#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using the correct interpreter \ if test ! -z "$DISPLAY"; then exec wish "$0" "$0" "$@"; \ elif test ! -z "$1"; then exec tclsh "$0" "$0" "$@"; \ else echo "usage: $0 filename" >&2; exit 1; fi # # xml2rfc.tcl - convert technical memos written using XML to TXT/HTML/NROFF # # (c) 1998-01 Invisible Worlds, Inc. # # # here begins TclXML 1.1.1 # # earlier versions used to "package require xml 1.8", but because newer tcl # installations have an incompatibly-verionsed sgml package, this caused # nothing but problems. hence, we just include TclXML-1.1.1 wholesale toward # the end of the file... # sgml.tcl -- # # This file provides generic parsing services for SGML-based # languages, namely HTML and XML. # # NB. It is a misnomer. There is no support for parsing # arbitrary SGML as such. # # Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Zveno Pty Ltd # http://www.zveno.com/ # # Zveno makes this software available free of charge for any purpose. # Copies may be made of this software but all of this notice must be included # on any copy. # # The software was developed for research purposes only and Zveno does not # warrant that it is error free or fit for any purpose. Zveno disclaims any # liability for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs any user may # incur as a result of using, copying or modifying this software. # # Copyright (c) 1997 ANU and CSIRO on behalf of the # participants in the CRC for Advanced Computational Systems ('ACSys'). # # ACSys makes this software and all associated data and documentation # ('Software') available free of charge for any purpose. You may make copies # of the Software but you must include all of this notice on any copy. # # The Software was developed for research purposes and ACSys does not warrant # that it is error free or fit for any purpose. ACSys disclaims any # liability for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs any user may # incur as a result of using, copying or modifying the Software. # # $Id$ package provide sgml 1.6 namespace eval sgml { namespace export tokenise parseEvent namespace export parseDTD # Convenience routine proc cl x { return "\[$x\]" } # Define various regular expressions # white space variable Wsp " \t\r\n" variable noWsp [cl ^$Wsp] # Various XML names variable nmtoken [cl -a-zA-Z0-9._]+ variable name [cl a-zA-Z_][cl -a-zA-Z0-9._]* # Other variable ParseEventNum if {![info exists ParseEventNum]} { set ParseEventNum 0 } variable ParseDTDnum if {![info exists ParseDTDNum]} { set ParseDTDNum 0 } # table of predefined entities for XML variable EntityPredef array set EntityPredef { lt < gt > amp & quot \" apos ' } } # sgml::tokenise -- # # Transform the given HTML/XML text into a Tcl list. # # Arguments: # sgml text to tokenize # elemExpr RE to recognise tags # elemSub transform for matched tags # args options # # Valid Options: # -final boolean True if no more data is to be supplied # -statevariable varName Name of a variable used to store info # # Results: # Returns a Tcl list representing the document. proc sgml::tokenise {sgml elemExpr elemSub args} { array set options {-final 1} catch {array set options $args} set options(-final) [Boolean $options(-final)] # If the data is not final then there must be a variable to store # unused data. if {!$options(-final) && ![info exists options(-statevariable)]} { return -code error {option "-statevariable" required if not final} } # Pre-process stage # # Extract the internal DTD subset, if any catch {upvar #0 $options(-internaldtdvariable) dtd} if {[regexp {]*$)} [lindex $sgml end] x text unused]} { set sgml [lreplace $sgml end end $text] } } else { # Performance note (Tcl 8.0): # In this case, no conversion to list object is performed regsub -all $elemExpr $sgml $elemSub sgml set sgml "{} {} {} {} \{$sgml\}" } return $sgml } # sgml::parseEvent -- # # Produces an event stream for a XML/HTML document, # given the Tcl list format returned by tokenise. # # This procedure checks that the document is well-formed, # and throws an error if the document is found to be not # well formed. Warnings are passed via the -warningcommand script. # # The procedure only check for well-formedness, # no DTD is required. However, facilities are provided for entity expansion. # # Arguments: # sgml Instance data, as a Tcl list. # args option/value pairs # # Valid Options: # -final Indicates end of document data # -elementstartcommand Called when an element starts # -elementendcommand Called when an element ends # -characterdatacommand Called when character data occurs # -entityreferencecommand Called when an entity reference occurs # -processinginstructioncommand Called when a PI occurs # -externalentityrefcommand Called for an external entity reference # # (Not compatible with expat) # -xmldeclcommand Called when the XML declaration occurs # -doctypecommand Called when the document type declaration occurs # -commentcommand Called when a comment occurs # # -errorcommand Script to evaluate for a fatal error # -warningcommand Script to evaluate for a reportable warning # -statevariable global state variable # -normalize whether to normalize names # -reportempty whether to include an indication of empty elements # # Results: # The various callback scripts are invoked. # Returns empty string. # # BUGS: # If command options are set to empty string then they should not be invoked. proc sgml::parseEvent {sgml args} { variable Wsp variable noWsp variable nmtoken variable name variable ParseEventNum array set options [list \ -elementstartcommand [namespace current]::noop \ -elementendcommand [namespace current]::noop \ -characterdatacommand [namespace current]::noop \ -processinginstructioncommand [namespace current]::noop \ -externalentityrefcommand [namespace current]::noop \ -xmldeclcommand [namespace current]::noop \ -doctypecommand [namespace current]::noop \ -commentcommand [namespace current]::noop \ -entityreferencecommand {} \ -warningcommand [namespace current]::noop \ -errorcommand [namespace current]::Error \ -final 1 \ -emptyelement [namespace current]::EmptyElement \ -parseattributelistcommand [namespace current]::noop \ -normalize 1 \ -internaldtd {} \ -reportempty 0 \ -entityvariable [namespace current]::EntityPredef \ ] catch {array set options $args} if {![info exists options(-statevariable)]} { set options(-statevariable) [namespace current]::ParseEvent[incr ParseEventNum] } upvar #0 $options(-statevariable) state upvar #0 $options(-entityvariable) entities if {![info exists state]} { # Initialise the state variable array set state { mode normal haveXMLDecl 0 haveDocElement 0 context {} stack {} line 0 } } foreach {tag close empty param text} $sgml { # Keep track of lines in the input incr state(line) [regsub -all \n $param {} discard] incr state(line) [regsub -all \n $text {} discard] # If the current mode is cdata or comment then we must undo what the # regsub has done to reconstitute the data switch $state(mode) { comment { # This had "[string length $param] && " as a guard - # can't remember why :-( if {[regexp ([cl ^-]*)--\$ $tag discard comm1]} { # end of comment (in tag) set tag {} set close {} set empty {} set state(mode) normal uplevel #0 $options(-commentcommand) [list $state(commentdata)<$comm1] unset state(commentdata) } elseif {[regexp ([cl ^-]*)--\$ $param discard comm1]} { # end of comment (in attributes) uplevel #0 $options(-commentcommand) [list $state(commentdata)<$close$tag$empty>$comm1] unset state(commentdata) set tag {} set param {} set close {} set empty {} set state(mode) normal } elseif {[regexp ([cl ^-]*)-->(.*) $text discard comm1 text]} { # end of comment (in text) uplevel #0 $options(-commentcommand) [list $state(commentdata)<$close$tag$param$empty>$comm1] unset state(commentdata) set tag {} set param {} set close {} set empty {} set state(mode) normal } else { # comment continues append state(commentdata) <$close$tag$param$empty>$text continue } } cdata { if {[string length $param] && [regexp ([cl ^\]]*)\]\][cl $Wsp]*\$ $tag discard cdata1]} { # end of CDATA (in tag) uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand) [list $state(cdata)<$close$cdata1$text] set text {} set tag {} unset state(cdata) set state(mode) normal } elseif {[regexp ([cl ^\]]*)\]\][cl $Wsp]*\$ $param discard cdata1]} { # end of CDATA (in attributes) uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand) [list $state(cdata)<$close$tag$cdata1$text] set text {} set tag {} set param {} unset state(cdata) set state(mode) normal } elseif {[regexp ([cl ^\]]*)\]\][cl $Wsp]*>(.*) $text discard cdata1 text]} { # end of CDATA (in text) uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand) [list $state(cdata)<$close$tag$param$empty>$cdata1$text] set text {} set tag {} set param {} set close {} set empty {} unset state(cdata) set state(mode) normal } else { # CDATA continues append state(cdata) <$close$tag$param$empty>$text continue } } } # default: normal mode # Bug: if the attribute list has a right angle bracket then the empty # element marker will not be seen set isEmpty [uplevel #0 $options(-emptyelement) [list $tag $param $empty]] if {[llength $isEmpty]} { foreach {empty tag param} $isEmpty break } switch -glob -- [string length $tag],[regexp {^\?|!.*} $tag],$close,$empty { 0,0,, { # Ignore empty tag - dealt with non-normal mode above } *,0,, { # Start tag for an element. # Check for a right angle bracket in an attribute value # This manifests itself by terminating the value before # the delimiter is seen, and the delimiter appearing # in the text # BUG: If two or more attribute values have right angle # brackets then this will fail on the second one. if {[regexp [format {=[%s]*"[^"]*$} $Wsp] $param] && \ [regexp {([^"]*"[^>]*)>(.*)} $text discard attrListRemainder text]} { append param >$attrListRemainder } elseif {[regexp [format {=[%s]*'[^']*$} $Wsp] $param] && \ [regexp {([^']*'[^>]*)>(.*)} $text discard attrListRemainder text]} { append param >$attrListRemainder } # Check if the internal DTD entity is in an attribute # value regsub -all &xml:intdtd\; $param \[$options(-internaldtd)\] param ParseEvent:ElementOpen $tag $param options set state(haveDocElement) 1 } *,0,/, { # End tag for an element. ParseEvent:ElementClose $tag options } *,0,,/ { # Empty element ParseEvent:ElementOpen $tag $param options -empty 1 ParseEvent:ElementClose $tag options -empty 1 } *,1,* { # Processing instructions or XML declaration switch -glob -- $tag { {\?xml} { # XML Declaration if {$state(haveXMLDecl)} { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "unexpected characters \"<$tag\" around line $state(line)" } elseif {![regexp {\?$} $param]} { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "XML Declaration missing characters \"?>\" around line $state(line)" } else { # Get the version number if {[regexp {[ ]*version="(-+|[a-zA-Z0-9_.:]+)"[ ]*} $param discard version] || [regexp {[ ]*version='(-+|[a-zA-Z0-9_.:]+)'[ ]*} $param discard version]} { if {[string compare $version "1.0"]} { # Should we support future versions? # At least 1.X? uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "document XML version \"$version\" is incompatible with XML version 1.0" } } else { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "XML Declaration missing version information around line $state(line)" } # Get the encoding declaration set encoding {} regexp {[ ]*encoding="([A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9._]|-)*)"[ ]*} $param discard encoding regexp {[ ]*encoding='([A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9._]|-)*)'[ ]*} $param discard encoding # Get the standalone declaration set standalone {} regexp {[ ]*standalone="(yes|no)"[ ]*} $param discard standalone regexp {[ ]*standalone='(yes|no)'[ ]*} $param discard standalone # Invoke the callback uplevel #0 $options(-xmldeclcommand) [list $version $encoding $standalone] } } {\?*} { # Processing instruction if {![regsub {\?$} $param {} param]} { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "PI: expected '?' character around line $state(line)" } else { uplevel #0 $options(-processinginstructioncommand) [list [string range $tag 1 end] [string trimleft $param]] } } !DOCTYPE { # External entity reference # This should move into xml.tcl # Parse the params supplied. Looking for Name, ExternalID and MarkupDecl regexp ^[cl $Wsp]*($name)(.*) $param x state(doc_name) param set state(doc_name) [Normalize $state(doc_name) $options(-normalize)] set externalID {} set pubidlit {} set systemlit {} set externalID {} if {[regexp -nocase ^[cl $Wsp]*(SYSTEM|PUBLIC)(.*) $param x id param]} { switch [string toupper $id] { SYSTEM { if {[regexp ^[cl $Wsp]+"([cl ^"]*)"(.*) $param x systemlit param] || [regexp ^[cl $Wsp]+'([cl ^']*)'(.*) $param x systemlit param]} { set externalID [list SYSTEM $systemlit] ;# " } else { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) {{syntax error: SYSTEM identifier not followed by literal}} } } PUBLIC { if {[regexp ^[cl $Wsp]+"([cl ^"]*)"(.*) $param x pubidlit param] || [regexp ^[cl $Wsp]+'([cl ^']*)'(.*) $param x pubidlit param]} { if {[regexp ^[cl $Wsp]+"([cl ^"]*)"(.*) $param x systemlit param] || [regexp ^[cl $Wsp]+'([cl ^']*)'(.*) $param x systemlit param]} { set externalID [list PUBLIC $pubidlit $systemlit] } else { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "syntax error: PUBLIC identifier not followed by system literal around line $state(line)" } } else { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "syntax error: PUBLIC identifier not followed by literal around line $state(line)" } } } if {[regexp -nocase ^[cl $Wsp]+NDATA[cl $Wsp]+($name)(.*) $param x notation param]} { lappend externalID $notation } } uplevel #0 $options(-doctypecommand) $state(doc_name) [list $pubidlit $systemlit $options(-internaldtd)] } !--* { # Start of a comment # See if it ends in the same tag, otherwise change the # parsing mode regexp {!--(.*)} $tag discard comm1 if {[regexp ([cl ^-]*)--[cl $Wsp]*\$ $comm1 discard comm1_1]} { # processed comment (end in tag) uplevel #0 $options(-commentcommand) [list $comm1_1] } elseif {[regexp ([cl ^-]*)--[cl $Wsp]*\$ $param discard comm2]} { # processed comment (end in attributes) uplevel #0 $options(-commentcommand) [list $comm1$comm2] } elseif {[regexp ([cl ^-]*)-->(.*) $text discard comm2 text]} { # processed comment (end in text) uplevel #0 $options(-commentcommand) [list $comm1$param>$comm2] } else { # start of comment set state(mode) comment set state(commentdata) "$comm1$param>$text" continue } } {!\[CDATA\[*} { regexp {!\[CDATA\[(.*)} $tag discard cdata1 if {[regexp {(.*)]]$} $param discard cdata2]} { # processed CDATA (end in attribute) uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand) [list $cdata1$cdata2$text] set text {} } elseif {[regexp {(.*)]]>(.*)} $text discard cdata2 text]} { # processed CDATA (end in text) uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand) [list $cdata1$param$empty>$cdata2$text] set text {} } else { # start CDATA set state(cdata) "$cdata1$param>$text" set state(mode) cdata continue } } !ELEMENT { # Internal DTD declaration } !ATTLIST { } !ENTITY { } !NOTATION { } !* { uplevel #0 $options(-processinginstructioncommand) [list $tag $param] } default { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) [list "unknown processing instruction \"<$tag>\" around line $state(line)"] } } } *,1,* - *,0,/,/ { # Syntax error uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) [list [list syntax error: closed/empty tag: tag $tag param $param empty $empty close $close around line $state(line)]] } } # Process character data if {$state(haveDocElement) && [llength $state(stack)]} { # Check if the internal DTD entity is in the text regsub -all &xml:intdtd\; $text \[$options(-internaldtd)\] text # Look for entity references if {([array size entities] || [string length $options(-entityreferencecommand)]) && \ [regexp {&[^;]+;} $text]} { # protect Tcl specials regsub -all {([][$\\])} $text {\\\1} text # Mark entity references regsub -all {&([^;]+);} $text [format {%s; %s {\1} ; %s %s} \}\} [namespace code [list Entity options $options(-entityreferencecommand) $options(-characterdatacommand) $options(-entityvariable)]] [list uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand)] \{\{] text set text "uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand) {{$text}}" eval $text } else { # Restore protected special characters regsub -all {\\([{}\\])} $text {\1} text uplevel #0 $options(-characterdatacommand) [list $text] } } elseif {[string length [string trim $text]]} { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) "unexpected text \"$text\" in document prolog around line $state(line)" } } # If this is the end of the document, close all open containers if {$options(-final) && [llength $state(stack)]} { eval $options(-errorcommand) [list [list element [lindex $state(stack) end] remains unclosed around line $state(line)]] } return {} } # sgml::ParseEvent:ElementOpen -- # # Start of an element. # # Arguments: # tag Element name # attr Attribute list # opts Option variable in caller # args further configuration options # # Options: # -empty boolean # indicates whether the element was an empty element # # Results: # Modify state and invoke callback proc sgml::ParseEvent:ElementOpen {tag attr opts args} { upvar $opts options upvar #0 $options(-statevariable) state array set cfg {-empty 0} array set cfg $args if {$options(-normalize)} { set tag [string toupper $tag] } # Update state lappend state(stack) $tag # Parse attribute list into a key-value representation if {[string compare $options(-parseattributelistcommand) {}]} { if {[catch {uplevel #0 $options(-parseattributelistcommand) [list $attr]} attr]} { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) [list $attr around line $state(line)] set attr {} } } set empty {} if {$cfg(-empty) && $options(-reportempty)} { set empty {-empty 1} } # Invoke callback uplevel #0 $options(-elementstartcommand) [list $tag $attr] $empty return {} } # sgml::ParseEvent:ElementClose -- # # End of an element. # # Arguments: # tag Element name # opts Option variable in caller # args further configuration options # # Options: # -empty boolean # indicates whether the element as an empty element # # Results: # Modify state and invoke callback proc sgml::ParseEvent:ElementClose {tag opts args} { upvar $opts options upvar #0 $options(-statevariable) state array set cfg {-empty 0} array set cfg $args # WF check if {[string compare $tag [lindex $state(stack) end]]} { uplevel #0 $options(-errorcommand) [list "end tag \"$tag\" does not match open element \"[lindex $state(stack) end]\" around line $state(line)"] return } # Update state set state(stack) [lreplace $state(stack) end end] set empty {} if {$cfg(-empty) && $options(-reportempty)} { set empty {-empty 1} } # Invoke callback uplevel #0 $options(-elementendcommand) [list $tag] $empty return {} } # sgml::Normalize -- # # Perform name normalization if required # # Arguments: # name name to normalize # req normalization required # # Results: # Name returned as upper-case if normalization required proc sgml::Normalize {name req} { if {$req} { return [string toupper $name] } else { return $name } } # sgml::Entity -- # # Resolve XML entity references (syntax: &xxx;). # # Arguments: # opts options array variable in caller # entityrefcmd application callback for entity references # pcdatacmd application callback for character data # entities name of array containing entity definitions. # ref entity reference (the "xxx" bit) # # Results: # Returns substitution text for given entity. proc sgml::Entity {opts entityrefcmd pcdatacmd entities ref} { upvar 2 $opts options upvar #0 $options(-statevariable) state if {![string length $entities]} { set entities [namespace current EntityPredef] } switch -glob -- $ref { %* { # Parameter entity - not recognised outside of a DTD } #x* { # Character entity - hex if {[catch {format %c [scan [string range $ref 2 end] %x tmp; set tmp]} char]} { return -code error "malformed character entity \"$ref\"" } uplevel #0 $pcdatacmd [list $char] return {} } #* { # Character entity - decimal if {[catch {format %c [scan [string range $ref 1 end] %d tmp; set tmp]} char]} { return -code error "malformed character entity \"$ref\"" } uplevel #0 $pcdatacmd [list $char] return {} } default { # General entity upvar #0 $entities map if {[info exists map($ref)]} { if {![regexp {<|&} $map($ref)]} { # Simple text replacement - optimise uplevel #0 $pcdatacmd [list $map($ref)] return {} } # Otherwise an additional round of parsing is required. # This only applies to XML, since HTML doesn't have general entities # Must parse the replacement text for start & end tags, etc # This text must be self-contained: balanced closing tags, and so on set tokenised [tokenise $map($ref) $::xml::tokExpr $::xml::substExpr] set final $options(-final) unset options(-final) eval parseEvent [list $tokenised] [array get options] -final 0 set options(-final) $final return {} } elseif {[string length $entityrefcmd]} { uplevel #0 $entityrefcmd [list $ref] return {} } } } # If all else fails leave the entity reference untouched uplevel #0 $pcdatacmd [list &$ref\;] return {} } #################################### # # DTD parser for SGML (XML). # # This DTD actually only handles XML DTDs. Other language's # DTD's, such as HTML, must be written in terms of a XML DTD. # # A DTD is represented as a three element Tcl list. # The first element contains the content models for elements, # the second contains the attribute lists for elements and # the last element contains the entities for the document. # #################################### # sgml::parseDTD -- # # Entry point to the SGML DTD parser. # # Arguments: # dtd data defining the DTD to be parsed # args configuration options # # Results: # Returns a three element list, first element is the content model # for each element, second element are the attribute lists of the # elements and the third element is the entity map. proc sgml::parseDTD {dtd args} { variable Wsp variable ParseDTDnum array set opts [list \ -errorcommand [namespace current]::noop \ state [namespace current]::parseDTD[incr ParseDTDnum] ] array set opts $args set exp ]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^>]*)> set sub {{\1} {\2} {\3} } regsub -all $exp $dtd $sub dtd foreach {decl id value} $dtd { catch {DTD:[string toupper $decl] $id $value} err } return [list [array get contentmodel] [array get attributes] [array get entities]] } # Procedures for handling the various declarative elements in a DTD. # New elements may be added by creating a procedure of the form # parse:DTD:_element_ # For each of these procedures, the various regular expressions they use # are created outside of the proc to avoid overhead at runtime # sgml::DTD:ELEMENT -- # # defines an element. # # The content model for the element is stored in the contentmodel array, # indexed by the element name. The content model is parsed into the # following list form: # # {} Content model is EMPTY. # Indicated by an empty list. # * Content model is ANY. # Indicated by an asterix. # {ELEMENT ...