ccNSO: IDN ccTLD Policies Preliminary Review
08:30 - 10:00 UTC on Thursday, 27 June
The ccNSO IDN policies review team will meet to discuss and finalize its advise to the ccNSO Council on:
- The need for additional work on the proposed Bylaw changes to include IDNccTLD in the ccNSO;
- Delineation of scope and mechanisms to review and - when considered necessary - update the 2013 ccNSO IDNccTLD Policy Recommendations, taking into account evolution of the Fast track Process, and other areas pertaining to the introduction and following introduction of IDN ccTLDs strings which require a policy.
- Possible mechanisms to cooperate and/or coordinate efforts to harmonize the development processes, procedures and/or criteria pertaining to the selection of (IDN cc)TLD strings
Session Leader: Bart Boswinkel
Staff Facilitator: Kimberly Carlson
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