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Re: [Membership] Re: Individual Memberships

A 15:48 15/02/99 -0000, Dr Nii Quaynor a �crit :
>Can we realistically have an ICANN without corporate sponsorship? Why is
>corporate sponsorship considered harmful in this case? How can the perceived
>dangers of corporate sponsorship be contained?

I surely hope it can, and I'm sure it can. Funding is supposed to come
through registries, I understand. Even a very small amount per address
and/or domain name makes for a large budget in the end.

ICANN is not an association, it fills a public puropose. Corporate
sponsorship would be very worrying to me.

However, I'm not sure this thread belongs to the membership discussion.
Except for 1 aspect: does this At Large membership fill an important
purpose for ICANN funding? I thought not, because I thought funding would
come from the registries.

** Les eLectroph�es  -  troph�es du commerce �lectronique  -  19/3/99
** http://www.finances.gouv.fr/mission_commerce_electronique/trophees
Daniel Kaplan                            Consultant
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