} # Content model is element-only. # {MIXED {element1 element2 ...}} # Content model is mixed (PCDATA and elements). # The second element of the list contains the # elements that may occur. #PCDATA is assumed # (ie. the list is normalised). # # Arguments: # id identifier for the element. # value other information in the PI proc sgml::DTD:ELEMENT {id value} { dbgputs DTD_parse [list DTD:ELEMENT $id $value] variable Wsp upvar opts state upvar contentmodel cm if {[info exists cm($id)]} { eval $state(-errorcommand) element [list "element \"$id\" already declared"] } else { switch -- $value { EMPTY { set cm($id) {} } ANY { set cm($id) * } default { if {[regexp [format {^\([%s]*#PCDATA[%s]*(\|([^)]+))?[%s]*\)*[%s]*$} $Wsp $Wsp $Wsp $Wsp] discard discard mtoks]} { set cm($id) [list MIXED [split $mtoks |]] } else { if {[catch {CModelParse $state(state) $value} result]} { eval $state(-errorcommand) element [list $result] } else { set cm($id) [list ELEMENT $result] } } } } } } # sgml::CModelParse -- # # Parse an element content model (non-mixed). # A syntax tree is constructed. # A transition table is built next. # # This is going to need alot of work! # # Arguments: # state state array variable # value the content model data # # Results: # A Tcl list representing the content model. proc sgml::CModelParse {state value} { upvar #0 $state var # First build syntax tree set syntaxTree [CModelMakeSyntaxTree $state $value] # Build transition table set transitionTable [CModelMakeTransitionTable $state $syntaxTree] return [list $syntaxTree $transitionTable] } # sgml::CModelMakeSyntaxTree -- # # Construct a syntax tree for the regular expression. # # Syntax tree is represented as a Tcl list: # rep {:choice|:seq {{rep list1} {rep list2} ...}} # where: rep is repetition character, *, + or ?. {} for no repetition # listN is nested expression or Name # # Arguments: # spec Element specification # # Results: # Syntax tree for element spec as nested Tcl list. # # Examples: # (memo) # {} {:seq {{} memo}} # (front, body, back?) # {} {:seq {{} front} {{} body} {? back}} # (head, (p | list | note)*, div2*) # {} {:seq {{} head} {* {:choice {{} p} {{} list} {{} note}}} {* div2}} # (p | a | ul)+ # + {:choice {{} p} {{} a} {{} ul}} proc sgml::CModelMakeSyntaxTree {state spec} { upvar #0 $state var variable Wsp variable name # Translate the spec into a Tcl list. # None of the Tcl special characters are allowed in a content model spec. if {[regexp {\$|\[|\]|\{|\}} $spec]} { return -code error "illegal characters in specification" } regsub -all [format {(%s)[%s]*(\?|\*|\+)?[%s]*(,|\|)?} $name $Wsp $Wsp] $spec [format {%sCModelSTname %s {\1} {\2} {\3}} \n $state] spec regsub -all {\(} $spec "\nCModelSTopenParen $state " spec regsub -all [format {\)[%s]*(\?|\*|\+)?[%s]*(,|\|)?} $Wsp $Wsp] $spec [format {%sCModelSTcloseParen %s {\1} {\2}} \n $state] spec array set var {stack {} state start} eval $spec # Peel off the outer seq, its redundant return [lindex [lindex $var(stack) 1] 0] } # sgml::CModelSTname -- # # Processes a name in a content model spec. # # Arguments: # state state array variable # name name specified # rep repetition operator # cs choice or sequence delimiter # # Results: # See CModelSTcp. proc sgml::CModelSTname {state name rep cs args} { if {[llength $args]} { return -code error "syntax error in specification: \"$args\"" } CModelSTcp $state $name $rep $cs } # sgml::CModelSTcp -- # # Process a content particle. # # Arguments: # state state array variable # name name specified # rep repetition operator # cs choice or sequence delimiter # # Results: # The content particle is added to the current group. proc sgml::CModelSTcp {state cp rep cs} { upvar #0 $state var switch -glob -- [lindex $var(state) end]=$cs { start= { set var(state) [lreplace $var(state) end end end] # Add (dummy) grouping, either choice or sequence will do CModelSTcsSet $state , CModelSTcpAdd $state $cp $rep } :choice= - :seq= { set var(state) [lreplace $var(state) end end end] CModelSTcpAdd $state $cp $rep } start=| - start=, { set var(state) [lreplace $var(state) end end [expr {$cs == "," ? ":seq" : ":choice"}]] CModelSTcsSet $state $cs CModelSTcpAdd $state $cp $rep } :choice=| - :seq=, { CModelSTcpAdd $state $cp $rep } :choice=, - :seq=| { return -code error "syntax error in specification: incorrect delimiter after \"$cp\", should be \"[expr {$cs == "," ? "|" : ","}]\"" } end=* { return -code error "syntax error in specification: no delimiter before \"$cp\"" } default { return -code error "syntax error" } } } # sgml::CModelSTcsSet -- # # Start a choice or sequence on the stack. # # Arguments: # state state array # cs choice oir sequence # # Results: # state is modified: end element of state is appended. proc sgml::CModelSTcsSet {state cs} { upvar #0 $state var set cs [expr {$cs == "," ? ":seq" : ":choice"}] if {[llength $var(stack)]} { set var(stack) [lreplace $var(stack) end end $cs] } else { set var(stack) [list $cs {}] } } # sgml::CModelSTcpAdd -- # # Append a content particle to the top of the stack. # # Arguments: # state state array # cp content particle # rep repetition # # Results: # state is modified: end element of state is appended. proc sgml::CModelSTcpAdd {state cp rep} { upvar #0 $state var if {[llength $var(stack)]} { set top [lindex $var(stack) end] lappend top [list $rep $cp] set var(stack) [lreplace $var(stack) end end $top] } else { set var(stack) [list $rep $cp] } } # sgml::CModelSTopenParen -- # # Processes a '(' in a content model spec. # # Arguments: # state state array # # Results: # Pushes stack in state array. proc sgml::CModelSTopenParen {state args} { upvar #0 $state var if {[llength $args]} { return -code error "syntax error in specification: \"$args\"" } lappend var(state) start lappend var(stack) [list {} {}] } # sgml::CModelSTcloseParen -- # # Processes a ')' in a content model spec. # # Arguments: # state state array # rep repetition # cs choice or sequence delimiter # # Results: # Stack is popped, and former top of stack is appended to previous element. proc sgml::CModelSTcloseParen {state rep cs args} { upvar #0 $state var if {[llength $args]} { return -code error "syntax error in specification: \"$args\"" } set cp [lindex $var(stack) end] set var(stack) [lreplace $var(stack) end end] set var(state) [lreplace $var(state) end end] CModelSTcp $state $cp $rep $cs } # sgml::CModelMakeTransitionTable -- # # Given a content model's syntax tree, constructs # the transition table for the regular expression. # # See "Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools", # Aho, Sethi and Ullman. Section 3.9, algorithm 3.5. # # Arguments: # state state array variable # st syntax tree # # Results: # The transition table is returned, as a key/value Tcl list. proc sgml::CModelMakeTransitionTable {state st} { upvar #0 $state var # Construct nullable, firstpos and lastpos functions array set var {number 0} foreach {nullable firstpos lastpos} [ \ TraverseDepth1st $state $st { # Evaluated for leaf nodes # Compute nullable(n) # Compute firstpos(n) # Compute lastpos(n) set nullable [nullable leaf $rep $name] set firstpos [list {} $var(number)] set lastpos [list {} $var(number)] set var(pos:$var(number)) $name } { # Evaluated for nonterminal nodes # Compute nullable, firstpos, lastpos set firstpos [firstpos $cs $firstpos $nullable] set lastpos [lastpos $cs $lastpos $nullable] set nullable [nullable nonterm $rep $cs $nullable] } \ ] break set accepting [incr var(number)] set var(pos:$accepting) # # var(pos:N) maps from position to symbol. # Construct reverse map for convenience. # NB. A symbol may appear in more than one position. # var is about to be reset, so use different arrays. foreach {pos symbol} [array get var pos:*] { set pos [lindex [split $pos :] 1] set pos2symbol($pos) $symbol lappend sym2pos($symbol) $pos } # Construct the followpos functions catch {unset var} followpos $state $st $firstpos $lastpos # Construct transition table # Dstates is [union $marked $unmarked] set unmarked [list [lindex $firstpos 1]] while {[llength $unmarked]} { set T [lindex $unmarked 0] lappend marked $T set unmarked [lrange $unmarked 1 end] # Find which input symbols occur in T set symbols {} foreach pos $T { if {$pos != $accepting && [lsearch $symbols $pos2symbol($pos)] < 0} { lappend symbols $pos2symbol($pos) } } foreach a $symbols { set U {} foreach pos $sym2pos($a) { if {[lsearch $T $pos] >= 0} { # add followpos($pos) if {$var($pos) == {}} { lappend U $accepting } else { eval lappend U $var($pos) } } } set U [makeSet $U] if {[llength $U] && [lsearch $marked $U] < 0 && [lsearch $unmarked $U] < 0} { lappend unmarked $U } set Dtran($T,$a) $U } } return [list [array get Dtran] [array get sym2pos] $accepting] } # sgml::followpos -- # # Compute the followpos function, using the already computed # firstpos and lastpos. # # Arguments: # state array variable to store followpos functions # st syntax tree # firstpos firstpos functions for the syntax tree # lastpos lastpos functions # # Results: # followpos functions for each leaf node, in name/value format proc sgml::followpos {state st firstpos lastpos} { upvar #0 $state var switch -- [lindex [lindex $st 1] 0] { :seq { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength [lindex $st 1]]} {incr i} { followpos $state [lindex [lindex $st 1] $i] \ [lindex [lindex $firstpos 0] [expr $i - 1]] \ [lindex [lindex $lastpos 0] [expr $i - 1]] foreach pos [lindex [lindex [lindex $lastpos 0] [expr $i - 1]] 1] { eval lappend var($pos) [lindex [lindex [lindex $firstpos 0] $i] 1] set var($pos) [makeSet $var($pos)] } } } :choice { for {set i 1} {$i < [llength [lindex $st 1]]} {incr i} { followpos $state [lindex [lindex $st 1] $i] \ [lindex [lindex $firstpos 0] [expr $i - 1]] \ [lindex [lindex $lastpos 0] [expr $i - 1]] } } default { # No action at leaf nodes } } switch -- [lindex $st 0] { ? { # We having nothing to do here ! Doing the same as # for * effectively converts this qualifier into the other. } * { foreach pos [lindex $lastpos 1] { eval lappend var($pos) [lindex $firstpos 1] set var($pos) [makeSet $var($pos)] } } } } # sgml::TraverseDepth1st -- # # Perform depth-first traversal of a tree. # A new tree is constructed, with each node computed by f. # # Arguments: # state state array variable # t The tree to traverse, a Tcl list # leaf Evaluated at a leaf node # nonTerm Evaluated at a nonterminal node # # Results: # A new tree is returned. proc sgml::TraverseDepth1st {state t leaf nonTerm} { upvar #0 $state var set nullable {} set firstpos {} set lastpos {} switch -- [lindex [lindex $t 1] 0] { :seq - :choice { set rep [lindex $t 0] set cs [lindex [lindex $t 1] 0] foreach child [lrange [lindex $t 1] 1 end] { foreach {childNullable childFirstpos childLastpos} \ [TraverseDepth1st $state $child $leaf $nonTerm] break lappend nullable $childNullable lappend firstpos $childFirstpos lappend lastpos $childLastpos } eval $nonTerm } default { incr var(number) set rep [lindex [lindex $t 0] 0] set name [lindex [lindex $t 1] 0] eval $leaf } } return [list $nullable $firstpos $lastpos] } # sgml::firstpos -- # # Computes the firstpos function for a nonterminal node. # # Arguments: # cs node type, choice or sequence # firstpos firstpos functions for the subtree # nullable nullable functions for the subtree # # Results: # firstpos function for this node is returned. proc sgml::firstpos {cs firstpos nullable} { switch -- $cs { :seq { set result [lindex [lindex $firstpos 0] 1] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $nullable]} {incr i} { if {[lindex [lindex $nullable $i] 1]} { eval lappend result [lindex [lindex $firstpos [expr $i + 1]] 1] } else { break } } } :choice { foreach child $firstpos { eval lappend result $child } } } return [list $firstpos [makeSet $result]] } # sgml::lastpos -- # # Computes the lastpos function for a nonterminal node. # Same as firstpos, only logic is reversed # # Arguments: # cs node type, choice or sequence # lastpos lastpos functions for the subtree # nullable nullable functions forthe subtree # # Results: # lastpos function for this node is returned. proc sgml::lastpos {cs lastpos nullable} { switch -- $cs { :seq { set result [lindex [lindex $lastpos end] 1] for {set i [expr [llength $nullable] - 1]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { if {[lindex [lindex $nullable $i] 1]} { eval lappend result [lindex [lindex $lastpos $i] 1] } else { break } } } :choice { foreach child $lastpos { eval lappend result $child } } } return [list $lastpos [makeSet $result]] } # sgml::makeSet -- # # Turn a list into a set, ie. remove duplicates. # # Arguments: # s a list # # Results: # A set is returned, which is a list with duplicates removed. proc sgml::makeSet s { foreach r $s { if {[llength $r]} { set unique($r) {} } } return [array names unique] } # sgml::nullable -- # # Compute the nullable function for a node. # # Arguments: # nodeType leaf or nonterminal # rep repetition applying to this node # name leaf node: symbol for this node, nonterm node: choice or seq node # subtree nonterm node: nullable functions for the subtree # # Results: # Returns nullable function for this branch of the tree. proc sgml::nullable {nodeType rep name {subtree {}}} { switch -glob -- $rep:$nodeType { :leaf - +:leaf { return [list {} 0] } \\*:leaf - \\?:leaf { return [list {} 1] } \\*:nonterm - \\?:nonterm { return [list $subtree 1] } :nonterm - +:nonterm { switch -- $name { :choice { set result 0 foreach child $subtree { set result [expr $result || [lindex $child 1]] } } :seq { set result 1 foreach child $subtree { set result [expr $result && [lindex $child 1]] } } } return [list $subtree $result] } } } # These regular expressions are defined here once for better performance namespace eval sgml { variable Wsp # Watch out for case-sensitivity set attlist_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*(#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED) set attlist_enum_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*\\(([cl ^)]*)\\)[cl $Wsp]*("([cl ^")])")? ;# " set attlist_fixed_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*(#FIXED)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+) set param_entity_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*([cl ^"$Wsp]*)[cl $Wsp]*"([cl ^"]*)" set notation_exp [cl $Wsp]*([cl ^$Wsp]+)[cl $Wsp]*(.*) } # sgml::DTD:ATTLIST -- # # defines an attribute list. # # Arguments: # id Element an attribute list is being defined for. # value data from the PI. # # Results: # Attribute list variables are modified. proc sgml::DTD:ATTLIST {id value} { variable attlist_exp variable attlist_enum_exp variable attlist_fixed_exp dbgputs DTD_parse [list DTD:ATTLIST $id $value] upvar opts state upvar attributes am if {[info exists am($id)]} { eval $state(-errorcommand) attlist [list "attribute list for element \"$id\" already declared"] } else { # Parse the attribute list. If it were regular, could just use foreach, # but some attributes may have values. regsub -all {([][$\\])} $value {\\\1} value regsub -all $attlist_exp $value {[DTDAttribute {\1} {\2} {\3}]} value regsub -all $attlist_enum_exp $value {[DTDAttribute {\1} {\2} {\3}]} value regsub -all $attlist_fixed_exp $value {[DTDAttribute {\1} {\2} {\3} {\4}]} value subst $value set am($id) [array get attlist] } } # sgml::DTDAttribute -- # # Parse definition of a single attribute. # # Arguments: # name attribute name # type type of this attribute # default default value of the attribute # value other information proc sgml::DTDAttribute {name type default {value {}}} { upvar attlist al # This needs further work set al($name) [list $default $value] } # sgml::DTD:ENTITY -- # # PI # # Arguments: # id identifier for the entity # value data # # Results: # Modifies the caller's entities array variable proc sgml::DTD:ENTITY {id value} { variable param_entity_exp dbgputs DTD_parse [list DTD:ENTITY $id $value] upvar opts state upvar entities ents if {[string compare % $id]} { # Entity declaration if {[info exists ents($id)]} { eval $state(-errorcommand) entity [list "entity \"$id\" already declared"] } else { if {![regexp {"([^"]*)"} $value x entvalue] && ![regexp {'([^']*)'} $value x entvalue]} { eval $state(-errorcommand) entityvalue [list "entity value \"$value\" not correctly specified"] } ;# " set ents($id) $entvalue } } else { # Parameter entity declaration switch -glob [regexp $param_entity_exp $value x name scheme data],[string compare {} $scheme] { 0,* { eval $state(-errorcommand) entityvalue [list "parameter entity \"$value\" not correctly specified"] } *,0 { # SYSTEM or PUBLIC declaration } default { set ents($id) $data } } } } # sgml::DTD:NOTATION -- proc sgml::DTD:NOTATION {id value} { variable notation_exp upvar opts state if {[regexp $notation_exp $value x scheme data] == 2} { } else { eval $state(-errorcommand) notationvalue [list "notation value \"$value\" incorrectly specified"] } } ### Utility procedures # sgml::noop -- # # A do-nothing proc # # Arguments: # args arguments # # Results: # Nothing. proc sgml::noop args { return 0 } # sgml::identity -- # # Identity function. # # Arguments: # a arbitrary argument # # Results: # $a proc sgml::identity a { return $a } # sgml::Error -- # # Throw an error # # Arguments: # args arguments # # Results: # Error return condition. proc sgml::Error args { uplevel return -code error [list $args] } ### Following procedures are based on html_library # sgml::zapWhite -- # # Convert multiple white space into a single space. # # Arguments: # data plain text # # Results: # As above proc sgml::zapWhite data { regsub -all "\[ \t\r\n\]+" $data { } data return $data } proc sgml::Boolean value { regsub {1|true|yes|on} $value 1 value regsub {0|false|no|off} $value 0 value return $value } proc sgml::dbgputs {where text} { variable dbg catch {if {$dbg} {puts stdout "DBG: $where ($text)"}} } # xml.tcl -- # # This file provides XML services. # These services include a XML document instance and DTD parser, # as well as support for generating XML. # # Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Zveno Pty Ltd # http://www.zveno.com/ # # Zveno makes this software and all associated data and documentation # ('Software') available free of charge for non-commercial purposes only. You # may make copies of the Software but you must include all of this notice on # any copy. # # The Software was developed for research purposes and Zveno does not warrant # that it is error free or fit for any purpose. Zveno disclaims any # liability for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs any user may # incur as a result of using, copying or modifying the Software. # # Copyright (c) 1997 Australian National University (ANU). # # ANU makes this software and all associated data and documentation # ('Software') available free of charge for non-commercial purposes only. You # may make copies of the Software but you must include all of this notice on # any copy. # # The Software was developed for research purposes and ANU does not warrant # that it is error free or fit for any purpose. ANU disclaims any # liability for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs any user may # incur as a result of using, copying or modifying the Software. # # $Id$ package provide xml 1.8 package require sgml 1.6 namespace eval xml { # Procedures for parsing XML documents namespace export parser # Procedures for parsing XML DTDs namespace export DTDparser # Counter for creating unique parser objects variable ParserCounter 0 # Convenience routine proc cl x { return "\[$x\]" } # Define various regular expressions # white space variable Wsp " \t\r\n" variable noWsp [cl ^$Wsp] # Various XML names and tokens # BUG: NameChar does not include CombiningChar or Extender variable NameChar [cl -a-zA-Z0-9._:] variable Name [cl a-zA-Z_:]$NameChar* variable Nmtoken $NameChar+ # Tokenising expressions variable tokExpr <(/?)