At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce

This event took place on 20 October 2015 from 13:00-14:00 +01 at ICANN Public Meetings in the Wicklow Hall 1 room.

Tue, 20 October 2015 - 13:00 to 14:00 +01
Wicklow Hall 1
Session Leader(s):
Heidi Ullrich | Sr. Director At Large

Representatives of approximately one hundred and fifty (150) At-Large Structures (“ALSes”) from five Regional At-Large Organizations (“RALOs”) representing ICANN's global At-Large Community met at the 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) as part of the 50th ICANN meeting in London, United Kingdom between 21-26 June 2014. Amongst the various activities of the Summit were five Thematic Groups on issues of concern to the At-Large Community. The subjects for the Thematic Groups were selected by the representatives of ALSes. The work of these thematic groups culminated in the drafting of a common Declaration consisting of 43 Recommendations endorsed by the 150 ALSes, then endorsed by the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and presented to the Board of ICANN at its public session.

The ATLAS II Implementation Task Force is the At-Large group that is now in charge of implementation of these 43 recommendations.

Members of the At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) Implementation Taskforce are required to attend this session. As the meeting is open, other members of At-Large and the interested community are welcome to participate.

Agenda Details:


At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce | Transcript [EN] English
At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce | Transcript [FR] Français
At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce | Transcript [ES] Español

Archival Media

TitleItem TypeLanguage
At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce | Adobe Connect: Full [EN] Virtual Meeting Room Stream Archive English
At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce | Audio: Full [EN] Audio Stream Archive English
At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce | Audio: Full [ES] Audio Stream Archive Español
At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce | Audio: Full [FR] Audio Stream Archive Français