1. ICANN experience with enforcement
2. Panelists discuss their views on the provision
3. Panelists discuss proposals
4. Open Q & A
Tim Cole
Chief Registrar Liaison
This workshop will focus on the provision in the Registrar Accreditation Agreement that details responsibilities for parties licensing domain names to third parties (Subsection Discussion will focus on a Draft Advisory that was posted earlier this year for public comment and on perceptions of the effectiveness of the provision and possible interpretations or changes that participants believe are warranted.
Who Should Attend? | Registrars, registrants, parties interested in third party licensing issues - these could include At-Large, Intellectual Property Constituency, Business Constituency, Proxy Service Providers.
1. ICANN experience with enforcement
2. Panelists discuss their views on the provision
3. Panelists discuss proposals
4. Open Q & A