([cl ^$Wsp>]+)([cl $Wsp]*[cl ^>]*)> variable substExpr "\}\n{\\2} {\\1} {} {\\3} \{" # table of predefined entities variable EntityPredef array set EntityPredef { lt < gt > amp & quot \" apos ' } } # xml::parser -- # # Creates XML parser object. # # Arguments: # args Unique name for parser object # plus option/value pairs # # Recognised Options: # -final Indicates end of document data # -elementstartcommand Called when an element starts # -elementendcommand Called when an element ends # -characterdatacommand Called when character data occurs # -processinginstructioncommand Called when a PI occurs # -externalentityrefcommand Called for an external entity reference # # (Not compatible with expat) # -xmldeclcommand Called when the XML declaration occurs # -doctypecommand Called when the document type declaration occurs # # -errorcommand Script to evaluate for a fatal error # -warningcommand Script to evaluate for a reportable warning # -statevariable global state variable # -reportempty whether to provide empty element indication # # Results: # The state variable is initialised. proc xml::parser {args} { variable ParserCounter if {[llength $args] > 0} { set name [lindex $args 0] set args [lreplace $args 0 0] } else { set name parser[incr ParserCounter] } if {[info command [namespace current]::$name] != {}} { return -code error "unable to create parser object \"[namespace current]::$name\" command" } # Initialise state variable and object command upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$name parser set sgml_ns [namespace parent]::sgml array set parser [list name $name \ -final 1 \ -elementstartcommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -elementendcommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -characterdatacommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -processinginstructioncommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -externalentityrefcommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -xmldeclcommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -doctypecommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -warningcommand ${sgml_ns}::noop \ -statevariable [namespace current]::$name \ -reportempty 0 \ internaldtd {} \ ] proc [namespace current]::$name {method args} \ "eval ParseCommand $name \$method \$args" eval ParseCommand [list $name] configure $args return [namespace current]::$name } # xml::ParseCommand -- # # Handles parse object command invocations # # Valid Methods: # cget # configure # parse # reset # # Arguments: # parser parser object # method minor command # args other arguments # # Results: # Depends on method proc xml::ParseCommand {parser method args} { upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$parser state switch -- $method { cget { return $state([lindex $args 0]) } configure { foreach {opt value} $args { set state($opt) $value } } parse { ParseCommand_parse $parser [lindex $args 0] } reset { if {[llength $args]} { return -code error "too many arguments" } ParseCommand_reset $parser } default { return -code error "unknown method \"$method\"" } } return {} } # xml::ParseCommand_parse -- # # Parses document instance data # # Arguments: # object parser object # xml data # # Results: # Callbacks are invoked, if any are defined proc xml::ParseCommand_parse {object xml} { upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$object parser variable Wsp variable tokExpr variable substExpr set parent [namespace parent] if {![string compare :: $parent]} { set parent {} } set tokenised [lrange \ [${parent}::sgml::tokenise $xml \ $tokExpr \ $substExpr \ -internaldtdvariable [namespace current]::${object}(internaldtd)] \ 5 end] eval ${parent}::sgml::parseEvent \ [list $tokenised \ -emptyelement [namespace code ParseEmpty] \ -parseattributelistcommand [namespace code ParseAttrs]] \ [array get parser -*command] \ [array get parser -entityvariable] \ [array get parser -reportempty] \ -normalize 0 \ -internaldtd [list $parser(internaldtd)] return {} } # xml::ParseEmpty -- # # Used by parser to determine whether an element is empty. # This should be dead easy in XML. The only complication is # that the RE above can't catch the trailing slash, so we have # to dig it out of the tag name or attribute list. # # Tcl 8.1 REs should fix this. # # Arguments: # tag element name # attr attribute list (raw) # e End tag delimiter. # # Results: # "/" if the trailing slash is found. Optionally, return a list # containing new values for the tag name and/or attribute list. proc xml::ParseEmpty {tag attr e} { if {[string match */ [string trimright $tag]] && \ ![string length $attr]} { regsub {/$} $tag {} tag return [list / $tag $attr] } elseif {[string match */ [string trimright $attr]]} { regsub {/$} [string trimright $attr] {} attr return [list / $tag $attr] } else { return {} } } # xml::ParseAttrs -- # # Parse element attributes. # # There are two forms for name-value pairs: # # name="value" # name='value' # # Watch out for the trailing slash on empty elements. # # Arguments: # attrs attribute string given in a tag # # Results: # Returns a Tcl list representing the name-value pairs in the # attribute string proc xml::ParseAttrs attrs { variable Wsp variable Name # First check whether there's any work to do if {![string compare {} [string trim $attrs]]} { return {} } # Strip the trailing slash on empty elements regsub [format {/[%s]*$} " \t\n\r"] $attrs {} atList set mode name set result {} foreach component [split $atList =] { switch $mode { name { set component [string trim $component] if {[regexp $Name $component]} { lappend result $component } else { return -code error "invalid attribute name \"$component\"" } set mode value:start } value:start { set component [string trimleft $component] set delimiter [string index $component 0] set value {} switch -- $delimiter { \" - ' { if {[regexp [format {%s([^%s]*)%s(.*)} $delimiter $delimiter $delimiter] $component discard value remainder]} { lappend result $value set remainder [string trim $remainder] if {[string length $remainder]} { if {[regexp $Name $remainder]} { lappend result $remainder set mode value:start } else { return -code error "invalid attribute name \"$remainder\"" } } else { set mode end } } else { set value [string range $component 1 end] set mode value:continue } } default { return -code error "invalid value for attribute \"[lindex $result end]\"" } } } value:continue { if {[regexp [format {([^%s]*)%s(.*)} $delimiter $delimiter] $component discard valuepart remainder]} { append value = $valuepart lappend result $value set remainder [string trim $remainder] if {[string length $remainder]} { if {[regexp $Name $remainder]} { lappend result $remainder set mode value:start } else { return -code error "invalid attribute name \"$remainder\"" } } else { set mode end } } else { append value = $component } } end { return -code error "unexpected data found after end of attribute list" } } } switch $mode { name - end { # This is normal } default { return -code error "unexpected end of attribute list" } } return $result } proc xml::OLDParseAttrs {attrs} { variable Wsp variable Name # First check whether there's any work to do if {![string compare {} [string trim $attrs]]} { return {} } # Strip the trailing slash on empty elements regsub [format {/[%s]*$} " \t\n\r"] $attrs {} atList # Protect Tcl special characters #regsub -all {([[\$\\])} $atList {\\\1} atList regsub -all & $atList {\&} atList regsub -all {\[} $atList {\&ob;} atList regsub -all {\]} $atList {\&cb;} atlist # NB. sgml package delivers braces and backslashes quoted regsub -all {\\\{} $atList {\&oc;} atList regsub -all {\\\}} $atList {\&cc;} atlist regsub -all {\$} $atList {\$} atList regsub -all {\\\\} $atList {\&bs;} atList regsub -all [format {(%s)[%s]*=[%s]*"([^"]*)"} $Name $Wsp $Wsp] \ $atList {[set parsed(\1) {\2}; set dummy {}] } atList ;# " regsub -all [format {(%s)[%s]*=[%s]*'([^']*)'} $Name $Wsp $Wsp] \ $atList {[set parsed(\1) {\2}; set dummy {}] } atList set leftovers [subst $atList] if {[string length [string trim $leftovers]]} { return -code error "syntax error in attribute list \"$attrs\"" } return [ParseAttrs:Deprotect [array get parsed]] } # xml::ParseAttrs:Deprotect -- # # Reverse map Tcl special characters previously protected # # Arguments: # attrs attribute list # # Results: # Characters substituted proc xml::ParseAttrs:Deprotect attrs { regsub -all &\; $attrs \\& attrs regsub -all &ob\; $attrs \[ attrs regsub -all &cb\; $attrs \] attrs regsub -all &oc\; $attrs \{ attrs regsub -all &cc\; $attrs \} attrs regsub -all &dollar\; $attrs \$ attrs regsub -all &bs\; $attrs \\\\ attrs return $attrs } # xml::ParseCommand_reset -- # # Initialize parser data # # Arguments: # object parser object # # Results: # Parser data structure initialised proc xml::ParseCommand_reset object { upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$object parser array set parser [list \ -final 1 \ internaldtd {} \ ] } # xml::noop -- # # A do-nothing proc proc xml::noop args {} ### Following procedures are based on html_library # xml::zapWhite -- # # Convert multiple white space into a single space. # # Arguments: # data plain text # # Results: # As above proc xml::zapWhite data { regsub -all "\[ \t\r\n\]+" $data { } data return $data } # # DTD parser for XML is wholly contained within the sgml.tcl package # # xml::parseDTD -- # # Entry point to the XML DTD parser. # # Arguments: # dtd XML data defining the DTD to be parsed # args configuration options # # Results: # Returns a three element list, first element is the content model # for each element, second element are the attribute lists of the # elements and the third element is the entity map. proc xml::parseDTD {dtd args} { return [eval [expr {[namespace parent] == {::} ? {} : [namespace parent]}]::sgml::parseDTD [list $dtd] $args] } # # here ends TclXML 1.1.1 # # # top-level parsing # global parser if {![info exists parser]} { set parser "" } proc xml2rfc {input {output ""} {remote ""}} { global errorCode errorInfo global parser global passno global passmax global errorP global ifile mode ofile global stdout global remoteP if {![string compare [file extension $input] ""]} { append input .xml } set stdin [open $input { RDONLY }] set inputD [file dirname [set ifile $input]] if {![string compare $output ""]} { set output [file rootname $input].txt } if {[string compare $remote ""]} { set ofile $remote set remoteP 1 } else { set ofile $output set remoteP 0 } set ofile [file rootname [file tail $ofile]] if {![string compare $input $output]} { error "input and output files must be different" } if {[file exists [set file [file join $inputD .xml2rfc.rc]]]} { source $file } switch -- [set mode [string range [file extension $output] 1 end]] { html - nr - txt {} xml { set stdout [open $output { WRONLY CREAT TRUNC }] puts -nonewline $stdout [prexml [read $stdin] $inputD] catch { close $stdout } catch { close $stdin } return } default { catch { close $stdin } error "unsupported output type: $mode" } } set code [catch { if {![string compare $parser ""]} { global emptyA set parser [xml::parser] array set emptyA {} $parser configure \ -elementstartcommand { begin } \ -elementendcommand { end } \ -characterdatacommand { pcdata } \ -processinginstructioncommand { pi } \ -xmldeclcommand { xmldecl } \ -doctypecommand { doctype } \ -entityreferencecommand "" \ -errorcommand { unexpected error } \ -warningcommand { unexpected warning } \ -entityvariable emptyA \ -final yes \ -reportempty no } set data [prexml [read $stdin] $inputD $input] catch { close $stdin } set errorP 0 set passmax 2 set stdout "" for {set passno 1} {$passno <= $passmax} {incr passno} { if {$passno == 2} { set stdout [open $output { WRONLY CREAT TRUNC }] } pass start $parser parse $data pass end if {$errorP} { break } } } result] set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo catch { close $stdout } if {$code == 1} { set result [around2fl $result] catch { global stack if {[llength $stack] > 0} { set text "Context: " foreach frame $stack { catch { unset attrs } array set attrs [list av ""] array set attrs [lrange $frame 1 end] append text "\n <[lindex $frame 0]" foreach {k v} $attrs(av) { regsub -all {"} $v {"} v append text " $k=\"$v\"" } append text ">" } append result "\n\n$text" } } } return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } proc xml2txt {input} { xml2rfc $input [file rootname $input].txt } proc xml2html {input} { xml2rfc $input [file rootname $input].html } proc xml2nroff {input} { return [xml2rfc $input [file rootname $input].nr] ### puts stderr "making xml->txt" xml2rfc $input [file rootname $input].txt file rename -force [file rootname $input].txt [file rootname $input].orig puts stderr "making xml->rf" xml2rfc $input [file rootname $input].nr puts stderr "making rf->txt" exec nroff -ms < [file rootname $input].nr \ | /usr/users/mrose/docs/fix.pl \ | sed -e 1,3d \ > [file rootname $input].txt } proc xml2ref {input output} { global errorCode errorInfo if {![string compare $input $output]} { error "input and output files must be different" } if {[file exists [set file [file join [set inputD [file dirname $input]] \ .xml2rfc.rc]]]} { source $file } set refT [ref::init] if {[set code [catch { ref::transform $refT $input } result]]} { set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo catch { ref::fin $refT } return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } ref::fin $refT set stdout [open $output { WRONLY CREAT TRUNC }] set code [catch { puts -nonewline $stdout $result flush $stdout } result] set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo catch { close $stdout } return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } proc prexml {stream inputD {inputF ""}} { global env tcl_platform global extentities global fldata if {[catch { set path $env(XML_LIBRARY) }]} { set path [list $inputD] } switch -- $tcl_platform(platform) { windows { set c ";" } default { set c ":" } } set path [split $path $c] set fldata [list [list $inputF 1 [numlines $stream]]] array set extentities {} if {[catch { package require http 2 }]} { set httpP 0 } else { set httpP 1 } return [prexml_entity [prexml_include [prexml_cdata $stream] \ $inputD $inputF $path] \ $path $httpP] } proc prexml_cdata {stream} { set litN [string length [set litS ""]] set data "" while {[set x [string first $litS $stream]] >= 0} { append data [string range $stream 0 [expr $x-1]] set stream [string range $stream [expr $x+$litN] end] if {[set x [string first $litT $stream]] < 0} { error "missing close to CDATA" } set y [string range $stream 0 [expr $x-1]] regsub -all {&} $y {\&} y regsub -all {<} $y {\<} y append data $y set stream [string range $stream [expr $x+$litO] end] } append data $stream return $data } proc prexml_include {stream inputD inputF path} { global fldata set litN [string length [set litS ""]] set data "" set lineno 1 while {[set x [string first $litS $stream]] >= 0} { incr lineno [numlines [set initial \ [string range $stream 0 [expr $x-1]]]] append data $initial set stream [string range $stream [expr $x+$litN] end] if {[set x [string first $litT $stream]] < 0} { error "missing close to " $body]] >= 0)} { set start [expr [string length $include]-[string length $body]] incr len set include [string replace $include $start [expr $start+$len] \ [format " %*.*s" $len $len ""]] set body [string trimleft $include] } if {([string first "" $body]] >= 0)} { set start [expr [string length $include]-[string length $body]] set include [string replace $include $start [expr $start+$len] \ [format " %*.*s" $len $len ""]] } set len [numlines $include] set flnew {} foreach fldatum $fldata { set end [lindex $fldatum 2] if {$end >= $lineno} { set fldatum [lreplace $fldatum 2 2 [expr $end+$len]] } lappend flnew $fldatum } set fldata $flnew lappend fldata [list $file $lineno $len] set stream $include[string range $stream [expr $x+$litO] end] } append data $stream return $data } proc prexml_entity {stream path httpP} { global extentities global fldata set litN [string length [set litS ""]] set data $stream while {[set x [string first $litS $stream]] >= 0} { set stream [string range $stream [expr $x+$litN] end] if {[set x [string first $litT $stream]] < 0} { error "missing close to " $body]] >= 0)} { set start [expr [string length $include]-[string length $body]] incr len set include [string replace $include $start [expr $start+$len] \ [format " %*.*s" $len $len ""]] set body [string trimleft $include] } if {([string first "" $body]] >= 0)} { set start [expr [string length $include]-[string length $body]] set include [string replace $include $start [expr $start+$len] \ [format " %*.*s" $len $len ""]] } set extentities($entity) [list $file $include] } set stream $data set litN [string length [set litS "&"]] set litO [string length [set litT ";"]] set data "" set didP 0 set lineno 1 while {[set x [string first $litS $stream]] >= 0} { incr lineno [numlines [set initial \ [string range $stream 0 [expr $x-1]]]] append data $initial set stream [string range $stream [expr $x+$litN] end] if {[set x [string first $litT $stream]] < 0} { append data $litS continue } set y [string trim [string range $stream 0 [expr $x-1]]] if {![info exists extentities($y)]} { append data $litS continue } set didP 1 set file [lindex $extentities($y) 0] set include [lindex $extentities($y) 1] set len [numlines $include] set flnew {} foreach fldatum $fldata { set end [lindex $fldatum 2] if {$end >= $lineno} { set fldatum [lreplace $fldatum 2 2 [expr $end+$len]] } lappend flnew $fldatum } set fldata $flnew lappend fldata [list $file $lineno $len] set stream $include[string range $stream [expr $x+$litO] end] } append data $stream if {$didP} { set data [prexml_entity $data $path $httpP] } return $data } proc numlines {text} { set n [llength [split $text "\n"]] if {![string compare [string range $text end end] "\n"]} { incr n -1 } return $n } proc around2fl {result} { global fldata if {[regexp -nocase -- { around line ([1-9][0-9]*)} $result x lineno] \ != 1} { return $result } set file "" set offset 0 set max 0 foreach fldatum $fldata { if {[set start [lindex $fldatum 1]] > $lineno} { break } if {[set new [expr $start+[set len [lindex $fldatum 2]]]] < $max} { continue } if {$lineno <= $new} { set file [lindex $fldatum 0] set offset [expr $lineno-$start] } else { incr offset -$len set max $new } } set tail " around line $offset" if {[string compare $file [lindex [lindex $fldata 0] 0]]} { append tail " in $file" } regsub " around line $lineno" $result $tail result return $result } # # XML linkage # # globals used in parsing # # counter - used for generating reference numbers # depth - .. # elemN - index of current element # elem - array, indexed by elemN, having: # list of element attributes, # plus ".CHILDREN", ".COUNTER", ".CTEXT"/".CLINES", ".NAME", # ".ANCHOR", ".EDITNO" # passno - 1 or 2 (or maybe 3, if generating a TOC) # stack - the stack of elements, each frame having: # { element-name "elemN" elemN "children" { elemN... } # "ctext" yes-or-no } # xref - array, indexed by anchor, having: # { "type" element-name "elemN" elemN "value" reference-number } proc pass {tag} { global options global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global anchorN global elemZ global erefs switch -- $tag { start { unexpected notice "pass $passno..." if {$passno == 1} { catch { unset counter } catch { unset depth } catch { unset elem } catch { unset xref } catch { unset erefs } set anchorN 0 } set elemN 0 catch { unset options } array set options [list compact no \ subcompact no \ toc no \ tocompact yes \ editing no \ emoticonic no \ private "" \ header "" \ footer "" \ slides no \ sortrefs no \ symrefs no \ background ""] normalize_options catch { unset stack } } end { set elemZ $elemN } } } # begin element global required ctexts categories set required { date { month year } note { title } section { title } xref { target } eref { target } iref { item } # backwards compatibility... # seriesInfo { name value } } set ctexts { title organization street city region code country phone facsimile email uri area workgroup keyword xref eref seriesInfo } set categories \ { {std "Standards Track" STD "This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited."} {bcp "Best Current Practice" BCP "This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practice for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited."} {info "Informational" FYI "This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited."} {exp "Experimental" EXP "This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested. Distribution of this memo is unlimited."} {historic "Historic" "" "This memo describes a historic protocol for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited."} } set iprstatus \ { {full2026 "in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026."} {noDerivativeWorks2026 "in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 except that the right to produce derivative works is not granted."} {noDerivativeWorksNow "in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 except that the right to produce derivative works is not granted. (If this document becomes part of an IETF working group activity, then it will be brought into full compliance with Section 10 of RFC2026.)"} {none "NOT offered in accordance with Section 10 of RFC2026, and the author does not provide the IETF with any rights other than to publish as an Internet-Draft."