RySG-DNA University Session: Working with Registrars

This event took place on 21 October 2015 from 09:15-10:30 +01 at ICANN Public Meetings in the Liffey MR2 room.

Wed, 21 October 2015 - 09:15 to 10:30 +01
Liffey MR2
Session Leader(s):
Glen de Saint Géry | Manager, SO/AC Support (GNSO and SO/AC Groups) and Policy Team Leader

DNA University Session: Working with Registrars

As new registries launch, each has its own business and operating models. In order to register domain names, registrars find ways to accommodate the various models and domain name registries work to find registrars that will accommodate their uniqueness. The DNA panel of registry and registrar operators will discuss problems they have overcome and solutions that have been developed to facilitate the registration of domain names for new and existing Registry operators.

Who should attend: Registry and Registrar operating and marketing professionals

Agenda Details:



RySG-DNA University Session: Working with Registrars | Transcript [EN] English

Archival Media

TitleItem TypeLanguage
RySG-DNA University Session: Working with Registrars | Adobe Connect [EN] Virtual Meeting Room Stream Archive English
RySG-DNA University Session: Working with Registrars | Audio: Part 1 [EN] Audio Stream Archive English
RySG-DNA University Session: Working with Registrars | Audio: Part 2 [EN] Audio Stream Archive English