Welcome! ICANN59 will be our second ever Policy Forum. This four-day meeting is focused on current policy development work, outreach, and daily opportunities to network with the community . For general information about ICANN59, please visit https://meetings.icann.org/en/johannesburg59.
The Technology Taskforce (TTF) evaluates and reviews different technologies and tools that can help the ICANN At-Large Community communicate, collaborate and accomplish their goals and objectives for ICANN activities. Examples of these technologies include: chat tools, web conferencing tools, captioning, Knowledge Management tools. At ICANN59, the Technology Taskforce will be presenting its work on overcoming several technology issues and discussing with ICANN staff potential solutions and/or workarounds. Anyone interested in Information and Communication Technology and how they can be applied to solve the needs of ICANN At-Large and other ICANN communities are welcome to attend. Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/ZhLfAw - Staff Leader: Mario Aleman