} } proc begin {name {av {}}} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global anchorN global options global required ctexts categories iprstatus # because TclXML... quotes attribute values containing "]" set kv "" foreach {k v} $av { lappend kv $k regsub -all {\\\[} $v {[} v lappend kv $v } set av $kv incr elemN if {$passno == 1} { set elem($elemN) $av array set attrs $av foreach { n a } $required { switch -- [string compare $n $name] { -1 { continue } 0 { foreach v $a { if {[catch { set attrs($v) }]} { unexpected error \ "missing $v attribute in $name element" } } break } 1 { break } } } switch -- [set type $name] { rfc { if {![catch { set attrs(category) }]} { if {[lsearch0 $categories $attrs(category)] < 0} { unexpected error \ "category attribute unknown: $attrs(category)" } if {(![string compare $attrs(category) historic]) \ && (![catch { set attrs(seriesNo) }])} { unexpected error \ "historic documents have no document series" } } if {![catch { set attrs(ipr) }]} { if {[lsearch0 $iprstatus $attrs(ipr)] < 0} { unexpected error \ "ipr attribute unknown: $attrs(ipr)" } } global entities oentities mode nbsp if {[ catch { set number $attrs(number) }]} { set number XXXX } set entities [linsert $oentities 0 "&rfc.number;" $number] switch -- $mode { nr - txt { set nbsp "\xa0" set entities [linsert $entities 0 " " $nbsp] } } } back { catch { unset depth(section) } } abstract { if {[lsearch0 $stack back] < 0} { set counter(abstract) 1 } } section { if {[catch { incr depth(section) }]} { set depth(section) 1 set counter(section) 0 } set counter(section) \ [counting $counter(section) $depth(section)] set l [split $counter(section) .] if {[lsearch0 $stack back] >= 0} { set type appendix set l [lreplace $l 0 0 \ [string index " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" \ [lindex $l 0]]] } set attrs(.COUNTER) [set value [join $l .]] if {[catch { set attrs(anchor) }]} { set attrs(anchor) anchor[incr anchorN] } set attrs(.ANCHOR) $attrs(anchor) set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] } list { if {[catch { incr depth(list) }]} { set depth(list) 1 set counter(list) 0 } } t { if {[catch { incr counter(editno) }]} { set counter(editno) 1 } set attrs(.EDITNO) $counter(editno) set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] if {[lsearch0 $stack list] >= 0} { set counter(list) [counting $counter(list) $depth(list)] set attrs(.COUNTER) $counter(list) set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] } } figure { if {[catch { incr counter(figure) }]} { set counter(figure) 1 } set attrs(.COUNTER) [set value $counter(figure)] set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] } preamble - postamble { if {[catch { incr counter(editno) }]} { set counter(editno) 1 } set attrs(.EDITNO) $counter(editno) set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] } reference { if {$options(.SYMREFS)} { set value $attrs(anchor) } else { if {[catch { incr counter(reference) }]} { set counter(reference) 1 } set value $counter(reference) } set attrs(.COUNTER) $value set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] } } if {![catch { set anchor $attrs(anchor) }]} { if {![catch { set xref($anchor) }]} { unexpected error "anchor attribute already in use: $anchor" } set xref($anchor) [list type $type elemN $elemN value $value] } if {$elemN > 1} { set frame [lindex $stack end] set children [lindex $frame 4] lappend children $elemN set frame [lreplace $frame 4 4 $children] set stack [lreplace $stack end end $frame] } } else { if {0 && (![string compare $passno/$name 2/eref])} { array set attrs $elem($elemN) if {[catch { incr counter(reference) }]} { set counter(reference) 1 } set attrs(.COUNTER) $counter(reference) set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] } switch -- $name { rfc { pass2begin_$name $elemN } front - abstract - note - section - t - list - figure - preamble - postamble - xref - eref - iref - vspace - back { if {[lsearch0 $stack references] < 0} { pass2begin_$name $elemN } } } } if {[lsearch -exact $ctexts $name] >= 0} { set ctext yes if {$passno == 1} { set attrs(.CTEXT) "" set elem($elemN) [array get attrs] } } else { set ctext no } lappend stack [list $name elemN $elemN children "" ctext $ctext av $av] } proc counting {tcount tdepth} { set x [llength [set l [split $tcount .]]] if {$x > $tdepth} { set l [lrange $l 0 [expr $tdepth-1]] set x $tdepth } elseif {$x < $tdepth} { lappend l 0 incr x } incr x -1 set l [lreplace $l $x $x [expr [lindex $l $x]+1]] return [join $l .] } # end element proc end {name} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref set frame [lindex $stack end] set stack [lreplace $stack end end] array set av [lrange $frame 1 end] set elemX $av(elemN) if {$passno == 1} { array set attrs $elem($elemX) set attrs(.CHILDREN) $av(children) set attrs(.NAME) $name set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] switch -- $name { section { incr depth(section) -1 } list { if {[incr depth(list) -1] == 0} { set counter(list) 0 } } } return } switch -- $name { rfc - front - t - list - figure - preamble - postamble { if {[lsearch0 $stack references] < 0} { pass2end_$name $elemX } } } } # character data proc pcdata {text} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode if {[string length [set chars [string trim $text]]] <= 0} { return } regsub -all "\r" $text "\n" text set frame [lindex $stack end] if {$passno == 1} { array set av [lrange $frame 1 end] set elemX $av(elemN) array set attrs $elem($elemX) if {![string compare $av(ctext) yes]} { append attrs(.CTEXT) $chars } else { set attrs(.CLINES) [llength [split $text "\n"]] } set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] return } if {[lsearch0 $stack references] >= 0} { return } switch -- [lindex $frame 0] { artwork { set pre 1 } t - preamble - postamble { set pre 0 } default { return } } pcdata_$mode $text $pre } # processing instructions proc pi {args} { global options global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref switch -- [lindex $args 0]/[llength $args] { xml/2 { if {([string first "version=\"1.0\"" [lindex $args 1]] < 0) \ && ([string first "version='1.0'" [lindex $args 1]] < 0)} { unexpected error "unexpected " } } DOCTYPE/4 { if {[info exists stack]} { return } if {![string match "-public -system rfc*.dtd" \ [lrange $args 1 end]]} { unexpected error "unexpected DOCTYPE: [lrange $args 1 end]" } } rfc/2 { set text [string trim [lindex $args 1]] if {[catch { if {[llength [set params [split $text =]]] != 2} { error "" } set key [lindex $params 0] set value [lindex $params 1] if {[string first "'" $value]} { regsub -- {^"([^"]*)"$} $value {\1} value } else { regsub -- {^'([^']*)'$} $value {\1} value } if {![string compare $key include]} { return } set options($key) $value }]} { unexpected error "invalid rfc instruction: $text" } normalize_options } default { set text [join $args " "] unexpected warning "unknown PI: $text" } } } proc normalize_options {} { global passmax global options global mode global remoteP if {$remoteP} { set options(slides) no } foreach {o O} [list compact .COMPACT \ subcompact .SUBCOMPACT \ toc .TOC \ tocompact .TOCOMPACT \ editing .EDITING \ emoticonic .EMOTICONIC \ symrefs .SYMREFS \ sortrefs .SORTREFS \ slides .SLIDES] { switch -- $options($o) { yes - true - 1 { set options($O) 1 } default { set options($O) 0 } } } foreach {o O} [list private .PRIVATE \ header .HEADER \ footer .FOOTER] { set options($O) 0 if {[string compare $options($o) ""]} { set options($O) 1 } } switch -- $mode { nr - txt { if {$options(.TOC)} { set passmax 3 } } html { if {$options(.SLIDES)} { set passmax 3 } } } if {!$options(.COMPACT)} { set options(.SUBCOMPACT) 0 } if {$options(.PRIVATE)} { set options(.HEADER) 1 set options(.FOOTER) 1 } } # xml and dtd declaration proc xmldecl {version encoding standalone} { if {[string compare $version 1.0]} { unexpected error "invalid XML version: $version" } } proc doctype {element public system internal} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref if {[info exists stack]} { return } if {[string compare $element rfc] \ || [string compare $public ""] \ || (![string match "rfc*.dtd" $system])} { unexpected error "invalid DOCTYPE: $element+$public+$system+$internal" } } # the unexpected ... proc unexpected {args} { global guiP set text [join [lrange $args 1 end] " "] switch -- [set type [lindex $args 0]] { error { global errorP set errorP 1 return -code error $text } notice { if {$guiP == -1} { puts stdout $text } } default { switch -- $guiP { 1 { tk_dialog .unexpected "xml2rfc: $type" $text $type 0 OK } -1 { puts stdout "$type: $text" } } } } } # # specific elements # # the whole document global copylong set copylong { "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (%YEAR%). All Rights Reserved." "This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English." "The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns." "This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." } global funding set funding \ "Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the Internet Society." proc pass2begin_rfc {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global options copyrightP array set attrs [list number "" obsoletes "" updates "" \ category info seriesNo "" ipr ""] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) \ && (![string compare $attrs(number) ""]) \ && (![string compare $attrs(ipr) ""])} { unexpected error \ "rfc element needs either a number or an ipr attribute" } if {![string compare $attrs(ipr) none]} { set copyrightP 0 } else { set copyrightP 1 } } proc pass2end_rfc {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global elemZ global mode global copylong array set attrs $elem($elemX) set front [find_element front $attrs(.CHILDREN)] array set fv $elem($front) set date [find_element date $fv(.CHILDREN)] array set dv $elem($date) regsub -all %YEAR% $copylong $dv(year) copying if {![catch { set who $attrs(disclaimant) }]} { lappend copying \ "%WHO% expressly disclaims any and all warranties regarding this contribution including any warranty that (a) this contribution does not violate the rights of others, (b) the owners, if any, of other rights in this contribution have been informed of the rights and permissions granted to IETF herein, and (c) any required authorizations from such owners have been obtained. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and %UWHO% DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." \ \ "IN NO EVENT WILL %UWHO% BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER PARTY INCLUDING THE IETF AND ITS MEMBERS FOR THE COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS OR ANY OTHER AGREEMENT RELATING TO THIS DOCUMENT, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PARTY HAD ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES." regsub -all %WHO% $copying $who copying regsub -all %UWHO% $copying [string toupper $who] copying } array set index "" for {set elemY 1} {$elemY <= $elemZ} {incr elemY} { catch { unset iv } array set iv $elem($elemY) if {[string compare $iv(.NAME) iref]} { continue } lappend index($iv(item)+$iv(subitem)+$iv(flags)) $iv(.ANCHOR) } set items [lsort -dictionary [array names index]] set irefs "" set L "" set K "" foreach item $items { set iref "" foreach {key subkey flags} [split $item +] { break } if {[string compare [set c [string toupper [string index $key 0]]] \ $L]} { lappend iref [set L $c] set K "" } else { lappend iref "" } if {[string compare $key $K]} { lappend iref [set K $key] } else { lappend iref "" } lappend iref $subkey lappend iref $flags lappend iref $index($item) lappend irefs $iref } set attrs(.ANCHOR) [rfc_$mode $irefs $copying] set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] } # the front (either for the rfc or a reference) global copyshort idinfo set copyshort \ "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (%YEAR%). All Rights Reserved." set idinfo { { "This document is an Internet-Draft and is %IPR%" "Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts." "Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as \"work in progress.\"" "The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt." "The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html." "This Internet-Draft will expire on %EXPIRES%." } { "This document is an Internet-Draft and is %IPR%" "Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts." "Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as \"work in progress.\"" "The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt." "The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html." "This Internet-Draft will expire on %EXPIRES%." } } proc pass2begin_front {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global elemZ global options global ifile mode ofile global categories copyshort idinfo iprstatus array set attrs $elem($elemX) set title [find_element title $attrs(.CHILDREN)] array set tv [list abbrev ""] array set tv $elem($title) if {([string length $tv(.CTEXT)] > 42) \ && (![string compare $tv(abbrev) ""])} { unexpected error "title element needs an abbrev attribute" } if {![string compare $tv(abbrev) ""]} { set tv(abbrev) $tv(.CTEXT) } set title [list $tv(.CTEXT)] set date [find_element date $attrs(.CHILDREN)] array set dv $elem($date) if {[catch { set dv(day) }]} { set now [clock seconds] set three [clock format $now -format "%B %Y %d"] if {(![string compare $dv(month) [lindex $three 0]]) \ && (![string compare $dv(year) [lindex $three 1]])} { set dv(day) [string trimleft [lindex $three 2] 0] } } array set rv $elem(1) catch { set ofile $rv(docName) } if {$options(.PRIVATE)} { lappend left $options(private) set status "" } else { set first "" if {(![string compare $rv(number) ""]) \ && ([string compare \ [set workgroup [find_element workgroup \ $attrs(.CHILDREN)]] ""])} { array set wv $elem($workgroup) set first [string trim $wv(.CTEXT)] } if {![string compare $first ""]} { set first "Network Working Group" } lappend left $first if {[string compare $rv(number) ""]} { lappend left "Request for Comments: $rv(number)" set cindex [lsearch0 $categories $rv(category)] if {[string compare $rv(seriesNo) ""]} { lappend left \ "[lindex [lindex $categories $cindex] 2]: $rv(seriesNo)" } if {[string compare $rv(updates) ""]} { lappend left "Updates: $rv(updates)" } if {[string compare $rv(obsoletes) ""]} { lappend left "Obsoletes: $rv(obsoletes)" } set category [lindex [lindex $categories $cindex] 1] lappend left "Category: $category" set status [list [lindex [lindex $categories $cindex] 3]] } else { if {![info exists counter(abstract)]} { unexpected error "I-D missing abstract" } lappend left "Internet-Draft" if {[catch { set day $dv(day) }]} { set day 1 } set secs [clock scan "$dv(month) $day, $dv(year)" -gmt true] incr secs [expr (182*86400)+43200] set day [string trimleft \ [clock format $secs -format "%d" -gmt true] 0] set expires [clock format $secs -format "%B $day, %Y" -gmt true] lappend left "Expires: $expires" set category "Expires $expires" if {![string compare $mode html]} { set iindex 1 } else { set iindex 0 } set status [lindex $idinfo $iindex] regsub -all %IPR% $status \ [lindex [lindex $iprstatus \ [lsearch0 $iprstatus $rv(ipr)]] 1] status regsub -all %EXPIRES% $status $expires status } } set authors "" set names "" foreach child [find_element author $attrs(.CHILDREN)] { array set av [list initials "" surname "" fullname ""] array set av $elem($child) set organization [find_element organization $av(.CHILDREN)] array set ov [list abbrev ""] array set ov $elem($organization) if {![string compare $ov(abbrev) ""]} { set ov(abbrev) $ov(.CTEXT) } if {[string compare $av(initials) ""]} { set av(initials) [lindex [split $av(initials) .] 0]. } set av(abbrev) "$av(initials) $av(surname)" if {[string length $av(abbrev)] == 1} { set av(abbrev) "" lappend names $ov(abbrev) } else { lappend names $av(surname) } set authors [linsert $authors 0 [list $av(abbrev) $ov(abbrev)]] } set lastO "" set right "" foreach author $authors { if {[string compare [set value [lindex $author 1]] $lastO]} { set right [linsert $right 0 [set lastO $value]] } if {[string compare [set value [lindex $author 0]] ""]} { set right [linsert $right 0 $value] } } set day "" if {(![string compare $rv(number) ""]) \ && (![catch { set day $dv(day) }])} { set day "$day, " } lappend right "$dv(month) $day$dv(year)" if {$options(.HEADER)} { lappend top $options(header) } elseif {[string compare $rv(number) ""]} { lappend top "RFC $rv(number)" } else { lappend top "Internet-Draft" lappend title $ofile } lappend top $tv(abbrev) lappend top "$dv(month) $dv(year)" switch -- [llength $names] { 1 { lappend bottom [lindex $names 0] } 2 { lappend bottom "[lindex $names 0] & [lindex $names 1]" } default { lappend bottom "[lindex $names 0], et al." } } if {$options(.FOOTER)} { lappend bottom $options(footer) } else { lappend bottom $category } regsub -all %YEAR% $copyshort $dv(year) copying front_${mode}_begin $left $right $top $bottom $title $status $copying } proc pass2end_front {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global elemZ global options copyrightP global mode set toc "" set refs 0 set irefP 0 if {$options(.TOC)} { set last "" for {set elemY 1} {$elemY <= $elemZ} {incr elemY} { catch { unset cv } array set cv $elem($elemY) switch -- $cv(.NAME) { rfc { if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) && $copyrightP} { if {[catch { set anchor $cv(.ANCHOR) }]} { set anchor rfc.copyright set label "§" } else { set label "" } set last [list $label "Full Copyright Statement" \ $anchor] } } section { if {[string first . [set label $cv(.COUNTER)]] < 0} { append label . } lappend toc [list $label $cv(title) $cv(.ANCHOR)] } back { if {[catch { set anchor $cv(.ANCHOR) }]} { set anchor rfc.authors set label "§" } else { set label "" } array set fv $elem(2) set n [llength [find_element author $fv(.CHILDREN)]] if {$n == 1} { set title "Author's Address" } else { set title "Authors' Addresses" } lappend toc [list $label $title $anchor] } references { if {[catch { set anchor $cv(.ANCHOR) }]} { set anchor rfc.references[incr refs] set label "§" } else { set label "" } if {[catch { set title $cv(title) }]} { set title References } set toc [linsert $toc [expr [llength $toc]-1] \ [list $label $title $anchor]] } iref { set irefP 1 } } } if {[string compare $last ""]} { lappend toc $last } } front_${mode}_end $toc $irefP } # the abstract/note elements proc pass2begin_abstract {elemX} { global mode abstract_$mode } proc pass2begin_note {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode set d 0 foreach frame $stack { if {![string compare [lindex $frame 0] note]} { incr d } } array set attrs $elem($elemX) note_$mode $attrs(title) $d } # the section element proc pass2begin_section {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs [list anchor ""] array set attrs $elem($elemX) if {[lsearch0 $stack section] < 0} { set top 1 } else { set top 0 } set prefix "" set s $attrs(.COUNTER) if {$top} { append s . } if {([lsearch0 $stack back] >= 0) && ($top)} { set prefix "Appendix " } set title $attrs(title) set lines 0 if {[llength $attrs(.CHILDREN)] > 0} { set elemY [lindex $attrs(.CHILDREN) 0] array set cv $elem($elemY) if {![string compare $cv(.NAME) figure]} { set lines [pass2begin_figure $elemY 1] } } set attrs(.ANCHOR) \ [section_$mode $prefix$s $top $title $lines $attrs(anchor)] set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] } # the t element proc pass2begin_t {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs [list .COUNTER "" style "" hangText "" hangIndent ""] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] if {[string compare $attrs(.COUNTER) ""]} { set frame [lindex $stack end] array set av [lrange $frame 1 end] set elemY $av(elemN) array set av $elem($elemY) set attrs(hangIndent) $av(hangIndent) if {![string compare [set attrs(style) $av(style)] format]} { set attrs(style) hanging set format $av(format) if {![string compare $attrs(hangText) ""]} { set attrs(hangText) [format $format [incr counter($format)]] } } set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] } t_$mode begin $attrs(.COUNTER) $attrs(style) $attrs(hangText) \ $attrs(.EDITNO) } proc pass2end_t {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs $elem($elemX) t_$mode end $attrs(.COUNTER) $attrs(style) $attrs(hangText) "" } # the list element proc pass2begin_list {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode set style empty set format "" set hangIndent 0 foreach frame $stack { if {[string compare [lindex $frame 0] list]} { continue } array set av [lrange $frame 1 end] set elemY $av(elemN) array set av $elem($elemY) set style $av(style) set format $av(format) set hangIndent $av(hangIndent) } array set attrs $elem($elemX) catch { set hangIndent $attrs(hangIndent) } set attrs(hangIndent) $hangIndent catch { if {[string first "format " [set style $attrs(style)]]} { set format $attrs(format) } else { set style format if {[string compare \ [set format [string trimleft \ [string range $attrs(style) 7 \ end]]] ""]} { if {[set x [string first "%d" $format]] < 0} { unexpected error "missing %d in format style" } if {[string first "%d" [string range $format $x end]] > 0} { unexpected error "too many %d's in format style" } if {![info exists counter($format)]} { set counter($format) 0 } } else { set style hanging set format "" } } } array set attrs [list style $style format $format] set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] set counters "" set hangText "" foreach child [find_element t $attrs(.CHILDREN)] { array set tv $elem($child) lappend counters $tv(.COUNTER) catch { set hangText $tv(hangText) } } list_$mode begin $counters $attrs(style) $attrs(hangIndent) $hangText } proc pass2end_list {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs $elem($elemX) list_$mode end "" $attrs(style) "" "" } # the figure element proc pass2begin_figure {elemX {internal 0}} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs [list anchor "" title ""] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set lines 0 foreach p {preamble postamble} { if {[llength [find_element $p $attrs(.CHILDREN)]] == 1} { incr lines 3 } } if {$lines > 5} { set lines 5 } set artwork [find_element artwork $attrs(.CHILDREN)] array set av [list src ""] array set av $elem($artwork) # if artwork is empty! catch { incr lines $av(.CLINES) } if {$internal} { return $lines } figure_$mode begin $lines $attrs(anchor) $av(src) $attrs(title) } proc pass2end_figure {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs [list anchor "" title ""] array set attrs $elem($elemX) figure_$mode end "" $attrs(anchor) "" $attrs(title) } # the preamble/postamble elements proc pass2begin_preamble {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs $elem($elemX) preamble_$mode begin $attrs(.EDITNO) } proc pass2end_preamble {elemX} { global mode preamble_$mode end } proc pass2begin_postamble {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs $elem($elemX) postamble_$mode begin $attrs(.EDITNO) } proc pass2end_postamble {elemX} { global mode postamble_$mode end } # the xref element proc pass2begin_xref {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode # pageno is ignored for now... array set attrs [list pageno false] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set anchor $attrs(target) xref_$mode $attrs(.CTEXT) $xref($anchor) $anchor } # the eref element proc pass2begin_eref {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs $elem($elemX) if {$passno == 2} { if {![info exists counter(reference)]} { set counter(reference) 0 } if {([string first "#" $attrs(target)] < 0) \ && ([string compare $attrs(.CTEXT) $attrs(target)])} { switch -- $mode { nr - txt { incr counter(reference) } } } set attrs(.COUNTER) $counter(reference) set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] } eref_$mode $attrs(.CTEXT) $attrs(.COUNTER) $attrs(target) } # the iref element proc pass2begin_iref {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs [list subitem "" primary false] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set flags [list primary $attrs(primary)] unset attrs(primary) set attrs(flags) $flags set attrs(.ANCHOR) [iref_$mode $attrs(item) $attrs(subitem) $flags] set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] } # the vspace element proc pass2begin_vspace {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs [list blankLines 0] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] vspace_$mode $attrs(blankLines) } # the references/reference elements # we intercept the back element so we can put the Author's addresses # after the References section (if any) and before any Appendices proc pass2begin_back {elemX} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode global erefs array set attrs $elem($elemX) if {[llength [set children [find_element references $attrs(.CHILDREN)]]] \ == 1} { set erefP 1 } else { set erefP 0 } foreach child $children { pass2begin_references $child $erefP } if {(!