McFadden/Holmes Report
of the Ad Hoc Group on Numbering and Addressing
(8 March 2001) |
The following report was prepared by Mark
McFadden and Tony Holmes of the Ad
Hoc Group on Numbering and Addressing. Under a 13
March 2001 resolution of the ICANN Board, it has been referred
to the Address Council of the Address Supporting Organization
for further consideration and development of recommendations.
February 2001
Version 1
1. Purpose and motivation
This document is put forward as a final
report of the ICANN Ad Hoc Group on Numbering. It reviews the
background to the formation of this group and the efforts and
progress that have been made since its formation. It also includes
other relevant inputs which have been updated since their initial
submission to the ad hoc process. It recognises the difficulties
which have been experienced as part of a factual record, in what
is an area that will continue to change as the convergence between
the traditional different worlds of fixed and mobile communications,
data networking, and computers merge in a multimedia environment.
2. Background to
the formation of the Ad Hoc Group
In the early months of 1999 proposals were
being put forward regarding the creation of the Address Supporting
Organisation (ASO) in accordance with ICANN's bylaws, which called
for its creation as one of three advisory bodies reflecting community
One of the major goals then, and now, was
to stimulate a wider public debate on IP address policies and
to promote broad substantive participation in the policy making
process. Accepting that IP addresses are a fundamental Internet
resource without which the IP community cannot function this
was clearly a key requirement. The anticipated explosion of Internet
applications and network devices, the acceptance that 3rd Generation
mobile networks would only serve to accelerate that demand even
more, and firm plans by traditional circuit switched telecommunications
networks to provision both new and existing services over IP
based backbones added additional weight.
The MoU that formed the basis for ICANN
to form the ASO in 1999 (see
was considered unacceptable by some organisations on the basis
that it effectively limited the ability of a number of parties
to contribute, other than from afar. Whilst it was recognised
that the Regional Internet Registries 'bottom up' approach to
policy formation offered one way, some parties argued that future
demands, particularly those of a global nature, required a fresh
approach with wider, more open participation in the ASO.
Against this background and active lobbying
by a number of parties who considered they had been effectively
excluded, a number of decisions were taken by ICANN. Following
the formal ratification of the ASO MoU by ICANN a Resolution
was passed at the ICANN meeting in Santiago to establish an Ad
Hoc group, charged with the task of identifying key technology,
commercial and economic drivers that would affect addressing
and numbering in the Internet. This group was ask to identify
issues problems, risks and opportunities, although it wasn't
expected to propose, much less adopt technical solutions to them.
Current trends in services, network convergence and globalisation
was specifically referred to in the Resolution. The full text
of the Resolution can be found at:
3. Some difficulties
The resolution also set out the working
methods that were to be adopted. A small editorial team would
be formed to co-ordinate a dedicated web-based ICANN public comment
board. A list of those people selected by ICANN for the editorial
team and the initial timetable specified, can also be found within
the Resolution.
The make-up of the editorial team was carefully
chosen with the intention of providing a balance from parties
who held widely conflicting views at that time. Against such
a background, kick-starting the work proved very difficult. An
initial private exchange of views between the people involved
highlighted this, with one side proposing a wide ranging study
and the other claiming that most of this was 'out of scope'.
This clearly underlined the fact that there could be no co-ordinated
effort from the editorial team. The public comment forum was
then opened, requiring those wishing to post a message to register
first. The public comment forum can be found at: http://forum.icann.org/adhoc/
It soon became clear that this site was
going to be used by many people as a place where they could air
their grievances on a wide variety of topics, totally unrelated
to the focus of the Ad Hoc Group. Things quickly degenerated
to such a degree that the ICANN staff were forced to take executive
action and set up an 'Off Topic Forum', which can now be found
at http://forum.icann.org/offtopic/
4. Relevant inputs
to the process
4.1 Input Documentation
to the ad hoc web site
Two major contributions to advance the
work were submitted to the public comment forum. The first was
a Bibliography (submitted by Mark McFadden see:
The second an input on Future Trends (submitted by Tony Holmes
see: http://www.cix.org/adhoc1.html).
Both documents called for comment and have now been updated.
The revised versions are provided in the following sections as
part of this report.
4.1.1 Current Bibliography
on Addressing Trends, Standards and Drivers
Attached as appendix
A is a bibliography on addressing trends, standards and drivers.
The bibliography was last updated in February of 2001.
4.1.2 Future trends
and driving forces - What is going on in the world?
(i) Key areas of
growth and new drivers
We are now in an environment where seamless
multimedia and information transport to all business and home
users is becoming a part of our everyday
communications requirements. Figures indicating predicted growth
appear to be updated daily and always make staggering reading.
Looking at a variety of sources the following facts are put forward
as a broad indication of the way things are moving.
- Traffic from the traditional telecommunications
world to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is growing at a very
fast rate (in excess of 30% p.a. in many countries) and is still
- Over 5 million US consumers used the Internet
for the first time in the first quarter, 2000.
- Almost 50% of the US population now have
Internet access.
- Overall Internet and IP based traffic
is growing at 400% a year world-wide whilst Internet revenues
have been growing at more than 100% a year compared with core
telecommunications businesses growth of 5% per annum.
