Statement of Interest ICANN Nominating Committee 2006
Any individual who wishes to be considered for selection by the Nominating
Committee (NomCom) will need to complete an ICANN Nominating Committee Statement
of Interest (see below), in full, and return it to the NomCom. Due to technical
considerations, NomCom can only consider electronic submissions via e-mail.
To be considered by the NomCom, the Statement of Interest must be received by
the NomCom no later than 1 August 2006 (23:59 GMT). Send your completed Statement
of Interest, in plain text, to
It is in your best interest to submit your Statement of Interest as soon as
possible so that NomCom can follow up with your references or with you if it has
any questions.
The NomCom's procedures call for confidential treatment of the identities of
Candidates and the NomCom's discussions about the Candidates. In performing its
function, however, the NomCom will consult Candidates' references and may
conduct third-party reference checks on a confidential basis. In addition, due
diligence of Selected Nominees will be undertaken by a professional company
experienced in such work. Once selections are made, the NomCom will make only
the identities of the Selected Nominees public.
Although NomCom has adopted a strong technical and security policy to deal with
information concerning the Candidates (see NomCom Procedures), and will take
reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed,
confidentiality cannot be fully assured and Candidates and Selected Nominees
shall have no claims against ICANN, the NomCom, or affiliated persons in the
event information is disclosed despite these procedures.
The Statement of Interest will ask you for various authorisations and consent.
The NomCom relies heavily on the information you provide in this statement of
interest, and the information given by the people you ask to be your references.
We are unlikely to contact you again for more information, although in some
cases we may ask for clarification. While some members of the NomCom may know
you, the primary sources of information about you and your qualifications for
appointment are your statement and the references you provide.
Be thoughtful in the information you provide to help the NomCom learn as much
about you as possible. Choose your references carefully so they provide a broad
view of your experiences and abilities. Be sure to ask the people you select as
references before submitting their names to the NomCom; they should know they
have been asked to provide a reference and its purpose and you should be
confident they will do so.
Please read the "Leadership Positions", "ICANN Conflicts of Interest Policy" and
"Nominating Committee Procedures" documents carefully before completing this
Statement of Interest. These can all be found linked from the committee's
webpage .
To help you answer the questions we have provided a Notes sheet at the end of
this document. Please refer to the Notes whenever the form tells you to.
The nominating committee will begin accepting statements of interest on 18
April, 2006. All statements of interest should be returned by 1 August 2006
(23:59 GMT). Selected nominees will be announced before one month before the
annual general meeting to be held in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Candidates who are not
appointed will also be advised of the decision in approximately this same time
The time between 1 August 2006 (23:59 GMT) and the announcement of Selected
Nominees will be used to collect references, to evaluate these, and conduct any
due diligence (see question D.1 below.) If your circumstances change during this
period please write to the nominating committee at the following email address
explaining these changes .
Terms for all positions begin at the end of the 2006 ICANN annual general
meeting to be held in Sao Paolo, 2-8 December 2006. Selected nominees will be
invited to attend this meeting.
For full consideration of your statement of interest please :
- complete in full the statement of interest below, answering all questions
(question D.3. is optional) using English, and without the use of additional
- provide your responses to the statement of interest categories in order,
immediately following the heading for that category;
- make your response sufficient to stand alone without reliance on linked
- provide the meaning of any acronyms used to reference an organization or
activity, and state the purpose of the organization or activity;
- limit your responses to less than 3,500 words (in total) and focus your
responses carefully in terms of the nature of the position(s) for which you
wish to be considered to give the NomCom a clear picture of your candidacy;
- understand that the NomCom does not commit to review material that you
reference by URL links in your response: your SOI should be self-contained.
To receive full consideration statements should be received before 1 August 2006
(23:59 GMT). The selection of selected nominees will be announced before 31
October 2006.
You must answer all questions below, except question D.3 which is optional.
Statement of Interest Form, 2006
Please complete in plain text, do not use formatted text (no bold, underline,
italic, colour, etc. URLs may be helpful, but understand that for reasons beyond
nominating committee's control we may not be able to view linked material.) Send
the completed form by email to
SECTION A. Identifying and Contact Information.
Please refer to Note 1.
(A.1) Your name: first name, FAMILY NAME (in capital letters)
(A.2) Male/Female?
(A.3) Your e-mail address
(A.4) Your telephone number(s)
(please include country and city/area codes and indicate your preferred contact
(A.5) Your country of citizenship
(If multiple citizenships please state all.)