$erefP) && ([array size erefs] > 0)} { erefs_$mode URIs } array set fv $elem(2) set authors "" foreach child [find_element author $fv(.CHILDREN)] { array set av [list initials "" surname "" fullname ""] array set av $elem($child) set organization [find_element organization $av(.CHILDREN)] array set ov [list abbrev ""] array set ov $elem($organization) set block1 "" if {[string compare $av(fullname) ""]} { lappend block1 $av(fullname) } if {[string compare $ov(.CTEXT) ""]} { lappend block1 $ov(.CTEXT) } set address [find_element address $av(.CHILDREN)] set block2 "" if {[llength $address] == 1} { array set bv $elem($address) set postal [find_element postal $bv(.CHILDREN)] if {[llength $postal] == 1} { array set pv $elem($postal) foreach street [find_element street $pv(.CHILDREN)] { array set sv $elem($street) lappend block1 $sv(.CTEXT) } set s "" foreach e {city region code} t {"" ", " " "} { set f [find_element $e $pv(.CHILDREN)] if {[llength $f] == 1} { catch { unset fv } array set fv $elem($f) if {[string compare $s ""]} { append s $t } append s $fv(.CTEXT) } } if {[string compare $s ""]} { lappend block1 $s } set f [find_element country $pv(.CHILDREN)] if {[llength $f] == 1} { catch { unset fv } array set fv $elem($f) lappend block1 $fv(.CTEXT) } } set block2 "" foreach e {phone facsimile email uri} { set f [find_element $e $bv(.CHILDREN)] if {[llength $f] == 1} { catch { unset fv } array set fv $elem($f) lappend block2 [list $e $fv(.CTEXT)] } } } lappend authors [list $block1 $block2] } set attrs(.ANCHOR) [back_$mode $authors] set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] } proc pass2begin_references {elemX erefP} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode global options array set attrs [list title References] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set attrs(.ANCHOR) [references_$mode begin $attrs(title)] set elem($elemX) [array get attrs] set children [find_element reference $attrs(.CHILDREN)] if {$options(.SORTREFS)} { set children [lsort -command sort_references $children] } set width 0 foreach child $children { array set x $elem($child) if {[set y [string length $x(.COUNTER)]] > $width} { set width $y } unset x } foreach child $children { pass2begin_reference $child $width } references_$mode end "" $erefP } proc sort_references {elemX elemY} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref array set attrX $elem($elemX) array set attrY $elem($elemY) return [string compare $attrX(anchor) $attrY(anchor)] } proc pass2begin_reference {elemX width} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global mode array set attrs [list anchor "" target "" target2 ""] array set attrs $elem($elemX) set front [find_element front $attrs(.CHILDREN)] array set fv $elem($front) set childN [llength [set children [find_element author $fv(.CHILDREN)]]] set childA 0 foreach child [find_element author $fv(.CHILDREN)] { incr childA array set av [list initials "" surname "" fullname ""] array set av $elem($child) set organization [find_element organization $av(.CHILDREN)] array set ov [list .CTEXT "" abbrev ""] if {[string compare $organization ""]} { array set ov $elem($organization) if {![string compare $ov(abbrev) ""]} { set ov(abbrev) $ov(.CTEXT) } } set mref "" set uref "" set address [find_element address $av(.CHILDREN)] if {[llength $address] == 1} { array set bv $elem($address) foreach {k v p} {email mref mailto: uri uref ""} { set u [find_element $k $bv(.CHILDREN)] if {[llength $u] == 1} { catch { unset uv } array set uv $elem($u) set $v $p$uv(.CTEXT) } } } if {![string compare $mref ""]} { set mref $uref } elseif {![string compare $uref ""]} { set uref $mref } if {[string compare $av(initials) ""]} { set av(initials) [lindex [split $av(initials) .] 0]. } if {($childA > 1) && ($childA == $childN)} { set av(abbrev) [string trimleft "$av(initials) $av(surname)"] } elseif {[string compare $av(initials) ""]} { set av(abbrev) "$av(surname), $av(initials)" } else { set av(abbrev) $av(surname) } if {[string length $av(abbrev)] == 0} { lappend names [list $ov(.CTEXT) $uref] } else { lappend names [list $av(abbrev) $mref] } } set title [find_element title $fv(.CHILDREN)] array set tv [list abbrev ""] array set tv $elem($title) set title $tv(.CTEXT) set series "" foreach child [find_element seriesInfo $attrs(.CHILDREN)] { # backwards compatibility... array set sv $elem($child) if {([info exists sv(name)]) && ([info exists sv(value)])} { lappend series "$sv(name) $sv(value)" } else { lappend series $sv(.CTEXT) } } set date [find_element date $fv(.CHILDREN)] array set dv $elem($date) if {[string compare $dv(month) ""]} { set date "$dv(month) $dv(year)" } else { set date $dv(year) } reference_$mode $attrs(.COUNTER) $names $title $series $date \ $attrs(anchor) $attrs(target) $attrs(target2) $width } proc find_element {name children} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref set result "" foreach child $children { array set attrs $elem($child) if {![string compare $attrs(.NAME) $name]} { lappend result $child } } return $result } # could use "lsearch -glob" followed by a "string compare", but there are # some amusing corner cases with that... proc lsearch0 {list exact} { set x 0 foreach elem $list { if {![string compare [lindex $elem 0] $exact]} { return $x } incr x } return -1 } # # text output # proc rfc_txt {irefs copying} { global options copyrightP global funding global header footer lineno pageno blankP global indexpg end_page_txt if {[llength $irefs] > 0} { set indexpg $pageno write_line_txt "Index" foreach iref $irefs { foreach {L item subitem flags pages} $iref { break } if {[string compare $L ""]} { write_line_txt "" write_line_txt $L } set subitem [chars_expand $subitem] if {[string compare $item ""]} { write_text_txt [chars_expand $item] if {[string compare $subitem ""]} { flush_text write_text_txt " $subitem" } } else { write_text_txt " $subitem" } set s " " foreach page $pages { write_text_txt "$s$page" set s ", " } flush_text } end_page_txt } if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) && $copyrightP} { set result $pageno write_line_txt "Full Copyright Statement" foreach para $copying { write_line_txt "" pcdata_txt $para } write_line_txt "" if {![have_lines 4]} { end_page_txt } write_line_txt "Acknowledgement" write_line_txt "" pcdata_txt $funding end_page_txt } else { set result "" } return $result } proc front_txt_begin {left right top bottom title status copying} { global options copyrightP global ifile mode ofile global header footer lineno pageno blankP global eatP global passno indexpg set header [three_parts $top] set footer [string trimright [three_parts $bottom]] set lineno 1 set pageno 1 set blankP 0 set eatP 0 if {$passno == 2} { set indexpg 0 } for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} { write_line_txt "" -1 } set left [munge_long $left] set right [munge_long $right] foreach l $left r $right { set l [chars_expand $l] set r [chars_expand $r] set len [expr 72-[string length $l]] write_line_txt [format %s%*.*s $l $len $len $r] } write_line_txt "" -1 write_line_txt "" -1 foreach line $title { write_text_txt [chars_expand $line] c } write_line_txt "" -1 if {!$options(.PRIVATE)} { write_line_txt "Status of this Memo" foreach para $status { write_line_txt "" pcdata_txt $para } } if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) && $copyrightP} { write_line_txt "" -1 write_line_txt "Copyright Notice" write_line_txt "" -1 pcdata_txt $copying } incr lineno -1 } proc three_parts {stuff} { set result [chars_expand [lindex $stuff 0]] set len [string length $result] set text [chars_expand [lindex $stuff 1]] set len [expr (73-[string length $text])/2-$len] if {$len < 4} { set len 4 } append result [format %*.*s%s $len $len "" $text] set len [string length [set text [chars_expand [lindex $stuff 2]]]] set len [expr (72-[string length $result])-$len] append result [format %*.*s%s $len $len "" $text] return $result } proc front_txt_end {toc irefP} { global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP global indexpg if {$options(.TOC)} { set last [lindex $toc end] if {[string compare [lindex $last 1] "Full Copyright Statement"]} { set last "" } else { set toc [lreplace $toc end end] } if {$irefP} { lappend toc [list "" Index $indexpg] } if {[string compare $last ""]} { lappend toc $last } if {(![have_lines [expr [llength $toc]+3]]) || ($lineno > 17)} { end_page_txt } else { write_line_txt "" -1 } write_line_txt "Table of Contents" write_line_txt "" -1 set len1 0 set len2 0 foreach c $toc { if {[set x [string length [lindex $c 0]]] > $len1} { set len1 $x } if {[set x [string length [lindex $c 2]]] > $len2} { set len2 $x } } set mid [expr 72-($len1+$len2+5)] foreach c $toc { if {!$options(.TOCOMPACT)} { if {[string last . [lindex $c 0]] \ == [expr [string length [lindex $c 0]]-1]} { write_line_txt "" } } set s1 [format " %-*.*s " $len1 $len1 [lindex $c 0]] set s2 [format " %*.*s" $len2 $len2 [lindex $c 2]] set title [chars_expand [string trim [lindex $c 1]]] while {[set i [string length $title]] > $mid} { set phrase [string range $title 0 [expr $mid-1]] if {[set x [string last " " $phrase]] < 0} { if {[set x [string first " " $title]] < 0} { break } } write_toc_txt $s1 [string range $title 0 [expr $x-1]] \ [format " %-*.*s" $len2 $len2 ""] $mid 0 set s1 [format " %-*.*s " $len1 $len1 ""] set title [string trimleft [string range $title $x end]] } write_toc_txt $s1 $title $s2 $mid 1 } } if {($options(.TOC) || !$options(.COMPACT))} { end_page_txt } } proc write_toc_txt {s1 title s2 len dot} { set x [string length $title] if {($dot) && ($x < $len)} { if {$x%2} { append title " " incr x } while {$x < $len} { append title " ." incr x 2 } } write_line_txt [format "%s%-*.*s%s" $s1 $len $len $title $s2] } proc abstract_txt {} { write_line_txt "" -1 write_line_txt "Abstract" write_line_txt "" -1 } proc note_txt {title depth} { write_line_txt "" -1 write_line_txt [chars_expand $title] write_line_txt "" -1 } proc section_txt {prefix top title lines anchor} { global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP if {($top && !$options(.COMPACT)) || (![have_lines [expr $lines+5]])} { end_page_txt } else { write_line_txt "" -1 } push_indent -3 write_text_txt "$prefix " push_indent [expr [string length $prefix]+1] write_text_txt [chars_expand $title] flush_text pop_indent pop_indent return $pageno } proc t_txt {tag counter style hangText editNo} { global options global eatP if {![string compare $tag end]} { return } if {[string compare $counter ""]} { set pos [pop_indent] set l [split $counter .] switch -- $style { numbers { set counter "[lindex $l end]. " } symbols { set counter "[lindex { - o * + } [expr [llength $l]%4]] " } hanging { set counter "[chars_expand $hangText] " } default { set counter " " } } flush_text if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_txt $editNo } elseif {!$options(.SUBCOMPACT)} { write_line_txt "" } write_text_txt [format "%0s%-[expr $pos-0]s" "" $counter] push_indent $pos } else { if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_txt $editNo } else { write_line_txt "" } } set eatP 1 } proc list_txt {tag counters style hangIndent hangText} { global options global eatP switch -- $tag { begin { switch -- $style { numbers { set i 0 foreach counter $counters { if {[set j [string length \ [lindex [split $counter .] end]]] \ > $i} { set i $j } } incr i 1 } format { set i [expr [string length [chars_expand $hangText]]-1] } default { set i 1 } } if {[incr i 2] > $hangIndent} { push_indent [expr $i+0] } else { push_indent [expr $hangIndent+0] } } end { flush_text if {!$options(.SUBCOMPACT)} { write_line_txt "" } pop_indent set eatP 1 } } } proc figure_txt {tag lines anchor src title} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref switch -- $tag { begin { if {[string compare $title ""]} { incr lines 8 } if {![have_lines $lines]} { end_page_txt } if {[string compare $title ""]} { write_line_txt "" write_line_txt \ " ---------------------------------------------------------------------" write_line_txt "" } } end { if {[string compare $title ""]} { if {[string compare $anchor ""]} { array set av $xref($anchor) set prefix "Figure $av(value): " } else { set prefix "" } write_line_txt "" write_text_txt "$prefix[chars_expand $title]" c write_line_txt "" write_line_txt \ " ---------------------------------------------------------------------" write_line_txt "" } } } } proc preamble_txt {tag {editNo ""}} { global options switch -- $tag { begin { if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_txt $editNo } else { write_line_txt "" } } } } proc postamble_txt {tag {editNo ""}} { global options global eatP switch -- $tag { begin { set eatP 1 if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_txt $editNo } } } } proc xref_txt {text av target} { global eatP array set attrs $av switch -- $attrs(type) { section { set line "Section $attrs(value)" } appendix { set line "Appendix $attrs(value)" } figure { set line "Figure $attrs(value)" } default { set line "\[$attrs(value)\]" } } if {[string compare $text ""]} { switch -- $attrs(type) { section - appendix - figure { set line "[chars_expand $text] ($line)" } default { set line "[chars_expand $text] $line" } } } write_text_txt $line set eatP 0 } proc eref_txt {text counter target} { global eatP global erefs if {[string compare $text ""]} { set line "[chars_expand $text]" } if {([string first "#" $target] < 0) \ && ([string compare $text $target])} { set erefs($counter) $target append line " \[$counter\]" } write_text_txt $line set eatP 0 } proc iref_txt {item subitem flags} { global header footer lineno pageno blankP return $pageno } proc vspace_txt {lines} { global header footer lineno pageno blankP global eatP flush_text if {$lineno+$lines >= 51} { end_page_txt } else { while {$lines > 0} { incr lines -1 write_it "" incr lineno } } set eatP 1 } proc references_txt {tag {title ""} {erefP 0}} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP switch -- $tag { begin { if {$options(.COMPACT)} { write_line_txt "" } else { end_page_txt } write_line_txt [chars_expand $title] return $pageno } end { if {$erefP} { erefs_txt } else { flush_text } } } } proc erefs_txt {{title ""}} { global erefs global options if {[string compare $title ""]} { if {$options(.COMPACT)} { write_line_txt "" } else { end_page_txt } write_line_txt $title } set names [lsort -integer [array names erefs]] set width [expr [string length [lindex $names end]]+2] foreach eref $names { write_line_txt "" set i [expr [string length \ [set prefix \ [format %-*.*s $width $width \ "\[$eref\]"]]+2]] write_text_txt $prefix push_indent $i write_text_txt " " write_url $erefs($eref) pop_indent } flush_text } proc reference_txt {prefix names title series date anchor target target2 width} { write_line_txt "" incr width 2 set i [expr [string length \ [set prefix \ [format %-*.*s $width $width "\[$prefix\]"]]+2]] write_text_txt $prefix push_indent $i set hack $names set names "" foreach name $hack { if {[string compare [lindex $name 0] ""]} { lappend names $name } } set nameN [llength $names] set s " " set nameA 1 foreach name $names { incr nameA write_text_txt $s[chars_expand [lindex $name 0]] if {$nameA == $nameN} { set s " and " } else { set s ", " } } write_text_txt "$s\"[chars_expand $title]\"" foreach serial $series { if {[regexp -nocase -- "internet-draft (draft-.*)" $serial x n] == 1} { set serial "$n (work in progress)" } write_text_txt ", [chars_expand $serial]" } if {[string compare $date ""]} { write_text_txt ", $date" } if {[string compare $target ""]} { write_text_txt ", " write_url $target } write_text_txt . pop_indent } proc back_txt {authors} { global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP global contacts set lines 5 set author [lindex $authors 0] incr lines [llength [lindex $author 0]] incr lines [llength [lindex $author 1]] if {![have_lines $lines]} { end_page_txt } elseif {$lineno != 3} { write_line_txt "" -1 write_line_txt "" -1 } set result $pageno switch -- [llength $authors] { 0 { return $result } 1 { set s1 "'s" set s2 "" } default { set s1 "s'" set s2 "es" } } set s "Author$s1 Address$s2" set firstP 1 foreach author $authors { set block1 [lindex $author 0] set block2 [lindex $author 1] set lines 3 incr lines [llength $block1] incr lines [llength $block2] if {![have_lines $lines]} { end_page_txt } if {[string compare $s ""]} { write_line_txt $s set s "" } else { write_line_txt "" -1 } write_line_txt "" -1 foreach line $block1 { write_line_txt " [chars_expand $line]" } if {[llength $block2] > 0} { write_line_txt "" foreach contact $block2 { set key [lindex $contact 0] set value [lindex [lindex $contacts \ [lsearch0 $contacts $key]] 1] set value [format %-6s $value:] write_line_txt " $value [chars_expand [lindex $contact 1]]" } } } return $result } proc pcdata_txt {text {pre 0}} { global eatP global options if {(!$pre) && ($eatP)} { set text [string trimleft $text] } set eatP 0 if {!$pre} { regsub -all "\n\[ \t\n\]*" $text "\n" text regsub -all "\[ \t\]*\n\[ \t\]*" $text "\n" text set prefix "" if {$options(.EMOTICONIC)} { set text [emoticonic_txt $text] } } foreach line [split $text "\n"] { set line [chars_expand $line] if {$pre} { write_line_txt [string trimright $line] 1 } else { write_pcdata_txt $prefix$line set prefix " " } } } proc emoticonic_txt {text} { foreach {ei begin end} [list * * * \ ' ' ' \ {"} {"} {"}] { set body "" while {[set x [string first "|$ei" $text]] >= 0} { if {$x > 0} { append body [string range $text 0 [expr $x-1]] } append body "$begin" set text [string range $text [expr $x+2] end] if {[set x [string first "|" $text]] < 0} { error "missing close for |$ei" } if {$x > 0} { set inline [string range $text 0 [expr $x-1]] if {[string first $begin $inline] == 0} { set inline [string range $inline [string length $begin] \ end] } set tail [expr [string length $inline]-[string length $end]] if {[string last $end $inline] == $tail} { set inline [string range $inline 0 [expr $tail-1]] } append body $inline } append body "$end" set text [string range $text [expr $x+1] end] } append body $text set text $body } return $text } proc start_page_txt {} { global stdout global header footer lineno pageno blankP write_it $header write_it "" write_it "" set lineno 3 set blankP 1 } proc end_page_txt {} { global stdout global header footer lineno pageno blankP flush_text if {$lineno <= 3} { return } while {$lineno < 54} { write_it "" incr lineno } set text [format "\[Page %d\]" $pageno] incr pageno set len [string length $text] set len [expr (72-[string length $footer])-$len] if {$len < 4} { set len 4 } write_it [format %s%*.*s%s $footer $len $len "" $text] write_it "\f" set lineno 0 } proc write_pcdata_txt {text} { global buffer global indents indent if {![string compare $buffer ""]} { set buffer [format %*.*s $indent $indent ""] } append buffer $text set buffer [two_spaces $buffer] write_text_txt "" } proc write_editno_txt {editNo} { global buffer global indents indent if {[string compare $buffer ""]} { flush_text } set buffer <$editNo> flush_text } proc write_text_txt {text {direction l}} { global buffer global indents indent if {![string compare $buffer ""]} { set buffer [format %*.*s $indent $indent ""] } append buffer $text set flush [string compare $direction l] while {([set i [string length $buffer]] > 72) || ($flush)} { if {$i > 72} { set x [string last " " [set line [string range $buffer 0 72]]] set y [string last "-" [string range $line 0 71]] set z [string last "/" [string range $line 0 71]] if {$y < $z} { set y $z } if {$x < $y} { set x $y } if {$x < 0} { set x [string last " " $buffer] set y [string last "-" $buffer] set z [string last "/" $buffer] if {$y > $z} { set y $z } if {$x > $y} { set x $y } } if {$x < 0} { set x $i } elseif {($x == $y) || ($x == $z)} { incr x } elseif {$x+1 == $indent} { set x $i } set text [string range $buffer 0 [expr $x-1]] set rest [string trimleft [string range $buffer $x end]] } else { set text $buffer set rest "" } set buffer "" if {![string compare $direction c]} { set text [string trimleft $text] set len [expr (72-[string length $text])/2] set text [format %*.*s%s $len $len "" $text] } write_line_txt $text if {[string compare $rest ""]} { set buffer [format %*.*s%s $indent $indent "" $rest] } else { break } } } proc write_line_txt {line {pre 0}} { global stdout global header footer lineno pageno blankP global buffer global nbsp flush_text if {$lineno == 0} { start_page_txt } if {![set x [string compare $line ""]]} { set blankO $blankP set blankP 1 if {($blankO) && (!$pre || $lineno == 3)} { return } } else { set blankP 0 } if {($pre) && ($x)} { set pre " " } else { set pre "" } regsub -all "$nbsp" $line " " line write_it [string trimright $pre$line] incr lineno if {$lineno >= 51} { end_page_txt } } proc two_spaces {glop} { set post "" while {[string length $glop] > 0} { if {[set x [string first ". " $glop]] < 0} { append post $glop break } append post [string range $glop 0 [expr $x+1]] set glop [string range $glop [expr $x+2] end] if {[string first " " $glop] != 0} { append post " " } } return $post } # # html output # # don't need to return anything even though rfc_txt does... proc rfc_html {irefs copying} { global options copyrightP global funding global stdout if {$options(.SLIDES) && [end_rfc_slides]} { return } if {[llength $irefs] > 0} { toc_html rfc.index puts $stdout "