- Data has been growing at more than 20%
per year compared with 8% for voice.
- Demand for Internet access is increasing
at the staggering rate of 1000% a year
- Before end of year 2000, half of all the
bandwidth in the world will be Internet traffic
There is a generally accepted concept that
the Internet world works on a different timescale to the rest
of the telecommunications world, some say that 1 Internet year
is equivalent to 10 telecommunications years. Whether this figure
is valid isn't really the issue, what is true is that in terms
of technological change the pace will be rapid.
Fixed Internet traffic stemming from services
offered by telecommunications operators and Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) will experience exponential growth. In Europe
alone the fixed Internet market has been forecast to exceed more
than EURO 60 billion by 2005.
Investment in cable technologies and DSL
will open up a new and dynamic market to businesses both small
and large, and ordinary consumers. Despite the fact that implementation
is likely to vary between countries due to early teething troubles
Local Loop Unbundling for instance), all predictions indicate
rapid growth. Web hosting facilities and the introduction of
large server farms will also fuel the rapid build out of broadband
networks with huge bandwidths. According to some analysts the
world-wide Web hosting market will rise from the current figure
of $3 billion (E2.9 billion) to $23 billion (E22.3 billion) by
2002. Networks with a capacity measured in petabytes, (which
is 1,000 terabytes) are already planned. It has been estimated
that before long we may very well end up with 30Mbit/s or more
per person, and the people that really need high-speed access
could get bandwidths an order of magnitude higher. High initial
prices for broadband will not hold back demand for long, the
trend is already upwards. As an example, take-up is expected
to exceed 100,00 Million in Europe by 2005.
There are a number of issues that could
have an impact on the speed and direction of change (certainly
in the near term), related to some specific service offerings,
such as VoIP. Customers with dedicated access to the Internet
have benefited accordingly, even though 'always on' doesn't necessarily
mean 'always works'. TCP/IP is a best-efforts protocol and depends
upon the network paths available. Providing the equivalent QoS
that customers are use to on the public switched network is still
an issue. Some hold the view that this can only be resolved by
routeing traffic over Intranets that guarantee performance and
keep unwanted traffic off their facilities. This has seen a rise
in the number of carriers looking to provide service to large
corporate clients who require this. Such considerations also
impact back on the types of IP addresses required (public or
private address space). The possible widespread deployment of
RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol) and MPLS ( Multi Protocol
Label Switching) could help change this in the future.
There are also many new and potential applications
that have yet to make their mark in a big way, although it can
only be a matter of time. The e-commerce and entertainment sectors
are already viewed as key markets, but there are also opportunities
for business and industrial applications (such as remote learning
and electronic publishing) telematics and infomatics and of course
the home, where a variety household gadgets will also be controlled
across 'the net'.
The introduction of 'Bluetooth' technology
will enable digital devices such as mobile phones and desktop
and notebook computers to achieve instant connectivity without
using any cable connections by incorporating tiny radio receivers.
Thereby facilitating transmission of both voice and data. Software
controls and identity coding built into each microchip ensures
that only those units pre-set by their owners can communicate.
By 2002 Bluetooth functionality will be built into thousands
of different devices, supporting both point to point and multipoint
(ii) Voice over
Voice over IP or IP telephony is a particular
technology for transporting and setting up voice calls over an
IP infrastructure. It is now the focus of attention in the international
standards arena (ETSI Project TIPHON being just one example)
and is already being deployed in a number of countries. The realisation
of this service owes much to technology developments, much of
which was outside of the telecommunications industry. These include
voice compression technology, processor power, and IP network
equipment. Call control functionality will no longer be embedded
within localised telephony switches, instead this functionality
can be provided by network based servers which can have global
significance, thanks to the adoption of internationally based
The growth of IP telephony is likely to
follow the trend of Internet access growth as the incremental
to provide this application on a PC is minimal. Breakout from/to
the PSTN will also occur (either near- end or far-end) so for
the foreseeable future both IP addresses and E.164 numbers (traditional
PSTN/ISDN) will also be required for voice telephony. Ultimately
current economics indicate voice telephony will migrate from
traditional PSTN networks towards international broadband multi-service
(IP based) networks. Given that multiple service providers will
be supporting IP based telephony, it is essential that current
efforts to set in place address resolution mechanisms are completed.
Carrying voice traffic over corporate IP based networks means
that only one network is required. Voice over IP will continue
to grow as ADSL based 'always on' connectivity is rolled out.
(iii) The Mobile
We are already experiencing huge growth
in the mobile sector.
The current market size is shown in the
figure below.
(Source UMTS Forum 2000 report)
It is estimated that in excess of 78% of
Internet users also use mobile communications and that this trend
will only increases with 3rd Generation Mobile handsets that
will bring IP to the handset.
The predicted growth of the mobile market
is shown below.
When you consider that in some areas of
the world current penetration is currently very low, such as
less than 5% in the Asia Pacific region, then even these predictions
could be surpassed. The ratio of mobile to fixed is changing
rapidly and they are no longer viewed as a supplement to the
fixed networks. Many developing countries are building mobile
networks as a less expensive means of providing access, for example
Cambodia. As mobile operators amortise the build out cost of
their new networks and new licensees generate increase competition
mobile call prices are expected to fall. As voice has been the
prime service to date this will be particularly noticeable in
that market sector.
