Women in ICANN, Internet and ICTs: Opportunities and Challenges

This event took place on 19 October 2015 from 15:15-16:45 +01 at ICANN Public Meetings in the Wicklow Hall 2 room.

Mon, 19 October 2015 - 15:15 to 16:45 +01
Wicklow Hall 2
  1. Impact of STEM education in the younger generation
  2. Explore participation and leadership opportunities for women in ICANN, Internet industry and ICTs in general
  3. Analyse the challenges and barriers of including women leadership positions in I* organisations.

Moderators: Asha Hemrajani, Olga Cavalli

A) Opening Remarks


Kathy Kleiman - Head, Internet Law & Policy, Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth
Cathy Handley - ARIN
Alissa Cooper - ICG Chair
Oscar Robles Garay - LACNIC CEO
Kathy Brown - ISOC CEO
Vanda Scartezzini - formerly with Nomcom
Maria Farrell - formerly ICANN staff
Fiona Asonga - CEO Tespok (to be confirmed)
Suzanne Woolf - ICANN Board Member (to be confirmed)


No materials are available for this session

Archival Media

TitleItem TypeLanguage
Women in ICANN, Internet and ICTs: Opportunities and Challenges | Audio: Part 1 [EN] Audio Stream Archive English
Women in ICANN, Internet and ICTs: Opportunities and Challenges | Audio: Part 2 [EN] Audio Stream Archive English
Women in ICANN, Internet and ICTs: Opportunities and Challenges | Adobe Connect: Part 1 [EN] Virtual Meeting Room Stream Archive English
Women in ICANN, Internet and ICTs: Opportunities and Challenges | Adobe Connect: Part 2 [EN] Virtual Meeting Room Stream Archive English