The Internet Corporation for Asssigned
Names and Munbers
Contributors to ICANN are encouraged to
help defray the costs of starting up the organization and making
the transition to full operartional status. Funds received during
the startup period were used for expenses such as formatin of
supporting organizations, Board and public meetings, drafting
and public review of accreditation guidelines, and general business
In the current fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1999, ICANN
activities will continue to be primarily focused on its traditional
activities as set forth in the U.S. Government's White Paper
and Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN. These include:
- completion of ICANN organizational arrangements, such as
the seating of the permanent members of the Board of Directors
and recruiting of a permanent President and Chief Executive Officer.
- completion of contractual arrangements with registry-administrators
- continuing accreditation of registrars for the .com, .net
and .org domains
- study, recommendations, public comment and implementation
of policy decisions concerning domain names, trademarks and related
provisions of the WIPO study
- study, recommendations, public comment and implementation
of policy decisions concerning expansion of the Top Level Domain
(TLD) name space
- study, recommendations, public comment and implementation
of updatedd arrangements for Internet root servers
- review and adoption, after public comment and possible revision,
of recommendations received from ICANN Supporting Organizations
and Advisory Committees
ICANN is incorporated as a tax-exempt organization, but it
has not yet received a determination from the United States Internal
Revenue Service that contributions to ICANN are tax-deductible
under American tax laws. Donors in and outside the United States
should consult with their own tax advisors with regard to tax-deductibility.
Contributions will be publicly acknowledged on the ICANN website.
Please send them to:
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Organizations wishing to make contributions by wire transfer
of funds may do so by directing them as follows:
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
c/o Bank Of America Branch 09141 Ð Account 04900
Routing Indicator 121000358
4754 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey CA 90292 USA
Telephone +1.310.247.2080
IMPORTANT. In order to ensure accurate receipt, all wire transfers
should be accompanied by an email notice to ICANN addressed to
Thank you for your generosity! Please note that your contribution
entitles you to nothing other than acknowledgement... and the
satisfaction of supporting a vital public resource.
Questions concerning the layout, construction
and functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 20-August-99.
(c) 1998 The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers All rights reserved.