" puts $stdout "" foreach iref $irefs { foreach {L item subitem flags pages} $iref { break } if {[string compare $L ""]} { puts $stdout "" } if {[string compare $subitem ""]} { if {[string compare $item ""]} { puts $stdout "" } set key $subitem set t "  " } else { set key $item set t "" } array set iflags $flags if {![string compare $iflags(primary) true]} { set key "$key" } if {[llength $pages] == 1} { set key "$key" } else { set i 0 set s " " foreach page $pages { append key "$s[incr i]" set s ", " } } puts $stdout "" } puts $stdout "
" } if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) && $copyrightP} { toc_html rfc.copyright puts $stdout "

Full Copyright Statement

" foreach para $copying { puts $stdout "" } puts $stdout "


" puts $stdout "" } puts $stdout "" return "" } global htmlstyle set htmlstyle \ "" proc front_html_begin {left right top bottom title status copying} { global options copyrightP global stdout global htmlstyle global doingP hangP set doingP 0 set hangP 0 if {$options(.SLIDES) \ && [front_slides_begin $left $right $top $bottom $title]} { return } puts -nonewline $stdout "" if {($options(.PRIVATE)) \ && ([string compare [string trim $options(private)] ""])} { pcdata_html "$options(private): " } pcdata_html [lindex $title 0] puts $stdout "" if {$options(.PRIVATE)} { puts -nonewline $stdout "" } puts $stdout "$htmlstyle\n" puts -nonewline $stdout "" xxxx_html puts $stdout "
" set left [munge_long $left] set right [munge_long $right] set lc "" set rc "" foreach l $left r $right { if {[string compare $l ""]} { set l $l } else { set l " " } if {[string compare $r ""]} { set r $r } else { set r " " } puts $stdout "" } puts $stdout "
" set color 990000 set size 3 set br
set class title foreach line $title { puts -nonewline $stdout "
$br" pcdata_html $line puts $stdout "
" set color 666666 set size 2 set br "" set class filename } puts $stdout "" if {!$options(.PRIVATE)} { puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "

Status of this Memo

" foreach para $status { puts $stdout "

" pcdata_html $para puts $stdout "

" } } if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) && $copyrightP} { puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "

Copyright Notice

" puts $stdout "

" pcdata_html $copying puts $stdout "

" } } proc front_html_end {toc irefP} { global options copyrightP global stdout global passno indexpg if {(!$options(.TOC)) || ($passno > 2)} { return } xxxx_html toc puts $stdout "

Table of Contents

" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "
" } proc abstract_html {} { global options global stdout if {$options(.SLIDES) && [end_page_slides]} { start_page_slides Abstract } else { puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "


" } } proc note_html {title depth} { global options global stdout if {$options(.SLIDES) && [end_page_slides]} { start_page_slides $title } else { incr depth 3 puts $stdout "" puts -nonewline $stdout "" pcdata_html $title puts $stdout "" } } proc section_html {prefix top title {lines 0} anchor} { global options global stdout if {$options(.SLIDES) && [end_page_slides]} { start_page_slides $title return $anchor } set anchor2 [string trimright $prefix .] if {[string first "Appendix " $anchor2] == 0} { set anchor2 [string range $anchor2 9 end] } set anchor2 rfc.section.$anchor2 puts $stdout "" if {[string match *. $prefix]} { toc_html $anchor puts -nonewline $stdout "" puts -nonewline $stdout "

$prefix " pcdata_html $title puts $stdout "

" } else { puts -nonewline $stdout "" puts -nonewline $stdout "

$prefix " pcdata_html $title puts $stdout "

" } return $anchor } proc t_html {tag counter style hangText editNo} { global options global stdout global doingP hangP if {[string compare $tag begin]} { set s / } else { set s "" } puts $stdout "" if {![string compare $style "hanging"]} { if {![string compare $tag begin]} { puts $stdout "
" } puts -nonewline $stdout "<${s}dd>" set hangP 1 } elseif {([string compare $counter ""]) \ && ([string compare $style empty])} { puts -nonewline $stdout "<${s}li>" set hangP 0 } else { set doingP [string compare $tag end] puts -nonewline $stdout "<${s}p>" set hangP 0 } if {$options(.EDITING) \ && (![string compare $tag begin]) \ && ([string compare $editNo ""])} { puts -nonewline $stdout "$editNo" } } proc list_html {tag counters style hangIndent hangText} { global stdout global doingP hangP if {[string compare $tag begin]} { set s / set c "" } else { set s "" set c " class=\"text\"" } puts $stdout "" switch -- $style { numbers { puts -nonewline $stdout "<${s}ol$c>" } symbols { puts -nonewline $stdout "<${s}ul$c>" } hanging { if {[string compare $tag begin]} { puts -nonewline $stdout "" } else { puts -nonewline $stdout "
" } } default { puts -nonewline $stdout "<${s}blockquote$c>" } } if {[string compare $tag begin]} { set doingP 1 puts -nonewline $stdout "

" } set hangP 0 } proc figure_html {tag lines anchor src title} { global options global stdout switch -- $tag { begin { if {[string compare $title ""]} { puts $stdout "

" } if {[string compare $anchor ""]} { puts $stdout "" } if {$options(.SLIDES) && ([string compare $src ""])} { puts $stdout "" } } end { if {[string compare $title ""]} { puts $stdout "

