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Accountability & Transparency Reviews - Community Consultation

Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 12:00 - 13:30
Congress I/II

Session Leader: Denise Michel | Advisor to the President and CEO

Two-Way Audio (Remote Dial-In / Teleconference)

Dial-Out No. | 1 800 550 6865
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Remote Participation - Low Bandwidth
Remote Participation - High Bandwidth

Public input is sought on the effectiveness of ICANN's accountability and transparency projects to date, and potential issues for the next Accountability & Transparency Review Team (ATRT) to consider. ICANN is implementing 27 ATRT Recommendations and, later this year, will begin the process for forming the next ATRT.

Agenda Details:
  1. Opening remarks -- Steve Crocker, Chair, ICANN Board
  2. ATRT Recommendations - A review of, and community discussion about, the Recommendations to improve ICANN's accountability and transparency in the areas listed below; panelists will outline achievements to date and work in progress.
    • Public input & Multilingual Access -- Filiz Yilmaz & Christina Rodriguez, ICANN Staff
    • GAC Operations, Engagement, Interaction with Board -- Bill Graham, Member, ICANN Board & Board/GAC Working Group Co-Chair
    • Board Operations, Composition & Review of Decisions -- Bruce Tonkin, Member, ICANN Board
  3. Tracking, Measuring Success & Next ATRT review -- Denise Michel, ICANN Staff
  4. Lessons learned & feedback from (first) ATRT -- Chris Disspain, Member, ICANN Board & former ATRT member
  5. Closing Remarks - Steve Crocker, Chair, ICANN Board


An important step toward further enhancing accountability and transparency within ICANN came with the December 2010 submission of the Accountability and Transparency Review Team's (ATRT's) Final Report and the Board's subsequent acceptance of it in 2011. This report contained 27 recommendations (now in the implementation stage) that focus on improving transparency and accountability in four areas of ICANN:

  • Board governance, performance, and composition, including the Nominating Committee (NomCom) processes for filling Board positions.
  • Review mechanisms for Board decisions.
  • Governmental Advisory Committee's (GAC's) role, effectiveness and Interaction with the Board.
  • Public input and policy development processes.

Highlights of implementation actions include:

To provide better access to, and insight into, Board decisions ICANN has incorporated the following into its standard operating procedures (SOP):

To improve ICANN's "Review Mechanisms for Board Decisions":

  • The "Reconsideration Requests" webpage has been revamped so the public has a standard timeline, format, and explanations for all Reconsideration Requests (all part of SOP).
  • Independent experts have been identified to serve on a committee to assess ICANN's review mechanisms.
  • The Board has reviewed the Ombudsman framework and confirmed that it is consistent with international standards.

To improve the process for selecting ICANN Directors and address recommendations on Board composition:

To help advance the effectiveness of the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and its interaction with the Board:

  • ICANN increased funding, multilingual access services, and staff resources to support the work of the GAC.
  • A formal, documented process for requesting and tracking GAC advice has been instituted.
  • A formal GAC notification process for pending policy issues also has been created for GAC approval.
  • Regional plans were developed for increasing involvement in ICANN.
  • Board-GAC face-to-face interactions have been increased.

To improve the processes ICANN uses to gain public input and develop policy:

To help ensure ICANN staffing arrangements are appropriately multilingual, job postings and related forms have been updated and language-training programs have been identified for ICANN staff.

Finally, in terms of overarching activities, resources required to implement the ATRT Recommendations were included in the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget [PDF, 2.51 MB], and proposed metrics and benchmarks are under development.

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