ICANN65 Multistakeholder Ethos Award
16:00 - 16:30 UTC on Monday, 24 June
Hall Diafa
The Multistakeholder Ethos Award Program, launched in June 2014 in London, seeks to recognize long-standing community members who have served in leadership roles in multiple ICANN working groups or committees, and demonstrated collaboration with different Supporting Organizations and/or Advisory Committees.
The Multistakeholder Ethos Award recognizes ICANN participants who have deeply invested in consensus-based solutions, acknowledging the importance of ICANN’s multistakeholder model of Internet governance, and contributed in a substantive way to the higher interests of ICANN's organization and its community. Recipients of the Ethos Award are selected by a panel of community members representing the different SO/ACs.
For more insights on the award program, please consult the Ethos Award Space https://community.icann.org/x/YyOAAw
Session Leader: David Olive
Staff Facilitator: Ozan Sahin
Recording of Live Video: https://livestream.com/icannmeeting/events/8699153