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Re: [Membership] Why not ISOC?

Here is a brief summary of the proposal:

The Internet an International Public Treasure:

Summary of Proposal Submitted to IRA MAGAZINER on 9/4/98 at his request
                             by Ronda Hauben <ronda@panix.com>

The U.S. Government has a great responsibility that must be taken
into account before changing the ownership, control and administration
of the essential functions of the Internet that are being included
in the proposed transfer and privatization of IANA and NSI 
contractual functions.

I - Proposal: The Internet an International Public Treasure  

1. Stop the rush. Withdraw the deadline date and instead institute
a more responsible and considered process for identifying and solving
the problem. Tentatively the problem is that the Internet has become 
international but essential functions of the Internet are controlled 
and administered by one nation. What is to be done to solve this 
problem? (Don't assume the answer before raising the problem.)

2. The U.S. Government is to fund a group of researchers and welcome
other nations or regions of the world to collaborate by also funding
their teams of researchers who will work collaboratively to do
the following:

A. Within a finite period of time, these researchers will undertake
a series of obligations to identify the problem to be solved. The 
researchers will utilize the Internet as much as possible to carry
out their work. The tasks of the researchers will include the 

1) Identify and describe the essential functions to be maintained.

2) Examine how the Internet and those essential functions involved
in this transfer are serving the communication needs of the diverse 
communities of users on the Internet.

3) Develop and maintain a well publicized and reachable online means
to support reporting and input into their work. Explore the use of 
Usenet newsgroup, mailing list and web site utilization, and where
appropriate, RFC's, etc.

4) Produce a proposal which will include:

a) An accurate history and analysis of the unique nature of the 
development of the Internet and the functions that are to be
transferred. Include the benefits and special characteristics of
the Internet.

b) A discussion of the vision for the future of the Internet to
help guide any changes. Include functions and features that must 
be preserved.

c) A description of the role the essential functions contracted to
IANA and NSI play in the administration and control of the Internet, 
including any problems that have developed in their operation or 

d) A proposal for transferring the administration of these essential
functions. Include a set of requirements to preserve the Internet's 
unique character. 

e) A description of the problems and pressures that can be a danger
for the administration of these essential functions and a description
of how these problems and pressures have been handled in the past.
A proposal for how to protect against these problems and pressures
in the future or a statement of research that must be undertaken
to solve the problems identified.

f) A plan and procedure for wide distribution of the proposal,
both to online users and to the public that is not yet on the Internet.

g) An evaluation of the process of collaborative work undertaken
by the international group of researchers.

h) A means of protecting the researchers from commercial and political
pressures. (In the past an Acceptable Use Policy has been helpful.)
The full proposal is at:
in English:  http://www.columbia.edu/~rh120/other/dns_proposal.txt
in French:  http://www.columbia.edu/~rh120/other/dns-proposition.fr.txt

                  Netizens: On the History and Impact
                    of Usenet and the Internet
                also in print edition ISBN 0-8186-7706-6