ICANN Public Forum

This event took place on 22 October 2015 from 14:00-17:30 +01 at ICANN Public Meetings in the Auditorium room.

Thu, 22 October 2015 - 14:00 to 17:30 +01
Session Leader(s):
Janice Douma Lange | DPRD Fellowship and Newcomer Engagement Manager

The public forum is the Community's opportunity to make comments and ask questions on the main topics at each meeting directly to the Board and in front of the rest of the community.

For transparency, a scribe feed is provided both in the room and via remote participation in real-time to allow all comments and questions raised during the session to be viewed by everyone.

Remote participants have the opportunity to raise questions and/or comments can occur via email. Those interested in asking a question may do so by addressing the question to engagement@icann.org.

Agenda Details:
  • Welcome  & Explanation of rules of the Public Forum
    • Time – 15-minutes (1400-1415)
    • Presenter: Steve Crocker
  • Any Subjects of community interest (Block 1)
    • Time – 1 Hour (1415-1515)
    • Board Facilitator – Markus Kummer  
  • Any Subjects of community interest (Block 2)
    • Time – 55 Minutes (1515-1610)
    • Board Facilitator – Bruno Lanvin
  • Video Presentation
    • Time – 5 Minutes (1610-1615)
    • Introduction – Steve Crocker
  • Break
    • Time – 10 minutes (1615-1625)
  • Presentation about ICANN55  (Marrakech)  
    • Time - 10-minutes (1625-1635)
  • Any subjects of community interest (Bock 3)
    • Time – 55-Minutes (1635-1730)
    • Board Facilitator – Wolfgang Kleinwächter


ICANN Public Forum | Transcript [EN] English

Archival Media

TitleItem TypeLanguage
ICANN Public Forum | Adobe Connect: Full [EN] Virtual Meeting Room Stream Archive English
ICANN Public Forum | Audio: Full [AR] Audio Stream Archive العربية
ICANN Public Forum | Audio: Full [EN] Audio Stream Archive English
ICANN Public Forum | Audio: Full [ES] Audio Stream Archive Español
ICANN Public Forum | Audio: Full [FR] Audio Stream Archive Français
ICANN Public Forum | Audio: Full [PT] Audio Stream Archive Português
ICANN Public Forum | Audio: Full [RU] Audio Stream Archive Русский
ICANN Public Forum | Audio: Full [ZH] Audio Stream Archive 简体中文
ICANN Public Forum | ICANN Public Board Meeting | Livestream: Full [EN] Virtual Meeting Room Stream Archive English