Anne-Rachel Inné
ICANN Nairobi
Michael Katundu
ICANN Nairobi
What It Is | Validation workshop. To validate data collected on good governance models for ccTLDs in Africa. The first in a series dedicated to strengthening the regions internet institutions and creating a community of practice.
Why It's Important | ccTLDs are a significant part of every national information infrastructure, without a well functioning national Internet suffix a country is not represented on the Internet, and its citizens, businesses and institutions are denied an effective way to associate themselves with the rest of the world. Therefore issues surrounding the functioning and management of ccTLDs, such as government policy and regulation, availability of local content, consumer and trademark protection, cybercrime, access to broadband and management structure of the ccTLD are important. This workshop will present results of a study supported by IDRC that aims atstrengthening Africa’s ccTLD’s so that they can contribute to the appropriation of the Internet for socio-economic, cultural, and political development.
Who Should Attend | ccTLD managers and administrators
policy makers
individual internet users
civil society
private sector
11.00-11.30: Welcome and Introductions
Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet): Mr. Brian Longwe
International Development and Research Center (IDRC) Ms. Constance Freeman
Aftld: TBC
11.30-12.00 Presentation of study results (Muruiki Mureithi) KICTANet
12.00-12.30 Discussions
12.30 Vote of thanks and Close