"... we find that [trademark] issues properly should be addressed by the courts under the trademark protection and unfair competition laws, rather than by the Commission."
FCC CC Docket No. 95-155 Toll Free Service Access Codes, FOURTH REPORT AND ORDER AND MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER , Adopted: March 27, 1998 Released: March 31, 1998, Para 7.
As such, a toll free vanity number that is in trademark dispute can only be canceled, revoked, transferred, or denied portability by a court order, not by the FCC or a carrier or RespOrg.
Domain names should be treated no differently.
Judith Oppenheimer
Judith Oppenheimer, 1 800 The Expert, 212 684-7210
Publisher of ICB Toll Free News: http://icbtollfree.com
Publisher of WhoSells800.com: http://whosells800.com
Moderator TOLLFREE-L: http://www.egroups.com/group/tollfree-l/info.html
President of ICB Consultancy: http://JudithOppenheimer.com