GNSO - New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG
06:30 - 10:00 UTC on Wednesday, 26 June
The new gTLD Program established auctions as a mechanism of last resort to resolve string contention (Competition between 2 or more applicants for TLDs). Most string contention sets (approximately 90% of sets scheduled for auction) have been resolved through other means before reaching an auction conducted by ICANN through ICANN’s authorized auction service provider. It was recognized from the outset that significant funds could accrue as a result of several auctions. As such, these auction proceeds have been reserved and earmarked until the Board authorizes a plan for the appropriate use of the funds. These proceeds are to be considered as an exceptional, one-time source of revenue. The ICANN community has chartered a Cross-Community Working Group (CCWG) which has been tasked to develop a proposal for eventual consideration by the ICANN Board on the mechanism(s) that should be created to allocate the new gTLD Auction Proceeds. This is a meeting of the CCWG during which it expects to discuss finalization of its report for submission to its Chartering Organizations.
Pre-ICANN65 Policy Report:
Session Leader: Marika Konings
Staff Facilitator: Nathalie Peregrine