DNSSEC WorkShop Part I
07:00 - 08:15 UTC on Monday, 24 June
Siroua (ccNSO)
DNSSEC deployment is continuing to move forward. This session is a public presentation and discussion with those actively engaged in the deployment of DNSSEC.
Why it’s Important: Registries, registrars, ISP’s and others who plan to deploy DNSSEC services will benefit from the presentation and discussion of the deployment experience.
Who Should Attend?: Anyone with an interest in the deployment of DNSSEC, particularly registry, registrar and ISP representatives with technical, operational, and strategic planning roles.
Session Leader: Kathy Schnitt
Staff Facilitator: Kathy Schnitt
Download .ZIP of All Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/rak65/rak65-OPEN-2019-06-24-T0754-siroua-DNSSEC-WorkShop-Part-I.zip