Constituency/Stakeholder Travel Program

Thu 17 Mar 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30
California East
Transcript to be provided
Remote Participation - Low Bandwidth
Remote Participation - High Bandwidth

A review of the Constituency/Stakeholder Travel Support guidelines including:

  1. Travel booking alternatives
  2. Timing for each ICANN Meeting
  3. Visas
  4. Hotel Room deadlines
  5. Per Diems/Stipends vs. Actuals
  6. Input from travelers on consideration for future modifications
  7. Q&A

Goal is to ensure the supported travelers are aware of the Travel Support Guidelines, the requirements to receive support from ICANN for travel to ICANN meetings, and provide input for potential future modifications to the guidelines.

Who Should Attend? | Constituent/Stakeholders who either currently recieve financial support from ICANN to travel to ICANN meetings or expect to receive such support some time in the future.

Agenda Details:

A review of the Constituency/Stakeholder Travel Support guidelines including:

  1. Travel booking alternatives
  2. Timing for each ICANN Meeting
  3. Visas
  4. Hotel Room deadlines
  5. Per Diems/Stipends vs. Actuals
  6. Input from travelers on consideration for future modifications
  7. Q&A