DNS Risk Management Framework WG Charter

Session Leader: Diane Schroeder | Director of Board Support
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical part of the Internet. ICANN has a limited role with respect to security and stability of the DNS, and has an overarching requirement to provide a technical coordination function to preserve the security and stability of the DNS.
The DNS Risk Management Framework WG (DNRMF WG) is a Board initiated WG which is charged to develop goals and milestones towards the implementation of a DNS security risk management framework for Internet naming and address allocation services, accompanied by defined timelines and budgetary implications. Further, the DNRMF WG is tasked with oversight of the creation of an initial assessment that will serve as a baseline.
This Workshop solicits input from all interested parties, to provide advice to the DNRMF WG. Specifically, the WG would like to hear community views on (a) the need for a DNS Risk Management Framework, (b) the scope of the Risk Management function, (c) the role of ICANN in the DNS Risk Management function, (d) involvement of other organizations in the execution of this function, (e) issues for possible inclusion in the initial assessment, and (f) other opinions.
Who Should Attend ? | People concerned with the security and stability of the DNS, including ccTLDs, gTLDs, governments and other experts.
DNS Risk Management Framework WG Charter