Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » IT Outsource Contract

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IT Outsource Contract

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Meeting Date: 
Sun, 16 Jan 2022
Resolution Number: 
2022.01.16.03 – 2022.01.16.04
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, ICANN organization has a need for continued third-party ad hoc development and quality assurance support to augment its Engineering and IT capacity.

Whereas, [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] has provided services in software engineering and quality assurance over the last several years.

Resolved (2022.01.16.03), the Board authorizes the President and CEO, or his designee(s), to enter into, and make disbursement in furtherance of, a further renewed contract with [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] for continued third-party ad hoc IT support for a term of [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information].

Resolved (2022.01.16.04), specific items within this resolution shall remain confidential for negotiation purposes pursuant to Article 3, section 3.5(b) of the ICANN Bylaws until the President and CEO determines that the confidential information may be released.

Rationale for Resolution: 

In order to provide supplemental support and maintain vendor competition, ICANN organization has previously contracted with [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] on a smaller scale to provide ad hoc support for Engineering and IT projects. ICANN org will receive a [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] discounted rate on procured engineering resources assuming ICANN signs a [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] contract. The value of the contract is [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] for a period of [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information]. The relationship with [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] has been beneficial to ICANN org and has been a success overall.

With its procurement department, ICANN org considered the cost and efficiency of either issuing a request for proposal (RFP) for ad hoc outsourced IT capacity or further renewing [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] contract and determined that it was more efficient and cost effective to renew [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] contract. For example, the cost of switching vendors entails drafting a new RFP, vetting potential candidates, and vendor onboarding – all of which would add cost and extend project durations on an already burdened production line.

Accordingly, both ICANN org and the Board Finance Committee recommended that the Board authorize the org to enter into, and make disbursement in furtherance of, a renewed contract with [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information] for continued third-party ad hoc IT support covering the period of [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information], with a total cost not to exceed [Redacted –Confidential Negotiation Information].

This decision is in the furtherance of ICANN org's Mission and the support of public interest to support the security, stability and resiliency of the domain name system by ensuring that there is a fully resourced engineering and IT team able to support the organization in a fiscally responsible and accountable manner.

As noted above, this action is intended to have a positive impact on the security, stability and resiliency of the domain name system.

This is an Organizational Administrative Function that does not require public comment.