Let's Talk About Numbers
04:30 - 06:00 UTC on Wednesday, 13 March
- Presentation from PTI (IANA Numbering Services) about their structure and status of allocated resources (IPv4/v6 and ASN).
- Presentation from the Numbers Resource Organization about IPv4 and IPv6 delegation status of all the regions.
- Presentation from Address Supporting Organization Address Council about the numbers policies in all five regions and what are the important discussion topics in every region.
Session Leader: Carlos Reyes
Staff Facilitator: Carlos Reyes
Download .ZIP of All Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/kix64/kix64-OPEN-2019-03-13-T0428-sapphire-ASO-Session.zip
Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/p70dtpaw2a9/