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Additional questions for comment as part of the strategic planning consultation process

  1. What are the strategic objectives for ICANN over the next 3 years?
  2. What strategy should ICANN use to achieve its strategic objectives?
  3. What is the plan for each strategy in the next year?
  4. How can ICANN quickly identify and get input from exiting regional groups including the RIRs, reg'l ccTLD organizations, ISOC, GIPI,etc. aboutt how they can help with regional presence/outreach, etc. Can a "match funding" model be developed?
  5. What are the main goals ICANN must reach to ensure competition?
  6. What funding model or models are available to ICANN to support its strategic objectives and operational plan?
  7. Should outreach goals include outreach to all ICANN stakeholders, including bs, ISPs,etc, to encourage broader participation in ICANN's bodies?
  8. What do you think about ICANN being organized in accordance to a regional model, like the NRO?
  9. Is it a good thing to develop a strategic plan by committee or do we run a risk to lose focus by this method?
  10. What relationship is there between ICANN's responsibilities and the responsibility of other operational actors to support the Internet's operation?
  11. What are the pros and cons of regulating consumer protection versus allowing market forces to influence services offered?
  12. Should regional presence be ICANN going to the regions or the regions going to ICANN?
  13. How can ICANN draw in more collaboration with those who have shared goals for Internet?
  14. What is the process by which ICANN aligns its work with that of other actors?
  15. What contingency/continuity planning should be developed by ICANN and the community?
  16. What new sources of funding should ICANN explore?
  17. Should the strategic plan include a contingency plan?
  18. What should ICANN be doing to facilitate the deployment and use of internationalized domain names?
  19. Is there merit in clearly defining the boundaries for ICANN's activities to facilitate focusing?
  20. What should ICANN be doing to insure increased security and stability and resilience of the domain name system?
  21. How do we increase cross dialogue within ICANN stakeholders, with the GAC?
  22. There is a bigger and broader world out there beyond ICANN. What steps will ICANN take to collaborate with those organisations?
  23. What role should the GAC play in order to improve confidence to their governments?
  24. How can ICANN deal with pressure to increase its scope. Where can such requests be transferred for consideration elsewhere?
  25. Should there be competition in addressing?

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