have completed the
Statement of Interest.
For full consideration, Statements of Interest must be received by NomCom no
later than 5 May 2003.
A recommendation is not a requirement for consideration by the NomCom.
Note also that Endorsements by organizations or groups and lists of signatories
are not appropriate for this Nominating Committee process, and they will not be
influential in NomCom's selections since popularity is not one of the criteria
being used.
NomCom will only consider electronic submissions via e-mail.
To submit a Recommendation please send an e-mail to
that includes the following information:
(a) Name of Recommendee
(b) Recommendee's e-mail address
(c) Your name
(d) Your e-mail address
(In your Recommendation, please be sure to identify which name is that of the
Recommendee and which is your own name.)
NomCom reserves the right to disclose the names of those who submit
recommendations when it is necessary to do so in the course of the review
NomCom will acknowledge your recommendation and submit to you and your
recommendee(s) the Statement of Interest Form and Instructions.
M: How and Where to Submit Statements of Interest
To submit a Statement of Interest, any individual who wishes to be considered
for selection by the NomCom must complete an ICANN NOMINATING COMMITTEE
STATEMENT OF INTEREST (see below), in full, and return it to the NomCom.
For Full Consideration by the NomCom, the Statement of Interest must be
received by the NomCom no later than 5 May 2003.
NomCom will contact by e-mail all those for whom it receives Recommendations
to request their submission of a Statement of Interest (see below), but NomCom
will only consider and select individuals who have submitted a completed
Statement of Interest.
A recommendation is not a requirement for consideration by the NomCom.
Note also that Endorsements by organizations or groups and lists of signatories
are not appropriate for this Nominating Committee process, and they will not be
influential in NomCom's selections since popularity is not one of the criteria
being used.
If you would like to be considered as a Candidate for one or more of the
positions NomCom will fill, please submit the ICANN NOMINATING COMMITTEE
NomCom will only consider electronic submissions via e-mail.
NomCom requests that you submit your Statement of Interest as soon as possible
so that NomCom can follow up with your references or with you if it has any
For full consideration of your Statement of Interest please:
a. complete in full the Statement of Interest below, using English and plain
text, and without the use of additional attachments;
b. provide your responses to the Statement of Interest items in order,
immediately after the item;
c. make your response sufficient to stand alone without reliance on linked
d. understand that the NomCom may not be able to review material that you
reference by URL links in your response;
e. provide the meaning of any acronyms used to reference an organization or
activity, and state the purpose of the organization or activity;
f. limit your responses to less than 3,500 words (in total) and focus your
responses carefully in terms of the nature of the position(s)
for which you wish to be considered to give the NomCom a clear picture of
your candidacy;
g. send the completed Statement of Interest via e-mail to
ICANN Nominating Committee
Statement of Interest
If you agree to be considered for selection by the ICANN Nominating Committee
(NomCom) please complete this Statement of Interest.
If any required item is missing information, the Statement of Interest will
be considered incomplete and you will not be considered a Candidate for
selection by the NomCom.
Therefore, please ensure that you complete all of the required items (a-o)
below. Item p is optional.
Please complete this form in English and limit your response to less than
3,500 words.
Once your Statement of Interest is complete, please e-mail it to
NomCom will only consider electronic submissions via e-mail.
Use of plain text is highly encouraged. There should be no additional
attachments to this Statement of Interest (e.g., do not attach any Resume/CV).
Please provide the meaning of any acronyms used to reference an organization
or activity, and state the purpose of the organization or activity.
5 May 2003 is the deadline for your submission to be received by NomCom for
full consideration.
======== BEGIN
Required (a) Your name (first name, family name)
[Insert your name here.]
Required (b) Your e-mail address
[Insert your e-mail address here.]
Required (c) Your telephone number
[Insert your telephone number here; please include country and city/area
Required (d) Your country of citizenship
[Insert your country of citizenship here. If dual citizenship, please
state both.]
Required (e) Your country of residence
[Insert your country of residence.]
Required (f) Position(s) for which you would like to be considered.
(Mark all that apply.)
___ICANN Board ___GNSO Council ___ Interim ALAC
Required (g) Current role and accomplishments in the Internet community
[Please tell us about your previous/current roles in the Internet
Required (h) Current and past 'professional' positions/roles/accomplishments
[Please tell us about your experience profile.]
Required (i) Current and past 'volunteer' positions/roles/accomplishments
[What other volunteer positions/accomplishments would you like to tell us
about because of their bearing on your Candidacy?]
Required (j) Statement about what you would contribute to ICANN and its
[Please state clearly how you see yourself contributing to ICANN and its
Required (k) Statement about how you meet the criteria for the position(s)
(See Section F in the Formal Call for eligibility, criteria and other
selection factors)
[Insert your answer here.]
Required (l) A list of two or three persons whom NomCom may contact about
your candidacy, giving their names, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers,
professional positions, and a brief description of your relationship with
[Insert your references and the requested information about them here.]
Required (m) If selected to serve, are you willing to serve:
(Mark all that apply.)
___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2003.
___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2004.
___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2005.
___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2006.
[See the Formal Call Section E: Positions to be filled and their associated
Terms of Duty. The terms vary in length due to the transition to the new
ICANN Structure.]
Required (n) Under the NomCom's procedures, your candidacy will be treated
by NomCom as confidential unless you give NomCom your permission to
disclose it or unless NomCom is consulting your references and doing
third-party reference checks from selected sources on a confidential basis.
Once selections are made, the NomCom will make the identities of the
selected Candidates public. Although NomCom will take reasonable steps to
ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed, Candidates shall
have no claims against ICANN, the NomCom, or affiliated persons in the event
information is disclosed despite these procedures.
You also authorize the NomCom to consult with your references and do third-
party reference checks. You will not be entitled to review or access any of
the information received, generated, or considered by the NomCom regarding
any Candidate, or any of the NomCom's discussions or deliberations regarding
any Candidate. Candidates have no right to challenge or seek review of the
NomCom's selections.
Please confirm your understanding and agreement with these arrangements by
marking the box below:
_____Yes, I agree to be a Candidate under these confidentiality and other
Optional (o) Is there any additional information you would like to submit
that would be helpful to NomCom in making its decision? If so, please
summarize it here.
[Insert your answer here.]
======== END
NomCom values your interest in being a candidate for the positions it is
charged to fill. We expect and rely on your integrity in presenting your
qualifications and experience. We appreciate your effort in completing this
Statement of Interest.