(A.6) Your country of residence
(A.7) Provide details of your current job, title, employer or affiliation
Please refer to Note 2.
(A.8) Describe your educational background and past professional positions
Please refer to Note 3
SECTION B. Background and Interests.
Please refer to Note 4.
This section asks questions we hope will tell us about your candidacy, how your
experience makes you suitable for the position(s) you would like to be
considered for, the qualities you will bring to ICANN and how you will help
ICANN over the coming years.
(B.1) Position(s) for which you would like to be considered.
If you would like to be considered for more than one position, please state so,
categorizing each position with numbers, in your order of priority (i.e., 1 is
your highest priority)
ICANN Board ___
GNSO Council ___
ccNSO Council ___
Interim ALAC ___
Please refer to Note 5.
(B.2) Describe how you meet the criteria for each of the positions you are
applying for.
Please refer to Note 6.
(B.3) Describe any current and past involvement in, contributions to, and
leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development and
operation of the Internet's naming and addressing infrastructure.
Please refer to Note 7.
(B.4) Describe any current and past volunteer positions, roles and
(B.5) Provide a statement about what you would contribute to ICANN and its
Please refer to Note 8.
SECTION C. References and Related Information.
This section asks for additional information about your candidacy, the names of
people you would like to provide references, and information indicating you
agree to due diligence and other checks ICANN may carry out.
(C.1) Conflicts of interest with ICANN. Please indicate clearly if you have any
areas of potential conflicts with ICANN.
Actual and potential conflicts of interest will not be disqualifying.
Please refer to Note 9.
(C.2) All positions are voluntary and require a significant commitment of time
and energy. Is your schedule of activities compatible with a significant
allocation of time to contribute to the positions that you are looking for?
Board / GNSO / ccNSO / ALAC
Please refer to the description of the commitment required in the "Leadership
Positions" document.
Please indicate Yes or No:
[ ] Y [ ] N
(C.3) Please provide the names of no less than 3 and no more than 4 people who
can provide a reference for your candidacy. Please provide the person's name,
e-mail address, telephone number, professional position, and a brief description
of your relationship with them.
Please refer to Note 10.
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
Reference 3:
Reference 4:
NomCom will send a copy of your SOI to each of the people you name as a
SECTION D. Consent and Authorisation.
(D.1) Under the nominating committee's procedures, your candidacy will be
treated as confidential unless you give the nominating committee your permission
to disclose it or unless the nominating committee is consulting your references
and conducting third-party reference checks from selected sources on a
confidential basis. These third party checks are required as part of a due
diligence process necessary before we can accept candidates for leadership
positions in ICANN. Due diligence will be conducted by professional companies
experienced in such work (i.e. executive recruitment and other human resources
Once selections are made, the nominating committee will make the identities of
only the Selected Nominees public. Although the nominating committee will take
reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed,
Candidates and Selected Nominees shall have no claims against ICANN, the
nominating committee, or affiliated persons in the event information is
disclosed despite these procedures.
You also authorize the nominating committee to consult with your references and
conduct third-party reference checks. You will not be entitled to review or
access any of the information received, generated, or considered by the
nominating committee regarding any Candidate or Selected Nominee, or any of the
nominating committee's discussions or deliberations regarding any Candidate or
Selected Nominees. Candidates and Selected Nominees have no right to challenge
or seek review of the nominating committee's selections.
Please indicate that you understand this statement and agree to it. Indicate Yes
or No:
[ ] YES [ ] NO
(D.2) From time to time, due to a change in employment or other circumstances, a
mid-term vacancy may occur in previously NomCom appointed leadership positions.
If a vacancy is for more than three months in length, the Chair of the next
NomCom may be asked to fill the vacancy.
If you are NOT selected for any of the preferences indicated in (B.1.) above
this year, would you permit the Chair of this year's NomCom to retain your name
(based on the same preferences) and transfer your statement of interest to the
Chair of the 2007 NomCom for possible consideration in the event that a mid-year
vacancy occurs in 2007?
This is only in the event that a mid-term vacancy occurs and does not mean you
will be included in the pool of candidates for regular term positions next year
Žâ€“ you would need to apply again. Please indicate Yes or No:
[ ] YES [ ] NO
If your Answer to the above is YES, please indicate whether the same preferences
indicated by you in (B.1) above would be applicable or whether you would have
any ONE specific interests? Please state clearly your specific interest.