" } } } } proc preamble_html {tag {editNo ""}} { t_html $tag "" "" "" $editNo } proc postamble_html {tag {editNo ""}} { t_html $tag "" "" "" $editNo } proc xref_html {text av target} { global elem global options global stdout array set attrs $av set elemY $attrs(elemN) array set tv [list title ""] array set tv $elem($elemY) switch -- $attrs(type) { section { set line "Section $attrs(value)" } appendix { set line "Appendix $attrs(value)" } figure { set line "Figure $attrs(value)" } default { set line "\[$attrs(value)\]" } } if {![string compare $text ""]} { set text $tv(title) } elseif {$options(.EMOTICONIC)} { set text [emoticonic_html $text] } set post "" if {[string compare $text ""]} { switch -- $attrs(type) { section - appendix - figure { } default { set post $line } } } else { set text $line } puts -nonewline $stdout "$text$post" } proc eref_html {text counter target} { global options global stdout if {![string compare $text ""]} { set text $target } elseif {$options(.EMOTICONIC)} { set text [emoticonic_html $text] } puts -nonewline $stdout "$text" } proc iref_html {item subitem flags} { global anchorN global stdout set anchor anchor[incr anchorN] puts -nonewline $stdout "" return $anchor } proc vspace_html {lines} { global options global stdout global doingP hangP if {$lines > 5} { if {$options(.SLIDES) && [end_page_slides]} { start_page_slides } return } incr lines -$hangP while {$lines >= 0} { incr lines -1 puts $stdout "
" } set hangP 0 } # don't need to return anything even though txt/nr versions do... proc references_html {tag {title ""} {erefP 0}} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref global options global stdout if {$options(.SLIDES) \ && (![string compare $tag begin]) \ && [end_page_slides]} { [start_page_slides Abstract] return } switch -- $tag { begin { if {![info exists counter(references)]} { set counter(references) 0 } puts $stdout "" toc_html rfc.references[incr counter(references)] puts -nonewline $stdout "

" pcdata_html $title puts $stdout "

" puts $stdout "" } end { puts $stdout "
" } } } proc reference_html {prefix names title series date anchor target target2 width} { global rfcTxtHome idTxtHome global rfcHtmlHome global stdout if {[string compare $target2 ""]} { set prefix "$prefix" } if {[string compare $anchor ""]} { set prefix "\[$prefix\]" } puts $stdout "$prefix" set hack $names set names "" foreach name $hack { if {[string compare [lindex $name 0] ""]} { lappend names $name } } set nameN [llength $names] set s "" set text "" set nameA 1 foreach name $names { incr nameA if {[string compare [set eref [lindex $name 1]] ""]} { set name "[lindex $name 0]" } else { set name [lindex $name 0] } append text $s$name if {$nameA == $nameN} { set s " and " } else { set s ", " } } if {![string compare $target ""]} { foreach serial $series { if {[regexp -nocase -- "rfc (\[0-9\]*)" $serial x n] == 1} { if {[catch { set rfcHtmlHome }]} { set target $rfcTxtHome/rfc$n.txt } else { set target $rfcHtmlHome/rfc$n.html } break } if {[regexp -nocase -- "internet-draft (draft-.*)" $serial x n] \ == 1} { set target $idTxtHome/$n.txt break } } } if {[string compare $target ""]} { set title "$title" } append text "$s\"$title\"" foreach serial $series { if {[regexp -nocase -- "internet-draft (draft-.*)" $serial x n] == 1} { set serial "$n (work in progress)" } append text ", $serial" } if {[string compare $date ""]} { append text ", $date" } append text . puts -nonewline $stdout "" pcdata_html $text puts $stdout "" } # don't need to return anything even though back_txt does... proc back_html {authors} { global stdout global contacts switch -- [llength $authors] { 0 { return } 1 { set s1 "'s" set s2 "" } default { set s1 "s'" set s2 "es" } } puts $stdout "" toc_html rfc.authors puts $stdout "

Author$s1 Address$s2

" puts $stdout \ "" set s "" foreach author $authors { set block1 [lindex $author 0] set block2 [lindex $author 1] if {[string compare $s ""]} { puts $stdout $s } foreach line $block1 { puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" } foreach contact $block2 { set key [lindex $contact 0] set value [lindex [lindex $contacts \ [lsearch0 $contacts $key]] 1] puts $stdout "" set value [lindex $contact 1] switch -- $key { email { set value "$value" } uri { set value "$value" } } puts $stdout "" } set s "" } puts $stdout "
$value: $value
" return "" } proc xxxx_html {{anchor {}}} { global elem global options global stdout if {$options(.PRIVATE)} { toc_html $anchor return } else { array set rv $elem(1) if {![string compare [set number $rv(number)] ""]} { toc_html $anchor return } } if {[string compare $anchor ""]} { puts $stdout "
" } puts $stdout " " if {$options(.TOC)} { puts $stdout " " } puts $stdout "
 RFC  $number
" } proc toc_html {anchor} { global options global stdout if {[string compare $anchor ""]} { puts $stdout "

" } if {!$options(.TOC)} { return } puts $stdout "
" } proc pcdata_html {text {pre 0}} { global entities global options global stdout global doingP hangP set font "" regsub -all -nocase {'} $text {\'} text regsub -all "&rfc.number;" $text [lindex $entities 1] text if {$pre} { if {![slide_pre $text]} { if {$doingP} { puts $stdout "

" } puts $stdout "
$font" if {$doingP} { puts $stdout "

" } } } else { if {$options(.EMOTICONIC)} { set text [emoticonic_html $text] } puts -nonewline $stdout $text } } proc emoticonic_html {text} { foreach {ei begin end} [list * \ ' \ {"} ] { set body "" while {[set x [string first "|$ei" $text]] >= 0} { if {$x > 0} { append body [string range $text 0 [expr $x-1]] } append body "$begin" set text [string range $text [expr $x+2] end] if {[set x [string first "|" $text]] < 0} { error "missing close for |$ei" } if {$x > 0} { append body [string range $text 0 [expr $x-1]] } append body "$end" set text [string range $text [expr $x+1] end] } append body $text set text $body } return $text } # # slides sub-mode # catch { package require Trf } set leftGif \ "R0lGODlhFAAWAKEAAP///8z//wAAAAAAACH+TlRoaXMgYXJ0IGlzIGluIHRoZSBwdWJsaWMgZG9t YWluLiBLZXZpbiBIdWdoZXMsIGtldmluaEBlaXQuY29tLCBTZXB0ZW1iZXIgMTk5NQAh+QQBAAAB ACwAAAAAFAAWAAACK4yPqcvN4h6MSViK7MVBb+p9TihKZERqaDqNKfbCIdd5dF2CuX4fbQ9kFAAA Ow==" set rightGif \ "R0lGODlhFAAWAKEAAP///8z//wAAAAAAACH+TlRoaXMgYXJ0IGlzIGluIHRoZSBwdWJsaWMgZG9t YWluLiBLZXZpbiBIdWdoZXMsIGtldmluaEBlaXQuY29tLCBTZXB0ZW1iZXIgMTk5NQAh+QQBAAAB ACwAAAAAFAAWAAACK4yPqcsd4pqAUU1az8V58+h9UtiFomWeSKpqZvXCXvZsdD3duF7zjw/UFQAA Ow==" set upGif \ "R0lGODlhFAAWAKEAAP///8z//wAAAAAAACH+TlRoaXMgYXJ0IGlzIGluIHRoZSBwdWJsaWMgZG9t YWluLiBLZXZpbiBIdWdoZXMsIGtldmluaEBlaXQuY29tLCBTZXB0ZW1iZXIgMTk5NQAh+QQBAAAB ACwAAAAAFAAWAAACI4yPqcvtD6OcTQgarJ1ax949IFiNpGKaSZoeLIvF8kzXdlAAADs=" proc end_rfc_slides {} { global ifile global passno indexpg global slideno slidewd slidemx sildenm if {$passno != 2} { end_page_slides return 1 } set slidemx $slideno set slidewd [expr int(log10($slideno))+1] foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file rootname $ifile]-*.html] { catch { file delete -force $file } } if {![string compare [info commands base64] base64]} { set inputD [file dirname [set ifile $ifile]] foreach gif {left right up} { global ${gif}Gif if {![file exists [set file [file join $inputD ${gif}.gif]]]} { set fd [open $file {WRONLY CREAT TRUNC}] fconfigure $fd -translation binary puts -nonewline $fd [base64 -mode decode -- [set ${gif}Gif]] close $fd } } } return 0 } proc front_slides_begin {left right top bottom title} { global passno indexpg global stdout global slideno slidewd slidemx slidenm slideft set slideno 0 start_page_slides [set slideft [lindex $title 0]] if {$passno == 2} { return 0 } set size 4 puts $stdout "

" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "" set left [munge_long $left] set right [munge_long $right] set lc "" set rc "" foreach l $left r $right { if {[string compare $l ""]} { set l $l } else { set l " " } if {[string compare $r ""]} { set r $r } else { set r " " } puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" set size 3 } puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "

" return 1 } proc start_page_slides {{title ""}} { global passno indexpg global ifile global stdout global slideno slidewd slidemx slidenm slideft if {$passno < 3} { return } if {$slideno == 0} { catch { close $stdout } catch { file delete -force [file rootname].html } } set stdout [open [file rootname $ifile]-[set p [slide_foo $slideno]].html \ { WRONLY CREAT TRUNC }] if {[string compare $title ""]} { set slidenm $title } else { set title "$slidenm (continued)" } if {$slideno != 0} { append p ": " } else { set p "" } puts $stdout "" pcdata_html $p$title puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "


" puts $stdout "

" puts $stdout "" } proc end_page_slides {} { global passno indexpg global ifile global stdout global slideno slidewd slidemx slidenm slideft if {$passno < 3} { incr slideno return 0 } set up [file rootname [file tail $ifile]]-[slide_foo 0].html if {[set left [expr $slideno-1]] < 0} { set left $slidemx } set left [file rootname [file tail $ifile]]-[slide_foo $left].html if {[set right [expr $slideno+1]] > $slidemx} { set right 0 } set right [file rootname [file tail $ifile]]-[slide_foo $right].html puts $stdout "" puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "
" puts -nonewline \ $stdout "

" puts -nonewline \ $stdout "" puts -nonewline \ $stdout "" puts -nonewline \ $stdout "" puts $stdout "

" puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "" pcdata_html $slideft pcdata_html "" puts $stdout "
" puts $stdout "
" catch { close $stdout } set stdout "" incr slideno return 1 } proc slide_pre {text} { global passno indexpg global stdout global doingP hangP if {$passno < 3} { return 0 } if {$doingP} { puts $stdout "

" } puts $stdout "
" if {$doingP} { puts $stdout "

