ICANN67 Public Forum 1: Community Dialogue on the Proposed Transfer of Ownership of the Public Interest Registry
13:00 - 14:30 UTC on Monday, 9 March
Costa Maya 1 (VIRTUAL)
In view of the community interest about the proposed transfer of ownership of the Public Interest Registry (PIR), the ICANN Board of Directors invites the community to attend this Public Forum for a discussion about the approval process that the Board and ICANN organization must follow concerning ICANN’s registry agreements with PIR. While the Board and ICANN org cannot address questions and issues that relate to the Internet Society (ISOC), PIR, Ethos Capital or other parties, this session is an opportunity for the community to ensure that it understands the scope of the Board’s and ICANN org’s roles and responsibilities in this matter.
Although this session will be conducted via remote participation as part of the ICANN67 virtual meeting, as is the case with all Public Forums that are held at each ICANN Meeting, it will be live-scribed, recorded and transcribed. Session materials, recordings and transcripts will be posted when available.
**If you prefer to submit your comment in writing, or wish to submit a question in French or Spanish, please email it to [publicforum@icann.org](mailto:"publicforum@icann.org") to have it read aloud.**
• Welcome, introductions and overview of session objectives (5 minutes)
• Community Briefing: ICANN decision-making process for reviewing registry agreements where a change of control of the registry operator is proposed (10 minutes)
• Block 1: Community feedback (35 minutes)
• Break (5 minutes)
• Block 2: Community feedback (35 minutes)
(Note: The community may also elect to use Block 2 to discuss other topics of community interest.)
**Session Materials:**
• [Announcement regarding 23 January 2020 letter from the Attorney-General of the State of California](https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-01-30-en)
• [Letter from ICANN General Counsel & Secretary to Jon Nevett (PIR)](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/jeffrey-to-nevett-19feb20-en.pdf)
• [Letter from ICANN General Counsel & Secretary to Jon Nevett (PIR)](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/jeffrey-to-nevett-14feb20-en.pdf)
• [Agreement to extend deadline for ICANN review of PIR registry agreements](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/icann-to-pir-17jan20-en.pdf)
• [Redacted response from PIR to ICANN questions regarding the proposed acquisition](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/pir-isoc-ethos-capital-10jan20-en.pdf)
• [Blog post by ICANN Board Chair and ICANN CEO regarding the proposed acquisition](https://www.icann.org/news/blog/org-update)
• [Letter from ICANN General Counsel & Secretary to Andrew Sullivan (ISOC) and Jon Nevett (PIR)](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/jeffrey-to-sullivan-nevett-09dec19-en.pdf)
• [Notification from Brian Cimbolic (PIR) to ICANN](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/cimbolic-to-icann-14nov19-en.pdf)
Note: To view all correspondence received and sent by ICANN relating to the proposed acquisition, visit the [ICANN Correspondence page](https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/correspondence).
Session Leader: Brad White
Staff Facilitator: James Cole