ASO AC Monthly Meeting
01:30 - 03:00 UTC on Monday, 11 March
This is a monthly meeting of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council.
0. Welcome
1. Roll Call
2. Agenda Review
3. Review February 2019 Minutes
4. Review Open Actions
5. ASO Review Status
a) Recommendation #6: The ASO AC should ensure that procedures are developed for Steps 12, 15 and 16 of the GPDP as described in Attachment A of the ASO MoU.
i) Status provided by NRO EC
b) Recommendation#7: The ASO should consider the adoption of a single, authoritative description of the GPDP for global numbering policies. The same description of the GPDP should appear in Attachment A of the ASO MoU and the relevant section of the Operating Procedures of the ASO AC (Currently Section 6).
NRO EC Response to recommendation 7: The NRO EC agrees with the ASO AC that the ASO MoU (and specifically the attachment A) is the authoritative document from which ASO operational procedures are defined.The NRO EC welcomes suggestions and leaves this to the ASO AC’s discretion. The NRO EC does not require that any changes are made if the ASO AC is comfortable with the existing Operating Procedures.
c) Recommendation #9: The ASO AC should implement term limits for the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair.
i) Results of last e-vote
d) Recommendation #10: The ASO AC should ensure that the duties of the Address Council Chair and the Address Council Vice-Chairs be added to the ASO AC Operating Procedures.
i) Instruction to Secretariat to update ASO procedures document.
e) Recommendation #15: ASO AC meetings should be open to the public, except for discussions regarding the selection of individuals for ICANN roles.
i) Review of NRO EC comments
ii) Review of internal procedures for ASO open meetings
f) Recommendation #16: For its internal communications, and for most matters related to the operations of the ASO, the ASO should favor the use of a publicly archived mailing list. In exceptional circumstances, for issues (e.g. Board appointments) that cannot be discussed in public, a non-publicly archived list should be used.
i) Review of AC-COORD list
iI) Review of new ASO mailing lists
6. Review ASO profiles
7. Confirmation PPFT
8. Public Session with ICANN Board. Tuesday 12 March. 9:45 AM
9. ASO Session. Wednesday ASO Session 1:30 PM
10. AOB
11. Adjourn
Session Leader: Carlos Reyes
Staff Facilitator: Carlos Reyes
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