" } return 1 } proc slide_foo {n} { global slideno slidewd slidemx slidenm slideft return [format %*.*d $slidewd $slidewd $n] } # # nroff output # proc rfc_nr {irefs copying} { global options copyrightP global funding global header footer lineno pageno blankP global indents indent lastin global nofillP global indexpg end_page_nr if {[llength $irefs] > 0} { set indexpg $pageno if {$lastin != 0} { write_it ".in [set lastin [set indent 0]]" set indents {} } write_line_nr "Index" foreach iref $irefs { foreach {L item subitem flags pages} $iref { break } if {[string compare $L ""]} { write_line_nr "" write_line_nr $L } set subitem [chars_expand $subitem] if {[string compare $item ""]} { write_text_nr [chars_expand $item] if {[string compare $subitem ""]} { flush_text push_indent 3 write_text_nr " $subitem" } } else { push_indent 3 write_text_nr " $subitem" } set s " " foreach page $pages { write_text_nr "$s$page" set s ", " } pop_indent flush_text } end_page_nr } if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) && $copyrightP} { set result $pageno if {$lastin != 3} { write_it ".in [set lastin [set indent 3]]" set indents {} } write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr "Full Copyright Statement" foreach para $copying { write_line_nr "" pcdata_nr $para } write_line_nr "" if {![have_lines 4]} { end_page_nr } write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr "Acknowledgement" write_line_nr "" pcdata_nr $funding flush_text } else { set result "" } return $result } proc front_nr_begin {left right top bottom title status copying} { global options copyrightP global ifile mode ofile global header footer lineno pageno blankP global eatP nofillP indent lastin global passno indexpg set lineno 1 set pageno 1 set blankP 0 set eatP 0 set lastin -1 write_it [clock format [clock seconds] \ -format ".\\\" automatically generated by xml2rfc v1.13 on %d %b %Y %T +0000" \ -gmt true] write_it ".\\\" " write_it ".pl 10.0i" write_it ".po 0" write_it ".ll 7.2i" write_it ".lt 7.2i" write_it ".nr LL 7.2i" write_it ".nr LT 7.2i" write_it ".ds LF [chars_expand [lindex $bottom 0]]" write_it ".ds RF FORMFEED\[Page %]" write_it ".ds CF [chars_expand [lindex $bottom 1]]" write_it ".ds LH [chars_expand [lindex $top 0]]" write_it ".ds RH [chars_expand [lindex $top 2]]" write_it ".ds CH [chars_expand [lindex $top 1]]" write_it ".hy 0" write_it ".ad l" write_it ".nf" set nofillP -1 if {$passno == 2} { set indexpg 0 } incr lineno 4 set left [munge_long $left] set right [munge_long $right] foreach l $left r $right { set l [chars_expand $l] set r [chars_expand $r] set len [expr 72-[string length $l]] write_line_nr [format %s%*.*s $l $len $len $r] } write_line_nr "" -1 write_line_nr "" -1 foreach line $title { write_text_nr [chars_expand $line] c } write_line_nr "" -1 if {$lastin != $indent} { write_it ".in [set lastin $indent]" } if {!$options(.PRIVATE)} { write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr "Status of this Memo" foreach para $status { write_line_nr "" pcdata_nr $para } } if {(!$options(.PRIVATE)) && $copyrightP} { write_line_nr "" -1 write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr "Copyright Notice" write_line_nr "" -1 pcdata_nr $copying } incr lineno -1 } proc front_nr_end {toc irefP} { global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP global indexpg global nofillP if {$options(.TOC)} { set last [lindex $toc end] if {[string compare [lindex $last 1] "Full Copyright Statement"]} { set last "" } else { set toc [lreplace $toc end end] } if {$irefP} { lappend toc [list "" Index $indexpg] } if {[string compare $last ""]} { lappend toc $last } if {(![have_lines [expr [llength $toc]+3]]) || ($lineno > 17)} { end_page_nr } else { write_line_nr "" -1 } write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr "Table of Contents" write_line_nr "" -1 write_it ".nf" set nofillP 1 set len1 0 set len2 0 foreach c $toc { if {[set x [string length [lindex $c 0]]] > $len1} { set len1 $x } if {[set x [string length [lindex $c 2]]] > $len2} { set len2 $x } } set mid [expr 72-($len1+$len2+5)] foreach c $toc { if {!$options(.SUBCOMPACT)} { if {[string last . [lindex $c 0]] \ == [expr [string length [lindex $c 0]]-1]} { write_line_nr "" } } set s1 [format "%-*.*s " $len1 $len1 [lindex $c 0]] set s2 [format " %*.*s" $len2 $len2 [lindex $c 2]] set title [chars_expand [string trim [lindex $c 1]]] while {[set i [string length $title]] > $mid} { set phrase [string range $title 0 [expr $mid-1]] if {[set x [string last " " $phrase]] < 0} { if {[set x [string first " " $title]] < 0} { break } } write_toc_nr $s1 [string range $title 0 [expr $x-1]] \ [format " %-*.*s" $len2 $len2 ""] $mid 0 set s1 [format " %-*.*s " $len1 $len1 ""] set title [string trimleft [string range $title $x end]] } write_toc_nr $s1 $title $s2 $mid 1 } } if {($options(.TOC) || !$options(.COMPACT))} { end_page_nr } } proc write_toc_nr {s1 title s2 len dot} { set x [string length $title] if {($dot) && ($x < $len)} { if {$x%2} { append title " " incr x } while {$x < $len} { append title " ." incr x 2 } } write_line_nr [format "%s%-*.*s%s" $s1 $len $len $title $s2] } proc abstract_nr {} { write_line_nr "" -1 write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr "Abstract" write_line_nr "" -1 } proc note_nr {title depth} { write_line_nr "" -1 write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr [chars_expand $title] write_line_nr "" -1 } proc section_nr {prefix top title lines anchor} { global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP global indents indent lastin if {($top && !$options(.COMPACT)) || (![have_lines [expr $lines+5]])} { end_page_nr } else { write_line_nr "" -1 } indent_text_nr "$prefix " 0 write_text_nr [chars_expand $title] flush_text pop_indent if {$lastin != 3} { write_it ".in [set lastin [set indent 3]]" set indents {} } return $pageno } proc t_nr {tag counter style hangText editNo} { global options global eatP if {![string compare $tag end]} { return } if {[string compare $counter ""]} { set pos [pop_indent] set l [split $counter .] set left -1 switch -- $style { numbers { set counter "[lindex $l end]. " } symbols { set counter "[lindex { - o * + } [expr [llength $l]%4]] " } hanging { set counter "[chars_expand $hangText] " set left "" } default { set counter " " } } flush_text if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_nr $editNo } elseif {!$options(.SUBCOMPACT)} { write_line_nr "" } indent_text_nr [format "%0s%-[expr $pos-0]s" "" $counter] $left pop_indent push_indent $pos } else { if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_nr $editNo } else { write_line_nr "" } } set eatP 1 } proc list_nr {tag counters style hangIndent hangText} { global options global eatP global indent lastin switch -- $tag { begin { switch -- $style { numbers { set i 0 foreach counter $counters { if {[set j [string length \ [lindex [split $counter .] end]]] \ > $i} { set i $j } } incr i 1 } format { set i [expr [string length [chars_expand $hangText]]-1] } default { set i 1 } } if {[incr i 2] > $hangIndent} { push_indent [expr $i+0] } else { push_indent [expr $hangIndent+0] } } end { flush_text if {!$options(.SUBCOMPACT)} { write_line_nr "" } pop_indent set eatP 1 if {$lastin != $indent} { write_it ".in [set lastin $indent]" } } } } proc figure_nr {tag lines anchor src title} { global counter depth elemN elem passno stack xref switch -- $tag { begin { if {[string compare $title ""]} { incr lines 8 } if {![have_lines $lines]} { end_page_nr } flush_text if {[string compare $title ""]} { write_line_nr "" write_line_nr \ "---------------------------------------------------------------------" write_line_nr "" } } end { if {[string compare $title ""]} { if {[string compare $anchor ""]} { array set av $xref($anchor) set prefix "Figure $av(value): " } else { set prefix "" } write_line_nr "" write_text_nr "$prefix[chars_expand $title]" c write_line_nr "" write_line_nr \ "---------------------------------------------------------------------" write_line_nr "" } } } } proc preamble_nr {tag {editNo ""}} { global options switch -- $tag { begin { if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_nr $editNo } else { write_line_nr "" } } } } proc postamble_nr {tag {editNo ""}} { global options global eatP switch -- $tag { begin { set eatP 1 if {$options(.EDITING)} { write_editno_nr $editNo } } } } proc xref_nr {text av target} { global eatP array set attrs $av switch -- $attrs(type) { section { set line "Section $attrs(value)" } appendix { set line "Appendix $attrs(value)" } figure { set line "Figure $attrs(value)" } default { set line "\[$attrs(value)\]" } } if {[string compare $text ""]} { switch -- $attrs(type) { section - appendix - figure { set line "[chars_expand $text] ($line)" } default { set line "[chars_expand $text]$line" } } } write_text_nr $line set eatP 0 } proc eref_nr {text counter target} { global eatP global erefs if {[string compare $text ""]} { set line "[chars_expand $text]" } if {([string first "#" $target] < 0) \ && ([string compare $text $target])} { set erefs($counter) $target append line " \[$counter\]" } write_text_nr $line set eatP 0 } proc iref_nr {item subitem flags} { global header footer lineno pageno blankP return $pageno } proc vspace_nr {lines} { global header footer lineno pageno blankP global eatP flush_text if {$lineno+$lines >= 51} { end_page_nr } else { while {$lines > 0} { incr lines -1 write_it "" incr lineno } } set eatP 1 } proc references_nr {tag {title ""} {erefP 0}} { global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP global nofillP lastin switch -- $tag { begin { if {$options(.COMPACT)} { write_line_nr "" } else { end_page_nr } if {$nofillP} { flush_text write_it ".fi" set nofillP 0 set lastin -1 } write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr [chars_expand $title] return $pageno } end { if {$erefP} { erefs_nr } else { flush_text } } } } proc erefs_nr {{title ""}} { global erefs global options global nofillP lastin if {[string compare $title ""]} { if {$options(.COMPACT)} { write_line_nr "" } else { end_page_nr } if {$nofillP} { flush_text write_it ".fi" set nofillP 0 set lastin -1 } write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr $title } set names [lsort -integer [array names erefs]] set width [expr [string length [lindex $names end]]+2] foreach eref $names { write_line_nr "" indent_text_nr "[format %-*.*s $width $width "\[$eref\]"] " -1 write_url $erefs($eref) flush_text pop_indent } flush_text } proc reference_nr {prefix names title series date anchor target target2 width} { write_line_nr "" incr width 2 indent_text_nr "[format %-*.*s $width $width "\[$prefix\]"] " -1 set hack $names set names "" foreach name $hack { if {[string compare [lindex $name 0] ""]} { lappend names $name } } set nameN [llength $names] set s "" set nameA 1 foreach name $names { incr nameA write_text_nr $s[chars_expand [lindex $name 0]] if {$nameA == $nameN} { set s " and " } else { set s ", " } } write_text_nr "$s\"[chars_expand $title]\"" foreach serial $series { if {[regexp -nocase -- "internet-draft (draft-.*)" $serial x n] == 1} { set serial "$n (work in progress)" } write_text_nr ", [chars_expand $serial]" } if {[string compare $date ""]} { write_text_nr ", $date" } if {[string compare $target ""]} { write_text_nr ", " write_url $target } write_text_nr . pop_indent } proc back_nr {authors} { global options global header footer lineno pageno blankP global indents indent lastin global nofillP global contacts set lines 5 set author [lindex $authors 0] incr lines [llength [lindex $author 0]] incr lines [llength [lindex $author 1]] if {![have_lines $lines]} { end_page_nr } elseif {$lineno != 3} { write_line_nr "" -1 write_line_nr "" -1 } set result $pageno if {$lastin != $indent} { write_it ".in [set lastin $indent]" } write_it ".nf" set nofillP 1 switch -- [llength $authors] { 0 { return $result } 1 { set s1 "'s" set s2 "" } default { set s1 "s'" set s2 "es" } } set s "Author$s1 Address$s2" set firstP 1 foreach author $authors { set block1 [lindex $author 0] set block2 [lindex $author 1] set lines 3 incr lines [llength $block1] incr lines [llength $block2] if {![have_lines $lines]} { end_page_nr } if {[string compare $s ""]} { write_it ".ti 0" write_line_nr $s set s "" } else { write_line_nr "" -1 } write_line_nr "" -1 foreach line $block1 { write_line_nr [chars_expand $line] } if {[llength $block2] > 0} { write_line_nr "" foreach contact $block2 { set key [lindex $contact 0] set value [lindex [lindex $contacts \ [lsearch0 $contacts $key]] 1] set value [format %-6s $value:] write_line_nr "$value [chars_expand [lindex $contact 1]]" } } } return $result } proc pcdata_nr {text {pre 0}} { global eatP global nofillP lastin global options if {(!$pre) && ($eatP)} { set text [string trimleft $text] } set eatP 0 if {!$pre} { regsub -all "\n\[ \t\n\]*" $text "\n" text regsub -all "\[ \t\]*\n\[ \t\]*" $text "\n" text set prefix "" if {$options(.EMOTICONIC)} { set text [emoticonic_txt $text] } } if {$nofillP != $pre} { flush_text if {$pre} { write_it ".nf" } else { write_it ".fi" set lastin -1 } set nofillP $pre } foreach line [split $text "\n"] { set line [chars_expand $line] if {$pre} { write_line_nr [string trimright $line] 1 } else { write_pcdata_nr $prefix$line set prefix " " } } } proc start_page_nr {} { global stdout global header footer lineno pageno blankP set lineno 3 set blankP 1 } proc end_page_nr {} { global stdout global header footer lineno pageno blankP flush_text if {$lineno <= 3} { return } incr pageno set lineno 0 write_it ".bp" } proc indent_text_nr {prefix {left ""}} { global buffer global indents indent lastin global nofillP flush_text if {$nofillP} { write_it ".fi" set nofillP 0 set lastin -1 } if {![string compare $left ""]} { set left $indent while {![string compare [string index $prefix 0] " "]} { incr left set prefix [string range $prefix 1 end] } push_indent 3 } elseif {$left < 0} { set left $indent push_indent [string length $prefix] } else { push_indent [expr $left+[string length $prefix]-$indent] } if {$lastin != $indent} { write_it ".in [set lastin $indent]" } if {$indent != $left} { write_it ".ti $left" } set buffer [format %*.*s $left $left ""] write_text_nr $prefix } proc write_pcdata_nr {text} { global buffer global indents indent if {![string compare $buffer ""]} { set buffer [format %*.*s $indent $indent ""] } append buffer $text set buffer [two_spaces $buffer] write_text_nr "" } proc write_editno_nr {editNo} { global buffer global indents indent if {[string compare $buffer ""]} { flush_text } write_it ".ti 0" write_it <$editNo> write_it ".br" } proc write_text_nr {text {direction l}} { global buffer global indents indent lastin if {![string compare $direction c]} { flush_text } if {(![string compare $buffer$direction l]) \ && ($lastin != $indent)} { write_it ".in [set lastin $indent]" } if {![string compare $buffer ""]} { set buffer [format %*.*s $indent $indent ""] } append buffer $text set flush [string compare $direction l] while {([set i [string length $buffer]] > 72) || ($flush)} { if {$i > 72} { set x [string last " " [set line [string range $buffer 0 72]]] set y [string last "-" [string range $line 0 71]] set z [string last "/" [string range $line 0 71]] if {$y < $z} { set y $z } if {$x < $y} { set x $y } if {$x < 0} { set x [string last " " $buffer] set y [string last "-" $buffer] set z [string last "/" $buffer] if {$y > $z} { set y $z } if {$x > $y} { set x $y } } if {$x < 0} { set x $i } elseif {($x == $y) || ($x == $z)} { incr x } elseif {$x+1 == $indent} { set x $i } set text [string range $buffer 0 [expr $x-1]] set rest [string trimleft [string range $buffer $x end]] } else { set text $buffer set rest "" } set buffer "" if {![string compare $direction c]} { write_it ".ce" } write_line_nr [string trimleft $text] if {[string compare $rest ""]} { set buffer [format %*.*s%s $indent $indent "" $rest] } else { break } } } proc write_line_nr {line {pre 0}} { global stdout global header footer lineno pageno blankP global buffer global indents indent lastin global nbsp flush_text if {$lineno == 0} { start_page_nr } if {![set x [string compare $line ""]]} { set blankO $blankP set blankP 1 if {($blankO) && (!$pre || $lineno == 3)} { return } } else { set blankP 0 } if {($pre) && ($x) && ($lastin != 3)} { write_it ".in [set lastin 3]" } regsub -all "\\\\" $line "\\\\\\" line regsub -all "$nbsp" $line "\\\\0" line if {[string first "." $line] == 0} { set line "\\&$line" } write_it $line incr lineno if {$lineno >= 51} { end_page_nr } } # # low-level formatting # global contacts set contacts { {phone Phone} {facsimile Fax} {email EMail} {uri URI} } global buffer indent set buffer "" set indent 3 set indents {} global rfcTxtHome idTxtHome set rfcTxtHome ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes set idTxtHome http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts global oentities # & must always be last... set oentities { {<} {<} {>} {>} {'} {'} {"} {"} {–} {-} {—} {--} {&endash;} {-} {&emdash;} {--} {&} {\&} } proc push_indent {pos} { global indent indents lappend indents $pos incr indent $pos } proc pop_indent {} { global indent indents set pos [lindex $indents end] incr indent -$pos set indents [lreplace $indents end end] return $pos } proc flush_text {} { global buffer global mode global indents indent lastin if {[string compare $buffer ""]} { set rest $buffer set buffer "" if {[string compare $mode txt]} { set rest [string trim $rest] } write_line_$mode $rest } } proc munge_long {lines} { global mode set result "" foreach buffer $lines { set linkP 0 if {(![string compare $mode html]) \ && (([string match Obsoletes:* $buffer]) || ([string match Updates:* $buffer]))} { set linkP 1 } while {[set i [string length $buffer]] > 34} { set line [string range $buffer 0 34] if {[set x [string last " " $line]] < 0} { if {[set x [string first " " $buffer]] < 0} { break } } set line [string range $buffer 0 [expr $x-1]] if {$linkP} { set line [munge_line $line] } lappend result $line set buffer [string trimleft [string range $buffer $x end]] } if {$linkP} { set buffer [munge_line $buffer] } lappend result $buffer } return $result } proc munge_line {line} { global rfcTxtHome global rfcHtmlHome if {[set y [string first : $line]] >= 0} { set start [string range $line 0 $y] set line [string range $line [expr $y+1] end] } else { set start "" } set s "" foreach n [split $line ,] { set n [string trim $n] if {[catch { set rfcHtmlHome }]} { append start $s "$n" } else { append start $s "$n" } set s ", " } return $start } proc write_url {url} { global mode write_text_$mode <$url> } proc have_lines {cnt} { global header footer lineno pageno blankP if {($cnt < 40) && ($lineno+$cnt > 51)} { return 0 } return 1 } proc write_it {line} { global passno global options global stdout global header footer lineno pageno blankP if {(!$options(.TOC)) || ($passno == 3)} { puts $stdout $line } } proc chars_expand {text {flatten 1}} { global entities foreach {entity chars} $entities { regsub -all -nocase $entity $text $chars text } if {$flatten} { regsub -all "\n\[ \t\]*" $text " " text } return $text } # # xml2ref support # namespace eval ref { variable ref array set ref { uid 0 } variable parser [xml::parser] variable context # element verbatim beginF endF set context { {dummy/-1} {rfc/0 no yes yes} {front/1} {title/2} {author/2} {organization/3} {address/3} {postal/4} {street/5} {city/5} {region/5} {code/5} {country/5} {phone/4} {facsimile/4} {email/4} {uri/4} {date/2} {area/2} {workgroup/2} {keyword/2} {abstract/2 yes} {note/2 yes} } namespace export init fin transform } proc ref::init {} { variable ref set token [namespace current]::[incr ref(uid)] variable $token upvar 0 $token state array set state {} return $token } proc ref::fin {token} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state foreach name [array names state] { unset state($name) } unset $token } proc ref::transform {token file} { global errorCode errorInfo variable $token upvar 0 $token state array set emptyA {} variable parser $parser configure \ -elementstartcommand "ref::element_start $token" \ -elementendcommand "ref::element_end $token" \ -characterdatacommand "ref::cdata $token" \ -entityreferencecommand "" \ -errorcommand ref::oops \ -entityvariable emptyA \ -final yes \ -reportempty no set fd [open $file { RDONLY }] set data [prexml [read $fd] [file dirname $file]] if {[catch { close $fd } result]} { log::entry $logT system $result } set state(stack) "" set state(body) "" set state(verbatim) 0 set state(silent) 0 set code [catch { $parser parse $data } result] set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo switch -- $code { 0 { set result $state(body) } 1 { if {[llength $state(stack)] > 0} { set text "File: $file\nContext: " foreach frame $state(stack) { catch { unset attrs } append text "\n <[lindex $frame 0]" foreach {k v} [lindex $frame 1] { regsub -all {"} $v {"} v append text " $k=\"$v\"" } append text ">" } append result "\n\n$text" } } } unset state(stack) \ state(body) \ state(verbatim) \ state(silent) return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } proc ref::element_start {token name {av {}}} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state variable context set depth [llength $state(stack)] if {[set idx [lsearch -glob $context $name/$depth*]] >= 0} { set info [lindex $context $idx] if {[string compare [lindex $info 0] $name/$depth]} { set idx -1 } elseif {![string compare [lindex $info 1] yes]} { set state(verbatim) 1 } } set state(silent) 0 if {($idx < 0) && ($state(verbatim))} { set idx 0 set info "" if {[lsearch -exact {xref eref iref vspace} $name] >= 0} { set state(silent) 1 } } if {$idx >= 0} { if {![string compare [lindex $info 2] yes]} { ref::start_$name $token $av } elseif {!$state(silent)} { append state(body) "\n<$name" foreach {n v} $av { regsub -all {'} $v {\'} v regsub -all {"} $v {\"} v append state(body) " $n='$v'" } append state(body) > } } lappend state(stack) [list $name $av $idx ""] } proc ref::element_end {token name} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state variable context set frame [lindex $state(stack) end] set state(stack) [lreplace $state(stack) end end] if {[set idx [lindex $frame 2]] >= 0} { set info [lindex $context $idx] if {![string compare [lindex $info 3] yes]} { ref::end_$name $token $frame } elseif {!$state(silent)} { append state(body) } if {![string compare [lindex $info 1] yes]} { set state(verbatim) 0 } } set state(silent) 0 } proc ref::cdata {token text} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state if {[string length [string trim $text]] <= 0} { return } set frame [lindex $state(stack) end] if {[set idx [lindex $frame 2]] < 0} { return } regsub -all "\r" $text "\n" text append state(body) $text } proc ref::oops {args} { return -code error [join $args " "] } proc ref::start_rfc {token av} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state array set rfc [list obsoletes "" updates "" category info seriesNo ""] array set rfc $av if {[catch { set rfc(number) }]} { ref::oops "missing number attribute in rfc element" } set state(body) " " } proc ref::end_rfc {token frame} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state array set rfc [list obsoletes "" updates "" category info seriesNo ""] array set rfc [lindex $frame 1] append state(body) " " if {([string compare [set x $rfc(category)] info]) \ && ([string compare [set y $rfc(seriesNo)] ""])} { append state(body) " " } append state(body) " " } # # tclsh/wish linkage # global guiP if {[info exists guiP]} { return } set guiP 0 if {[llength $argv] > 1} { if {[catch { switch -- [llength $argv] { 2 { set file [lindex $argv 1] if {![string compare $tcl_platform(platform) \ windows]} { set f "" foreach c [split $file ""] { switch -- $c { "\\" { append f "\\\\" } "\a" { append f "\\a" } "\b" { append f "\\b" } "\f" { append f "\\f" } "\n" { append f "\\n" } "\r" { append f "\\r" } "\v" { append f "\\v" } default { append f $c } } } set file $f } eval [file tail [file rootname [lindex $argv 0]]] \ $file } 3 { xml2rfc [lindex $argv 1] [lindex $argv 2] } } } result]} { if {[info exists tk_version]} { bgerror $result } else { puts stderr $result } } exit 0 } elseif {![info exists tk_version]} { if {$tcl_interactive} { set guiP -1 puts stdout "" puts stdout "invoke as \"xml2rfc input-file output-file\"" puts stdout " or \"xml2txt input-file\"" puts stdout " or \"xml2html input-file\"" puts stdout " or \"xml2nroff input-file\"" } } else { set guiP 1 proc convert {w} { if {![string compare [set input [.input.ent get]] ""]} { tk_dialog .error "xml2rfc: oops!" "no input filename specified" \ error 0 OK return } set output [.output.ent get] if {[catch { xml2rfc $input $output } result]} { tk_dialog .error "xml2rfc: oops!" $result error 0 OK } } proc fileDialog {w ent operation} { set input { {"XML files" .xml } {"All files" * } } set output { {"TeXT files" .txt } {"HTML files" .html } {"NRoff files" .nr } } if {![string compare $operation "input"]} { set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $input -parent $w] } else { if {[catch { set input [.input.ent get] }]} { set input Untitled } else { set input [file rootname $input] } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $output -parent $w \ -initialfile $input -defaultextension .txt] } if [string compare $file ""] { $ent delete 0 end $ent insert 0 $file $ent xview end } } eval destroy [winfo child .] wm title . xml2rfc wm iconname . xml2rfc wm geometry . +300+300 label .msg -font "Helvetica 14" -wraplength 4i -justify left \ -text "Convert XML to RFC" pack .msg -side top frame .buttons pack .buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m pack \ [button .buttons.code -text Convert -command "convert ."] \ [button .buttons.dismiss -text Quit -command "destroy ."] \ -side left -expand 1 foreach i {input output} { set f [frame .$i] label $f.lab -text "Select $i file: " -anchor e -width 20 entry $f.ent -width 20 button $f.but -text "Browse ..." -command "fileDialog . $f.ent $i" pack $f.lab -side left pack $f.ent -side left -expand yes -fill x pack $f.but -side left pack $f -fill x -padx 1c -pady 3 } }