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- To: comments@icann.org
- Subject: DNSO
- From: Ehmlee@aol.com
- Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 23:22:51 EST
- Cc: bdooley@cix.org, oportunidades@redynet.com.ar, omessano@inacc.com.ar, mcfadden@21st-century-texts.com, sastre@anwalt.de, jdd@vbc.net, ron@caip.ca, izumi@anr.org, sawonr@advance.com.ar, lee@cix.org, cix-board@cix.org, pindar@HK.super.NET, admin@cix.org
Attached is a letter from the CIX and eCOM-LAC.
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\par Chairman
\par Board of Directors
\par Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
\par Since the initial public meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, there has been under way a serious effort to reconcile divergent views on the organization of the Domain Names Supporting Organization (DNSO). We applaud the increasing movement towards agreement on the DNSO structure and bylaws.
\par The Internet service provider (ISP) trade associations have been deeply engaged in DNS issues for several years. ISPs are an essential component of the Internet stakeholder community. Providers construct the transport infrastructure that enables consumers to get access to Internet applications and services. ISPs provide consumers with their closest link to the Internet through their access services. Our industry has also addressed the many public policy issues raised by the privatization through testimony on Capitol Hill, submissions on the US Government's Green paper, appearances before international and multilateral organizations such as the OECD and WIPO, and organization of last summer's IFWP.
\par We are pleased that we have made some progress to ensure that the pending DNSO applications recognize the crucial role service providers play in providing Internet access and connectivity. Unfortunately we received the most current proposals too late to obtain board approval. However, we hope to be in a position to endorse a proposal in the near future.
\par We had hoped that no decision on the DNSO would be made until ICANN meets in early March in conjunction with the Singapore APRICOT meeting. A delay in its decision on DNSO organization would allow Asian and Pacific ISPs and other regional Internet stakeholders to consult further and to provide their input into the process. If the Board feels it necessary to make a decision prior to the Singapore meeting, we urge you to ensure that the final proposal gives commercial ISPs a strong voice in the operation of the DNSO so that they can effectively represent their customers.
\par Commercial Internet eXchange Association (CIX)
\par }\pard \fi-720\li720\nowidctlpar\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1 Federacion de Latino America y El Caribe Para Internet y el Comercio Electronico (eCOM-LAC)
\par Cc:\tab Mr. Michael Roberts
\par \tab President and Chief Executive Officer
\par }}