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Monday, November 7 • 17:00 - 18:30
ccNSO Council Meeting

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The Council and Members will discuss a number of issues affecting a cross-section of the world's country codes. Additionally there will be updates on developments and best practice from various ccTLD managers. The session is open for the ccTLD community and anyone interested in ccTLD related topics.
Staff Leader: Bart Boswinkel

Staff Facilitators
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Bart Boswinkel

Vice President, Policy Development Support – ccNSO, ICANN
Bart started working for ICANN in October 2005 and currently serves as Vice President, Policy Development Support, where he is responsible for working with the ccNSO on policy and related matters.

Monday November 7, 2016 17:00 - 18:30
Hall 5 (ccNSO)

Attendees (29)