GAC: Second Level Country Code Registration Search – Overview and Demonstration and preparation for Meeting with the ICANN Board
11:30 - 13:00 UTC on Tuesday, 25 June
Cristal (GAC)
Second Level Country Code Registration Search – Overview and Demonstration
This session substitutes for the previously scheduled IGO Protections session. The GAC Chair informed the GAC that the IGO session was being moved to accommodate private discussions between the GAC and GNSO leadership regarding the IGO topic. To make use of the available time after lunch and before the Board Meeting preparation session, at this session interested GAC attendees will be given an overview of the framework of the development of measures that governments can use to avoid any confusion associated with their two-letter codes and a demonstration of the new Second Level Country Code Registration Search tool.
14:30-15:00 - Preparation for Meeting with the ICANN Board
The GAC and ICANN Board regularly meet at ICANN Public Meetings to discuss policy and operational matters of government interest. Potential topics of interest in Marrakech include IGO Curative Rights, WHOis and registration data matters, evolving ICANN's multistakeholder model, ATRT3, Two-character country codes at the second level, and the recent dotAmazon decision. During this session the GAC will prepare for that meeting.
Session Leader: Robert Hoggarth
Staff Facilitator: Julia Charvolen
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