Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2003-03-18 - Amendments to Bylaws

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2003-03-18 - Amendments to Bylaws

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Amendments to bylaws

Board adopts proposed amendments to the bylaws concerning ineligibilty of Nominating Committee members for selection to certain ICANN positions and ineligibility of members of Supporting Organization Councils to serve on the Board.

Administration and Budget
Meeting Date: 
Tue, 18 Mar 2003
Resolution Number: 
03.31, 03.32
Implementation Actions: 
  • Amend Bylaws.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Secretary
    • Due date: effective 25 March 2003
    • Completion date: 25 March 2003
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, on 8 February 2003, the Evolution and Reform Committee posted various proposed amendments to the bylaws, which it amended on 23 February 2003;

Whereas, on 25 February 2003, the Board adopted many of the proposed bylaws, but did not adopt proposed Article VII, Section 8, instead requesting the General Counsel to prepare a revised version of the language of that section;

Whereas, on 3 March 2003 the General Counsel posted a revised version of Article VII, Section 8 of the bylaws, concerning ineligibilty of Nominating Committee members for selection to certain ICANN positions;

Whereas, based on comment from the community the General Counsel posted a revised proposal on 8 March 2003, which also proposed to amend Article VI, Section 4, concerning ineligibility of members of Supporting Organization Councils to serve on the Board;

Whereas, after considering the General Counsel's revised proposal, the Board concludes that adoption of the amendments to the bylaws as stated in that proposal would, with a revision, be in the best interest of ICANN;

Resolved [03.31] that the Board adopts the proposed amendments to the bylaws shown in Appendix A to these minutes (amending Article VI, Section 4 and adding Article VII, Section 8), to become effective on 25 March 2003;

Resolved further [03.32] that the prohibition on selection of Nominating Committee members to certain ICANN bodies embodied in new Article VII, Section 8, shall only apply to persons who serve on the Nominating Committee on or after the effective date of that provision.
(The Board approved the above resolution by a 15-0-0 vote.)

Additional Information: