GAC Capacity Building and Outreach Workshop 3: GAC Representative Roles and Committee Involvement - A Dialogue
08:30 - 09:30 UTC on Saturday, 17 September
Grand Ballroom 1 (GAC)
16:30 MYT (UTC+8), 17 September 2022
08:30 UTC, 17 September 2022
ID# 13270
Session Details
During this session GAC representatives will share with each other expectations and experiences about working effectively in the committee, for instance identifying the multiple roles and responsibilities that a GAC representative has and sharing tips about how to manage an ICANN portfolio amidst many other time and work demands. Representatives will have the opportunity to “ask each other anything” regarding work within and among the committee and the broader ICANN community.
Session Leader: Robert Hoggarth
Staff Facilitator: Julia Charvolen
Session Recordings
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