Much of the focus now is on 3rd Generation
Mobile (or UMTS). Mobile multimedia combines real-time voice,
image and textual information.
Mobile growth and Internet access
Source: UMTS Forum
At the time this report was compiled the
latest survey predicted that 535 million cellular telephones
will be sold in 2001, an increase of 33 per cent over sales in
Bluetooth technology will also offer new
ways of using mobile devices both for professional and personal
use. As well as being able to access e-mail, web browsing, video
conferencing and a range of other varied services will be possible.
Users will come to expect access from their mobile terminals
to a similar range of multimedia applications that can be reached
from traditional fixed network connections. There will also be
additional benefits for the mobile user such as access to time
critical information related to stockmarket prices and on line
share dealing, traffic information, etc. Work is already underway
to provide tailored applications so that consumers will not feel
they are trying to browse the web whilst looking through a keyhole
because of the smaller screens on mobile devices. Applications
will remain a key enabler but with consumer applications likely
to grow very quickly with the introduction of WAP (Wireless Application
Protocol), coupled with existing demands for telemetry applications
such as meter readings, alarm and stock control, this area will
advance rapidly.
The provision of 'always-on' capabilities
for users will add yet another dimension along with the development
of the new services and e-commerce applications.
Merill Lynch estimates that growth in mobile
data is expected to be 70% p.a. in the next 5 years. Data traffic
will eclipse voice traffic on wireless networks by 2004. There
is also a view that multimedia data will account for up to 60%
of total mobile traffic in 2005 with more people accessing the
Internet from mobile devices as opposed to desktop by that date.
What is clear is that UMTS will facilitate
the integration of traditional mobile communications capabilities
with data information capabilities and access to the Internet
and Intranets which will fuel demand. Initiatives like 'Bluetooth'
and the rapid introduction of WAP technology, coupled with new
types of terminals and digital assistants will serve to increase
the demands on the world of IP naming and addressing.
This trend has already started with the
introduction of GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). This is
an enhancement to the existing digital GSM voice based network.
It conveys data across the mobile network using IP packet based
switching. With its 'Always on' functionality its considered
to provide a more efficient use of network resources. It provides
higher data rates, up to 40kb/s initially although this should
more than double with time, but even the initial offering is
far higher than the existing GSM circuit switched technology
which provides 9.6 kb/s. GPRS is a stepping stone towards high
bandwidth 3rd Generation mobile networks (3G/UMTS). With its
focus on data networking and new opportunities for e-commerce
on the move, GPRS has also had to build in a range of access
control and data security measures. This is yet another area
that will demand constant attention as the new mobile market
The first GPRS Network was launched by
BT Cellnet in June 2000 enabling corporate users to access corporate
intranets. Deutsche Telekom's mobile operator T-Mobil later announced
they would be providing GPRS services in Germany by September
GPRS will evolve through several phases
Initially GPRS will provide a core network overlay of IP to the
circuit switched phase 2 GSM. This can facilitates IP access
from mobile terminals to an ISP or corporate network using tunnels.
The radio interface used ensures compatibility between mobile
networks whether they are GPRS compliant or not. With the introduction
of UMTS Release 5 (3 phases later) we will see the core migrate
to a single IP network and the addition of multimedia services
based on IP. Initial releases allow a choice of IP version 4
or IP version 6 in the PS (packet switched) domain, although
UMTS Release 5 (forecast implementation 2003/4), will specify
that IPv6 is used for the IM (IP multimedia) domain. The IM domain
can be considered as a standalone area of the network. Currently
all GPRS networks use IPv4. Basically the three factors that
could drive UMTS migration towards IPv6 are exactly the same
as those for other types of networks; additional benefits from
v6 capabilities, v4 address exhaustion or equipment standards.
3rd Generation Mobile
3G Mobile embraces a wide family of networks,
including those that are referred to as UMTS and IMT2000. As
well as providing voice these networks will facilitate high speed
data access, up to 20 times faster than current technology. On
demand bandwidth and wide multimedia functionality. Video conferencing,
video imaging, video on demand and downloading information using
3G terminals will be everyday occurrences. The greatest growth
is expected to be in the areas of content provision, terminal
manufacture and service provisioning. Areas that were traditionally
the focus of mainly ISP operators, such as those related to Internet
naming and addressing, will increasingly become a major focus
for mobile network operators and those concerned with service
provisioning. The number of players in this market place is expected
to mushroom over the next few years.
Auctions for 3G licences will remain a
focal point over the next few years as administrations identify
their preferred way of handling a heavy potential demand from
both existing and new entrants in to the mobile market. Whilst
Finland awarded licences in a 'beauty contest' the UK chose to
use the auction process, raising in excess of $35 Billion in
the process. Licence costs are now proving unpredictable in spectrum
auctions across Western Europe with prices ranging between 100
EURs and 150 EURs per capita in the early rounds. Whether regulatory
authorities choose to allocate through auctions, beauty contests
or lottery it will not stifle the race to open up this new market
sector, neither will the cost. If companies are forced to pay
large sums of money to obtain licences they will need to achieve
payback as soon as possible. This could well lead to innovative
marketing and widespread arrangements with 3rd party service
providers and other mobile networks.
