DNSSEC for Everybody: A Beginner's Guide
22:00 - 23:30 UTC on Sunday, 3 November
0517D (Main Room)
Overview: DNSSEC continues to be deployed around the world at an ever accelerating pace. From the Root, to both Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) and Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs), the push is on to deploy DNSSEC to every corner of the internet. Businesses and ISPs are building their deployment plans too and interesting opportunities are opening up for all as the rollout continues. Worried that you're getting left behind? Don't really understand DNSSEC? Then why not come along to the 'DNSSEC for Beginners' session where we hope to demystify DNSSEC and show how you can easily and quickly deploy DNSSEC into your business. Come and find out how it all works, what tools you can use to help and meet the community that can help you plan and implement DNSSEC. The session is aimed at everyone, so no technical knowledge is required. Come and find out what it's all about…!
Agenda Details:
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Basic Concepts
3. Real World Examples
4. Summary
Session Leader: Kathy Schnitt
Staff Facilitator: Kathy Schnitt
Recording of Live Video: https://livestream.com/icannmeeting/events/8844391
Download .ZIP of All Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/yul66/yul66-OPEN-2019-11-03-T2138-517d-DNSSEC-for-Everybody-A-Beginners_.zip
Virtual Meeting Room: https://icann.zoom.us/recording/share/zz5jJd8cQakQZpXzya-d4DqHeiO9Ak9Pvr5H7kpqwWOwIumekTziMw?startTime=1572818516000
English Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/yul66/yul66-OPEN-2019-11-03-T2138-517d-en-DNSSEC-for-Everybody-A-Beginners_.m3u
French Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/yul66/yul66-OPEN-2019-11-03-T2138-517d-fr-DNSSEC-for-Everybody-A-Beginners_.m3u
Spanish Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/yul66/yul66-OPEN-2019-11-03-T2138-517d-es-DNSSEC-for-Everybody-A-Beginners_.m3u