DNSSEC Workshop

Wed 10 Mar 2010 - 09:00 - 12:00

Meeting Leaders

Julie Hedlund
Director, SSAC Support

Transcript to be provided
Two-Way Audio (Remote Dial-In / Teleconference): 

Contact session leader for details.

High Bandwidth

What it is | The Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) actively works to facilitate the deployment of DNSSEC. This session is a public presentation from those actively engaged in the deployment of DNSSEC. The meeting starts with an update on the deployment of DNSSEC at the root and will then focus on operational issues related to the deployment of DNSSEC both for registries and registrars. Topics that will be explored in depth are: Transfers of DNSSEC domains and Key Rollovers. In the last part of the workshop an overview of open source DNSSEC tooling will be presented as well as an update in DNSSEC deployment at different TLDs. The workshop also will include an update on the worldwide deployment of DNSSEC.

Why it's Important | Registries, registrars, and others who plan to deploy DNSSEC services will benefit from the presentation and discussion of the deployment experience. Many TLDs are planning to deploy DNSSEC in the next two years and we anticipate that they will encounter similar operational issues including transfers of DNSSEC domains, key rollovers, and the use of tooling for automation of processes. These key operational issues will be discussed during the workshop in depth and all those involved in DNSSEC deployment will be able to share their experiences.

Who should attend | Anyone with an interest in the deployment of DNSSEC, particularly registry and registrar representatives with technical, operational, and strategic planning roles.

Agenda details: Presentations will be posted as soon as they are available.

Agenda Details: 
  1. Welcome and Introductions: Steve Crocker, Co-Chair DNSSEC Deployment Initiative
  2. Implementation of DNSSEC at the Root: NTIA, VeriSign, and ICANN
  3. Operational Issues with DNSSEC: Transfers and Key Rollovers
  4. DNSSEC Tool Development: -- Open Source Tools: Russ Mundy, Co-Chair, DNSSEC Deployment Initiative -- Open DNSSEC: Roy Arends, Nominet
  5. Activities from the Region
  6. Extending DNSSEC Deployment: --DNSSEC Deployment Update, Steve Crocker, Co-Chair, DNSSEC Deployment Initiative -- .org: Public Interest Registry