Implementation of 3rd Generation Mobile
seems certain to occur first in Western Europe, North America
and Asia. Understandably the most developed countries will lead
the way. Europeans being particularly aggressive with the push
towards licence assignment. The importance with which this is
viewed is underlined by the fact that virtually all existing
operators have competed vigorously, and it most cases successfully,
for a licence in order to safeguard their ambitions for the future.
In the US it was originally thought that existing PCS networks
would evolve towards 3rd Generation technology, but this has
seen them start to fall behind the pace of change occurring elsewhere.
The table below provides some indication
of the world-wide focus on 3G licensing.
Country |
Licence procedure defined |
Timetable established for bids |
Licences awarded |
Australia |
X |
X |
X |
Austria |
X |
X |
X |
Belgium |
X |
X |
Canada |
X |
X |
Denmark |
X |
X |
Finland |
X |
X |
X |
France |
X |
X |
Germany |
X |
X |
X |
Greece |
X |
X |
Holland |
X |
X |
Hong Kong |
X |
X |
Ireland |
X |
X |
Italy |
X |
X |
X |
Japan |
X |
X |
X |
Luxembourg |
X |
X |
Netherlands |
X |
X |
X |
New Zealand |
X |
X |
X |
Norway |
X |
X |
Portugal |
X |
X |
Spain |
X |
X |
X |
Sweden |
X |
X |
X |
Switzerland |
X |
X |
UK |
X |
X |
X |
The introduction of new players in the
guise of Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) should also
increase growth in this sector. This concept enables new players
to enter the market without the burden of having to obtain licences
or spectrum or the additional costs this incurs. New interconnect
arrangements will enable them to negotiate for a variety of resources
which will then result in them bringing to the market place a
variety of services, without providing much of the infrastructure
required. They can adopt a business model and operate in manner
which can be sustained by the maturity of the market they choose
to operate in. They may take different roles, such as service
integrators, bundling airtime, Internet access and a variety
of different applications. Its generally considered that this
will fuel the market and generate growth in an area where start-up
costs could otherwise jeopardise benefits gained through competition.
The IMT2000 terrestrial and radio interface
specifications will further optimise performance in a wide range
of operating environments using satellites within the LEO, MEO
and GEO orbits.
(iv) e-Commerce
E-Commerce is set to revolutionise the
way we do business. Its facilitator again being the new communications
technology. All aspects of trading will be influenced, from the
ordering stage, through the supply chain and of course even the
actual transfer of money between involved parties. As technology
becomes more pervasive organisations will adapt and collaborate
within a fast emerging global e-commerce market. Existing Internet
sites such as Yahoo and Excite are merely early examples. Whilst
specialist communications tools such as EDI (Electronic Data
Interchange) has facilitated e-Commerce for many years this has
mainly provided links between large companies with established
trading relationships. The rapid introduction of highly intelligent
devices at low cost now brings this capability within reach of
all consumers with the Internet being the key as the ubiquitous
common trading mechanism. Entry costs are low and no one on the
web is more than a click away. Some research organisations estimate
that business transactions over the Internet will be in excess
of $300bn this year. World-wide acceptance of non cash trading
methods such as credit cards coupled with a readily available
global, always open, market pace (the web) will also fuel e-Commerce.
Currently growth figures for on-line purchasing
vary between regions, but much of this is dictated by PC ownership
and the take up of Internet access. On-line sales also vary greatly
between products, fast moving and convenient consumer goods (travel,
books, CDs, stocks) being at the top end. Compared to the US.
Europe and Asia still have a long way to go before credit card
penetration is comparable, but the pace of change is already
increasing. Recent surveys have indicated that e-commerce revenues
for European SMEs will soar by 800 percent, from just over EUR400
million last year to over EUR3 billion by 2003. Much of this
due to on-line selling.
Concerns over security also have to be
overcome Consumers must be confident that deals are not visible
to third parties and that authentication between communicating
parties is secure. Rapid advance in encryption techniques and
the use of cryptograph and asymmetric key systems should do much
to elevate such fears. Public key schemes provide confidentiality
by encrypting documents so that they can only be read by the
owner of a corresponding key, whilst digital signatures can facilitate
authentication and transaction integrity. Major industry players
including Mastercard and Visa are also working to develop SET
(Secure Electronic Transactions) which should provide a secure
method of paying by credit card over the Internet.
The introduction of smart cards will provide
a convenient way of providing key storage and the generation
of digital signatures, as opposed to storage on hard disks. Smart
cards have the potential to bring together a wide range of applications
in e-Commerce. Future generations enabling financial service
companies to offer a single card combining traditional credit
and debit card facilities alongside strong authentication and
an electronic purse capability. It has been estimated that up
to seven billion smart cards will be in circulation by 2004.
As well as the technical developments taking
place the other significant barriers to growth which need to
be tackled are the legal and regulatory aspects. Currently the
world of e-commerce is still getting to grips with the demands
stemming from the administrative and legislative sectors. New
frameworks are still the focus of much attention by International
trade organisations and other external bodies such as the European
Commission. Industry codes of practice are also likely to play
an ever increasing role. Already a number of governments have
announced their intention to introduce legislation making digital
signatures legally binding.
