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Welcome!  ICANN59 will be our second ever Policy Forum. This four-day meeting is focused on current policy development work, outreach, and daily opportunities to network with the community . For general information about ICANN59, please visit https://meetings.icann.org/en/johannesburg59.
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Sabine Remdisch

I am a business psychologist at Leuphana University in Germany, guest researcher at Stanford University, entrepreneur, and expert on digital work. Commuting Between Two Worlds - I experienced the digital workplace at its epicenter, Silicon Valley. There is a constant drive for disruption while change, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and a culture of networking are ubiquitous. LeadershipGarage for Digitalization - To assist companies with digitalization I founded the LeadershipGarage, an innovation and networking program with Silicon Valley garage spirit. The LeadershipGarage analyzes and shares innovative leadership approaches. We research digital preparedness, digital leadership, and digital collaboration to develop future solutions for leading, working, and learning in the digital world.