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Public Interest Registry


NCC Group
Freedom Registry




New TLD Applicant Group (NTAG)

10 April 2013 - 09:00 - 11:00
Function 8AB

Session Leader: Glen de Saint Géry | Secretariat Services and Operations Manager, GNSO

Remote Participation - Low Bandwidth
Remote Participation - High Bandwidth

This is an open session and the public is welcome to attend.

This session provides NTAG members, and New gTLD Applicants wishing to become an NTAG member, the opportunity to discuss the current status of the New gTLD Program and any outstanding issues. Among themselves and with ICANN staff about the current status and any open issues related to the New gTLD program.

The NTAG is an Interest Group of the Registries Stakeholder Group, and therefore a recognized entity within the GNSO. The primary role of the NTAG is to represent the interests of entities that applied for a New gTLD(s) in ICANN’s 2012 gTLD round. The NTAG represents the views of its diverse members to the ICANN Community as a whole, the GNSO Council, other SO's, AC's, the ICANN Board of Directors, and other influential bodies.

The NTAG is open to all new gTLD applicants and is currently comprised of 100 members, representing 992 applications. NTAG members include applicants for IDN, Geographic, Brand, Community, and other applicants. The guiding principles for the NTAG are fairness, openness, and transparency in all NTAG policies, practices, and operations. With these guiding principles in mind, the NTAG provides outreach to all new gTLD applicants to educate them on the NTAG's existence and to encourage participation -- an essential function of the Group.

Agenda Details:


The agenda for this session is still being developed and will be submitted as the meeting date nears. However, the NTAG session agenda will solely focus on issues related to the 2012 New gTLD Program.