The addition of speech recognition software
in to palmtops and mobile handsets will also assist in growing
the market place. Prototypes already exist and commercially available
products will follow shortly. Intelligent content management
will also be very important, to enable consumers to navigate
through a huge amount of information and choice.
Against this background the power of the
Internet has been widely recognised. Information fuels free markets.
Consumers have already identified the ability to exploit price
disparities between countries, which will ultimately result in
price levelling, bringing clear benefits. The inevitable tide
of e-commerce will mean that today's dominant player who fails
to keep pace will be bypassed. With existing geographic constraints
being removed it is essential that the resultant growth of the
Internet, which will be spectacular, is always considered on
a global basis.
(v) Global Networks,
Intranets and VPNs
Within the telecommunications environment
a number of international carriers and ISPs are looking to serve
the need of large multi-national companies. Global alliances
and strategic partnerships are also bringing a new dimension
to the market place as a rapid build out of large global networks
takes place to meet future telecommunications needs in a ubiquitous
manner. The provision of sophisticated value add data services
being key in order to meet the demands of the e-commerce driven
market. Much of the required bandwidth will now be provided over
IP based infrastructure. Out sourcing arrangements will also
require these global companies to meet new and emerging requirements
in a consistent way, no matter what part of the globe they are
operating in. Managed global IP based VPN's will become the norm,
providing guaranteed bandwidth and performance levels. Intranets
will greatly enhance business communications, both internally
and with key business partners, providing a much more effective
way of gaining and distributing information.
(vi) Home Networking
Home networking is also viewed as a future
key growth area. Entertainment and information appliances are
rapidly increasing in the home. 'Networked' devices will increase
in places such as the kitchen, the garage and in other areas
for security and control functions. We will also see the introduction
of devices as diverse as refrigerators and TVs becoming part
of the network through residential gateways. Many devices will
share resources between them and also with the outside world,
some via high speed data connections. Today the main appliances
tend to be PC's, set top boxes, games machines and modems The
interfaces are many, but a few tend to be more ubiquitous such
as UBD (Universal Serial Bus) Ethernet and possibly IEEE1394.
Virtually all new consumer PC's and peripherals are equipped
with a USB interface, and many leading brands are providing IEEE1394
interfaces. Ethernet has been around for a long time and many
business ADSL and set top boxes have these interfaces built in.
(vii) ENUM
Within the telecommunications world much
attention is currently focusing on an initiative which will enable
E.164 numbers (public telephone numbers) to be mapped into the
Internet's Domain Name System (DNS). Through this mechanism,
telephone numbers can be employed by users to look up a variety
of addresses, including those used for phone, fax and email,
by which the target user can be contacted. This also enables
end users to tailor the manner in which they be contacted through
a single E.164 number. This additional contact information can
also be easily added to or amended without changing the number
used for access. It will enable the provision of a variety of
new and emerging applications to be accessed from circuit switched
networks through the use of normal telephone numbers.
'ENUM' is the acronym that has been adopted
to describe this capability, it is also the name given to the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Working Group that defined
the protocol.
This initiative will facilitate both-way interworking between
the PSTN and Internet Protocol (IP) based networks; e.g., by
using ENUM to translate a number into a domain name and then
using this to look up a corresponding IP address to complete
the connection. It therefore provides a method of interconnection
between the traditional circuit switched world (PSTN) and the
new world of IP based networks which could help to increase the
pace of change and the move towards using IP infrastructure for
traditional telephony focused applications.
(viii) TIPHON
The European Telecommunications Standards
Institute, ETSI established TIPHON (Telecommunications and Internet
Protocol Harmonization Over Networks), to support the market
for voice communication and related voiceband communication between
users. It also aims to ensure that users connected to IP based
networks can communicate with users in Switched Circuit Networks
such as PSTN, ISDN and GSM based networks, and vice versa Given
the universal nature of IP networks, the prime goal is to produce
global standards. It is working on schemes to permit network
operators to implement guaranteed Quality of Service levels,
and new billing models. Work is also carried out to define security,
call set up and signalling standards relate to both the H.323
protocol and SIP. Networks based on TIPHON developed specifications
are due to launched in 2001.
5 Some early global
addressing requirements
5.1 GPRS Request for
IP addresses
At RIPE 35 (Amsterdam, 22 - 25 February
2000) a representative of BT Cellnet (on behalf of the GSM Association
gave the first of his presentations on "IP
Addressing for GPRS Data Network Infrastructure and International
Networks" There was considerable debate regarding the
suitability of the use of and the amount registered addresses
required, and the potential use of RFC 1918 addresses. A
number of issues and concerns were raised and it was evident
that a better understanding both the infrastructure and requirements
was required. A small task force was therefore formed. Their
main objective was gain agreement on an approach that could be
used by all GSM operators to use public registered addressing
in the GPRS infrastructure. Thereby enabling GPRS roaming services
to be supported. This met in April 2000 and the report of this
meeting can be found at http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/lir/gprs/index.html.
The approach agreed at this meeting was then submitted to the
LIR working group at the RIPE meeting in May 2000 as part of
the process for its approval and steering it through to adoption.
