Description of TLD Policies


















2292 Paradise Drive • Tiburon, California 94920

Phone +1(415)437-4700 • fax +1(603)462-3939 • e-mail:

Description of TLD Policies


dotYP will provide a technology platform to enhance existing directory services. Since dotYP's technology is fundamentally a search engine, entities need not register for second-level or sub-domain names and the policy concerns raised by registration are not implicated by dotYP.

dotYP will leverage and enhance the existing telephone directory information providers. dotYP is fully committed to universal, equal, and non-discriminatory access to its technology.


The gTLD string that we propose is .YP. dotYP will request that if ICANN does not wish to grant a two-letter gTLD, then dotYP would be open to discussing the use of an alternative gTLD, such as .find, .YPA, .YPI, or .YPG, during negotations.


Names in the domain will consist of <topic>.<location>.yp, although a best-guess algorithm will apply to queries missing any domain layer except ".yp". The purpose of this naming convention is to allow the end-user to browse listings and to create a naming convention that will enable third parties to provide web-based services by whatever creative means they can devise. Directory providers who wish to make their services accessible via the dotYP technology will be screened for completeness and timeliness of updates.


Given the unique nature of dotYP as a Uniform Search Locator, there will be no need for registrars or registration procedures.


Intellectual property issues do not exist in this instance.


The Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy will apply to all directory publishers who dispute the screening process.





See Technical Summary attached to the Registry Operator's Proposal for information regarding Data Privacy, Escrow, and Whois policies.


The YP-Root server middle layer will gather billing statistics from front-end machines and pre-process them for delivery to back end. Multiple billing schemes will support sliding-scale billing, thereby reducing the cost of entry and increasing the ability of developing nations and industrialized-developing nations to access the technology. See Technical Summary attached to the Registry Operator's Proposal for details regarding billing methodology.


Not applicable. Each listing and listing group will be billed by frequency of access. Listings and listing groups will each have a monthly price cap, which will prevent abuse and will account for the fact that marginal returns on each additional viewing of information diminish after a point of maximum exposure in a given region. See dotYP's response to D.13.2.2 for details on pricing.

E10 through E15

In view of the unique nature of the dotYP's technology, registration questions are not applicable. See the "Registry Operator Proposal" for more information.


Registration in the gTLD is predetermined by existing, recognized global region designations. There will be no excluded regions and all directory service providers within each region will be permitted to participate. Unlimited access to the maximum number of possible business names and types in every region is the goal.

E18 through E21

Not applicable.

E23 through E27

dotYP will provide a uniform platform to enable open market availability and service:

Further, dotYP offers a new technology that will use the DNS facilities in a new, resourceful way, proposing to enhance the utility of the Internet without shifts in protocol or other destabilizing measures.

From a social responsibility perspective, dotYP's technology will allow entities engaged in planning and development to utilize businesses regardless of size or location, and will disseminate the benefits of global information and finance to all ventures. Domain name registration in .yp would be a matter of an electronic enhancement to existing directory listings as opposed to advertisement-by-homestead in a domain namespace.

Searches using the USL would be simple and intuitive, and based on region and topic, as categorized by each vendor of "phone book" listings. The user gains a data resource; the vendors gain equal access and enhanced visibility; the directory publishers gain entry into the modern world of electronic delivery without having to change the way they do business.


The success of dotYP would prove three major concepts.


Success can best be demonstrated by the presence of users locating businesses on the network using geographic and topical search criteria followed by ".yp." In other words: usage is success. Competition among, and continued prosperity of, directory publishers is another indicator of success. Popular acceptance of the name parser is also indicative of success.


The success of dotYP's technology may spur further creative use of DNS. Further, dotYP's technology will minimize information barriers and restore transparent communication to global competition.


dotYP should be in the initial introduction to prove that restricted and/or special purpose gTLDs can add value and functionality to the Internet and drastically improve users' Internet experience. Timely implementation of dotYP's technology is particularly important because paper publishers are experiencing threats to fair competition in their industry at the same time that the Internet has raised the general public's expectations regarding the functionality of communications infrastructures.