Joint NCUC-At-Large Outreach: Policy at ICANN demystified
08:30 - 10:00 UTC on Monday, 24 June
Toubkal (ALAC)
Join us in the amazing city of Marrakesh to enjoy a morning of ICANN policy-making discussions. Building on the success of the joint NCUC-At Large sessions at previous ICANN meetings, this session represents a joint event of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency ( []) and At-Large ( [] ) for local Academia, Civil Society, and Individual Users.
We are building the agenda around policy issues and specific topics presented in an evolving Town Hall interactive format. This interactive session aims to help attendees - both newcomers and seasoned community members who want to know more about policy - to get acquainted with the ICANN policy processes and to give them real first-hand information on the issues NCUC and At-Large are working on and on the differences and similarities in NCUC/At-Large positions.
Session Leader: Gisella Gruber
Staff Facilitator: Gisella Gruber
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