At this meeting it was acknowledged that some operators were
already in the process of configuring their GPRS networks to
support a commercial service by Q2 2000, for which globally unique
addressing was required. In order to meet this demand it was
accepted that initially any public address space already assigned
to operators for use in the GPRS infrastructure could be utilised.
At RIPE 36 (Budapest, 16 - 19 May 2000)
a follow-up
presentation was made. There was agreement
in principle to the use of IPv4 registered address space
to identify nodes in the GPRS network infrastructure. In summary
it has been agreed that
- Public IPv4 address space can be used
in parts of the GPRS network infrastructure.
- Existing IP address allocation policies
and procedures apply.
- Requests from mobile network operators
can be sent directly to the RIPE NCC or their data network backbone
Address requirements for mobile devices
(handsets) are still not been finalised and work continues on
determining the needs of GPRS terminals and third generation
mobile systems. The results of the GPRS Task Force can be found
at: http://www.gsmworld.com/cgi/bounce/www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/lir/gprs/
Having gained agreement with RIPE there
was still a need to consult with the other RIRs, ARIN and APNIC.
For APNIC this happened at the APNIC Meeting
held in Brisbane, Australia (October 2000) Consensus agreement
was achieved
in principal.
The issue was raised at ARIN at their meeting
in Herndon Virginia (October 2000). No final decision was taken
on whether the use of public address space was valid, the issue
being referred to a mailing list for further discussion. Minutes
at http://www.arin.net/minutes/public/arinvi/ARIN_VI_PPM.htm
5.2 Addressing requirements
for UMTS
In December 2000 the UMTS Forum, an association
of telecommunications operators, manufacturers and regulatory
authorities, as well as IT industries and media industries world-wide,
produced a report 'Naming, Addressing & Identification Issues
for UMTS'. This initial study looked at three types of addresses,
IP, Mobile station roaming numbers and routeing prefixes for
E.164. In this document only the IP addressing issues are considered.
The report stated IPv4 address will be needed for the core network
infrastructure because it is the default protocol for UMTS Releases
3 & 4. It was also recognised that a new version of the mobile
operators internal DNS, compatible with IPv4 and IP V6 (e.g.
BIND9.X) will be required when IPv6 is used in the core networks.
The report proposed that the GSM Association should facilitate
the introduction of IPv6 by providing mechanisms for operators
to exchange information about v6 introduction and the transition
tools they will use.
The report set out the need for IP addresses
to be used for end points within the GPRS/UMTS network infrastructure,
for mobile terminals connected across the mobile networks to
ISPs and mobile terminals in multimedia services. In the absence
of any other reason to start earlier, the report states that
UMTS operators will have to start to introduce IPV6 in the IP
Multimedia domain when they start to implement services based
on Release 5 of the UMTS standards, around 2003-2004. The PS
domain for UMTS Release 5 can be either IPv4, IPv6 or dual stack.
6. IPV4 - IPv6 Evolution
IPv6 will be most apt for supporting new
mass-market IP services because of its carrier scale capabilities.
The move from IPv4 to IPv6 is most likely to occur as an evolutionary
path, which is likely to pick up pace as the amount of available
IPv4 address space reduces. Such a transition is not a trivial
exercise. A number of studies have been conducted trying to predict
when IPv4 address exhaustion will occur. Various methods have
been utilised, but there is no single 'correct' method of predicting
such an event when there are so many variables to be taken into
account. The continued growth of the Internet and IP address
usage such as that set out in Section 4 of this document makes
any assessment a moving target. On that basis predictions based
on two separate approaches are put forward for consideration.
6.1 How much IPv4
address space is left?
The starting point for any assessment has
to be an assessment of how much address space is still available.
Data used in this report may be found at the IANA Website at
The total IPv4 address range is 000/8 through
to 255/8. The current list of non-usable Internet address space
(special use prefixes) given below, is taken from "Documenting
Special Use IPv4 Address Blocks that have been registered with
IANA" - by Bill Manning.
- 192.0.2/24
- all D/E space i.e.224/8 through to 239/8.
The remaining address space is assumed
to be usable.
6.2 IPv4 Address Space
currently allocated to the RIRs
- RIPE has 7 x /8's (62, 193, 194, 195,
212, 213, 217)
- ARIN has13 x /8's ( 63, 64, 65, 66, 199,
200, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 216)
- APNIC has 6 x /8's (61, 202, 203, 210,
211, 218)
IANA still has many address blocks reserved
and available for allocation to RIRs, namely:
1, 2, 5, 7, 23, 27, 31, 36, 37, 39, 41,
42, 49, 50, 58, 59, 60, 67-95, 96-126, 197, 201, 219-223, i.e.
84 /8s. In addition to this, the former "Class B" space
is completely free from 173/8 to 191/8, i.e. 19 /8s. This makes
a total of 103 /8s available for allocation to the RIRs.
6.3 Assessment method
Method 1 focuses on IP address demand based
on predictions for Cellular IP devices plus DSL lines and cable
modem - it excludes NAT deployment. For best case prediction
it factors in extensive use of WAP proxy servers and DHCP, thus
reducing the demand on registered IP address space. Most likely
case scenario factors in what is considered to be the most likely
realistic deployment of proxy servers and DHCP, whereas worst
case factors in very limited but realistic deployment of proxy
servers and DHCP. DHCP gain from dynamic allocation of addresses
is factored in as 1:1 business user and 5:1 residential user.
