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Monday, November 7 • 09:00 - 10:30
GNSO IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protections Working Group – Presentation of Initial Report

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GNSO IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protections Working Group – Presentation of Initial Report
Summary of the meeting: This GNSO Policy Development Process was launched in June 2014 to examine whether or not changes to the existing dispute resolution processes offering curative rights protection at the second level in all gTLDs (the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy and the Uniform Rapid Suspension procedure) were needed in view of the specific needs and concerns of international governmental organizations (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). The PDP Working Group commenced its work in June 2014. Following analysis of the needs and concerns of IGOs and INGOs in relation to the need to provide adequate curative rights protection against abuse of their names and acronyms, the Working Group consulted an external legal expert to obtain advice on issues relating to jurisdictional immunity for IGOs. The Working Group also sought input from the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and IGO representatives. The Working Group has completed its initial deliberations and will present its preliminary PDP recommendations to the community at this session, for feedback and discussion.
AGENDA: https://community.icann.org/x/Pge4Aw
Staff Leader: Mary Wong

Staff Facilitators
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Mary Wong

Senior Policy Director, ICANN
Mary Wong is a Senior Policy Director with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN), in which capacity she handles global policy development work relating to the coordination and management of the Internet domain name system. Prior to joining ICANN, she was a... Read More →

Monday November 7, 2016 09:00 - 10:30
MR 1.03

Attendees (31)