Please confirm your understanding of and agreement with the above conditions by
marking the box below:
_____Yes, I agree to be a Candidate under these confidentiality arrangements and
other terms outlined herein, listed in full in the Formal Call for Statements of
Interest and Suggestions for Candidates at
(D.3) Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be
helpful to nominating committee in making its decision? If so, please summarize
it here:
If you have a personal web page, you may wish to provide a link to it here:
The nominating committee values your interest in being a candidate for the
positions it is charged to fill. We expect and rely on your integrity in
presenting your qualifications and experience. We appreciate your effort in
completing this Statement of Interest.
NOTE Form: Statement of Interest ICANN Nominating Committee 2006
Please use these Notes to help you answer the questions in the statement of
Interest. You should read these notes carefully before answering.
NOTE 1. Section A. Identifying Information.
Section A asks for information about your personal background, the type of
information typically provided in a CV or resume, however, please do not attach
your CV to this statement.
NOTE 2. Information about employment.
Please provide your current job title and name of your employer. If
self-employed mention your area of work. Briefly, in not more than 75 words,
describe your current job and your duties.
NOTE 3. Education and professional background.
The nominating committee does not need to see an exhaustive list of education
and work experience. Summarize your educational background, such as degrees
achieved and the university(s) where you studied, and three most recent places
of employment and positions held.
NOTE 4. Section B. Background and Interests.
The purpose of the questions in Section B is to help us understand the skills
and experience you would bring to ICANN, and how you meet the criteria for the
leadership positions the nominating committee will fill. Please refer to the
"About Positions" document for details of these criteria. The nominating
committee needs to understand why you are the right person for the position(s)
you wish to apply for.
Please be bold in telling the committee about yourself and your ideas.
If you are a citizen of, or resident in, multiple countries please provide us
with additional details and where relevant refer to this aspect in your answers
to Section B, Background and Interests.
Note 5. Interim ALAC vacancies
Interim ALAC vacancies in 2006 are only for citizens of countries from European
and North American regions, see
for a description of
ICANN's geographic regions. If you are not from one of these regions, please do
not apply for an ALAC position this year, but do check for vacancies next year.
NOTE 6. Satisfying eligibility and other selection criteria.
See "Leadership Positions" document for eligibility criteria and other selection
factors. Describe how your work and other experience helps you meet the criteria
for the position(s) you are applying for. You may wish to describe how your work
experience is relevant to your candidacy.
NOTE 7. Familiarity with the Internet's naming and addressing infrastructure and
other Internet technical functions coordinated by ICANN.
The nominating committee would like to know about your familiarity with the
Internet's naming and addressing infrastructure, then domain name system and
other Internet technical functions coordinated by ICANN, both in technical and
policy matters. Please describe any involvement with the operation of ccTLD,
gTLD registries or registrars, IP address registries, or relevant DNS technical
or policy development process, including Internet technical protocols and
standards. Your answer should include details of any involvement with ICANN, its
policy development processes including its creation and evolution, supporting
organizations and councils. Your answer may overlap with your response to
question B.2.
NOTE 8. Contribution to ICANN and its mission.
Please state clearly how you see yourself contributing to ICANN and its mission.
Please highlight your personal skills and experience that would be beneficial to
the organization. You should mention specific past or current contributions in
fields such as international relations, technical leadership, managerial skills,
languages, etc., as well as goals for your contribution in the desired position.
NOTE 9. Conflicts of Interest.
Please refer to the ICANN Conflicts of Interest policy
. This document is
aimed at conflicts for ICANN Directors and Officers, but should provide guidance
for all ICANN leadership positions. If you have had any relationship with an
ICANN accredited registry or registrar (other than registering a domain name) or
any organization that has been in dispute with ICANN, please describe that
relationship here. Conflicts of interest will not be disqualifying, we
anticipate many experienced people may have such relationships.
NOTE 10. Selecting references.
You must ask the people you select as references for their agreement to do so
before submitting their names to the nominating committee. They should know they
will be asked by the NomCom to provide a reference and understand its purpose.
Provide them with your statement of interest (this completed form) so that they
can respond knowledgeably to our request for information. We recommend that you
choose your references carefully so the NomCom has a broad view of your
experiences and abilities.
- Current nominating committee members must not be included as references.
- Current ICANN staff must not be included as references.
The nominating committee will not consult as a reference anyone who is also a
candidate under consideration, but because of our confidentiality commitment,
nominating committee will be unable to advise candidates about another person's
presence in the candidate pool. We will ensure that your candidacy is not harmed
should this occur.