It is important to note that both "NAT" and "no-NAT"
solutions are available to the ISPs, the extent to which each
option is deployed will vary from ISP to ISP on a global basis.
It must be appreciated that these figures reflect one just one
set of opinions and should be therefore be treated as subjective.
The H ratio not used in these calculations.
Instead of this an 80% utilisation has been built in to the original
figures i.e. the original figures have been scaled up by 25%
to give the values shown in the Tables in §4.1, §4.2,
§4.3 and §4.4 below.
Reclamation of allocated but unassigned
IPv4 address space is a possible option, but one that is considered
to be quite problematic and is thus not considered in this report,
although it would clearly extend the lifetime of IPv4 address
6.3.1 Global: Cellular
IP (millions) - address demand is based on terminal demand
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
2001/2002 |
2002/2003 |
2003/2004 |
2004/2005 |
worst case
most likely
best case
Sources of Data
6.3.2 Global: DSL+
Cable Modems (millions) - address demand is based on line demand
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
2001/2002 |
2002/2003 |
2003/2004 |
2004/2005 |
worst case
most likely
best case
Sources of Data - various sources including
BT Market Intelligence Reports, and other forecasts for DSL +
cable modems. Industry analysts are consistently increasing significantly
their estimates of DSL deployment, as have Carriers (figures
will probably need to be revised upwards).
6.3.3 Global Address
Demand for Cellular IP Plus DSL + cable modem (millions)
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
2001/2002 |
2002/2003 |
2003/2004 |
2004/2005 |
306.75 |
459.4 |
647.5 |
826.3 |
1,105 |
1,536 |
worst case
156.5 |
231.25 |
324.0 |
412.75 |
553 |
769 |
most likely
31.2 |
5 46.1 |
65.75 |
83.625 |
111 |
154 |
best case
This table simply represents the sum of
the two previous tables
6.3.4 Global Address
Demand for Cellular IP plus DSL + cable modem ( /8s)
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
2001/2002 |
2002/2003 |
2003/2004 |
2004/2005 |
18.28 |
27.38 |
38.59 |
49.25 |
65.86 |
91.5 |
worst case
9.33 |
13.7 |
19.31 |
24.6 |
32.96 |
45.84 |
most likely
1.86 |
2.75 |
3.92 |
4.98 |
6.62 |
9.2 |
best case
This table represents the previous table
in units of /8 s - 80% utilisation is built in to these figures
6.4 Method 1 - summary
of exhaustion dates
The following dates are illustrated in
Fig. 1 below;
Best case (late exhaustion) 2014 (for 84
x /8s) and 2017 (for 103 x /8s)
Most likely case Q3 2006 (for 84 x /8s)
and Q1 2007 (for 103 x /8s)
Worst case (early exhaustion) mid 2005
(for 84 x /8s) and mid 2006 (for 103 x /8s)
As a benchmark the current world population
is 6 x 109. IPv4 addressing range is 4 x 109 in comparison to
the IPv6 addressing range is (4 x 109) x (4 x 109) x (4 x 109)
x (4 x 109).
Fig 1 - Global demand for Cellular
and ADSL/Cable modem - exhaustion dates (best case, most likely,
and worst case)
6.5 Assessment method
Method 2 is a completely different approach
that focuses on the current rate of global allocation of IPv4
registered address space, and makes clearly stated assumptions
about predicted global rates of allocation. It is independent
of whether private addressing is used and does not factor in
NATs, proxy servers or DHCP. This method simply considers the
rate of consumption of the remaining "/8" address blocks,
with no assumptions regarding which market sectors are creating
the demand or consuming the address space. This method is based
on the current rate of allocation of IPv4 Registered address
space globally from the three RIRs. It considers rates of 1.3,
1.5 and 1.8. global projections on various rates of allocation
of IPv4 address space from RIRs to LIRs. Future work on this
method will be based on historical data and compound growth rate
over previous years rather than just the % increase on the previous
year. The historical data is currently being gathered.
3 assumed rates of growth (global)
Series 1 - factor of 1.3 increase per annum year after year
Series 2 - factor of 1.5 increase per annum year after year
Series 3 - factor of 1.8 increase per annum year after year
Year ending Dec 99 - global rate of increase was 1.8
Year ending Dec 00 - global rate of increase was 1.3
This method makes no assumptions regarding
which services or applications are creating the demand and consuming
the address space. This method does not factor in NATs, proxy
servers, or DHCP - it simply varies the rate of global allocation.
6.5.1 Series 1 -
Global factor of increase 1.3 per annum (year after year)
- Global rate of consumption of 4.68 /8s
per annum at end of 2000
- Two scenarios (i) 84 x /8s remaining and
(ii) 103 x /8s remaining
12 month time frame |
factor on previous year |
/8s consumed in this year |
running total of /8s consumed
"to date" |
end 00 |
1.3 |
end 01 |
1.3 |
end 02 |
1.3 |
end 03 |
1.3 |
end 04 |
1.3 |
end 05 |
1.3 |
end 06 |
1.3 |
end 07 |
1.3 |
6.5.2 Series 2 -
Global factor of increase 1.5 per annum (year after year)
- Global rate of consumption of 4.68 /8s
per annum at end of 2000
- Two scenarios (i) 84 x /8s remaining and
(ii) 103 x /8s remaining
12 month time frame |
factor on previous year |
/8s consumed in this year |
running total of /8s consumed
"to date" |
end 00 |
1.3 |
end 01 |
1.5 |
end 02 |
1.5 |
end 03 |
1.5 |
end 04 |
1.5 |
end 05 |
1.5 |
end 06 |
1.5 |
6.5.3 Series 3 -
Global factor of increase 1.8 per annum (year after year)
- Global rate of consumption of 4.68 /8s
per annum at end of 2000
- Two scenarios (i) 84 x /8s remaining,
and (ii) 103 x /8s remaining
12 month time frame |
factor on previous year |
/8s consumed in this year |
running total of /8s consumed
"to date" |
end 00 |
1.3 |
end 01 |
1.8 |
end 02 |
1.8 |
end 03 |
1.8 |
end 04 |
1.8 |
end 05 |
1.8 |
6.6 Method 2 - summary
of exhaustion dates
The following dates are illustrated in
Fig. 2 below;
Increased based on increased rate of 1.3
per annum year on year; 2006 (for 84 x /8s) and 2007 (for 103
x /8s)
Increased based on increased rate of 1.5
per annum year on year; mid 2005 (for 84 x /8s) and end 2005
(for 103 x /8s)
Increased based on increased rate of 1.8
per annum year on year; mid 2004 (for 84 x /8s) and end 2004
(for 103 x /8s)
Fig 2 - Global demand based on
assessed rates of global allocation
6.7 Comparison of
projected exhaustion dates for each method.
Method 1 |
Method 2 |
case (late exhaustion)·
- 2014 ( for 84 x /8s )
- 2017 ( for 103 x /8s )
Increase of 1.3 per annum year on
- end 2006 ( for 84 x /8s )
- mid 2007 ( for 103 x /8s )
Most likely case
- Q3 2007 ( for 84 x /8s )
- end 2007 ( for 103 x /8s )
Increase of 1.5 per annum year on
- mid 2005 ( for 84 x /8s )
- end 2005 ( for 103 x /8s )
case (early exhaust)
- Q4 2005 ( for 84 x /8s )
- Q1 2006 ( for 103 x /8s )
Increase of 1.8 per annum year on
- mid 2004 ( for 84 x /8s )
- end 2004 ( for 103 x /8s )
6.8 Conclusions
Two very different methods have been reviewed,
the first based on projections for terminals and lines (not addresses),
the second based on projected registered IP address allocations.
Whilst its accepted that method 1 best case is very difficult
to extrapolate, in general there is close agreement between both
sets of results in what is considered the mid-range case and
the "worst case' scenarios for both approaches. Its also
accepted that as yet there is little industry consensus on this
issue, or a killer application that alone will drive a transition
to v6 in the short term, but what cannot be denied is that demand
for address space will continue to grow. All major vendors have
stable Beta code available and equipment specifications are looking
to include v6 capabilities. Against such a background the figures
put forward above do not appear outlandish.
What is critical is that the industry works
together in a co-ordinated manner to address the outstanding
issues and to set in place policy and procedures that meets the
needs of the fast emerging global market place.
7. The ASO and its
The Address Supporting Organisation (ASO),
is one of three ICANN Supporting Organisations. The purpose of
the ASO being 'to review and develop recommendations on Internet
policy and structure in relation to the system of IP addresses,
and to advise the ICANN Board on these matters'.
An archive of the ASO meetings can be found
at: http://aso.icann.org/meetings/
At the November 2000 ICANN meeting an update
on the ASO (Address Council) was presented which not only covered
the role of the AC and its make up but also included issues for
the wider addressing community. This recognised that whilst the
role of the AC was not to develop policy it should in fact oversee
and co-ordinate the policy development process facilitated by
the Regional Internet Registries. This will become even more
important once LACNIC and AfriNIC are fully operational. It was
also shown that work was underway by each or the RIRs to review
the other RIRs policy and procedure documents and to identify
differences as well as looking to address questions over the
openness of the AC. The presentation can be found at: http://aso.icann.org/meetings/other/LA2000/index.html
This presentation also identified a number
of issues that needed to be considered by the addressing community.
On that list were global v regional address policies, rapid market
changes like GPRS, questions over the emerging RIRs, IPv6 deployment
and the need to understand IPv4 address consumption. Some of
those issues have been covered to varying degrees within this
The fact that market differences can lead
to different policy needs in different parts of the world was
also put forward. This is not disputed, but what does need to
be fully understood is 'why and where'. If a policy is one market
is likely to restrict development and growth in another market,
it is certainly isn't viable to promote a single global approach.
Accepting this as the 'norm' without any justification is equally
The presentation concluded with an acknowledgement
of the activities realised in the past year under the umbrella
of the ICANN Ad Hoc group on addressing, and it was particularly
noteworthy that a specific reference was made to the members
of the Ad Hoc editorial group to take part in the regional policy
for a discussions concerning these issues.
Its also worth noting that in their presentation
to the GAC (Government Advisory Committee) at the ICANN meeting
in California (November 2000), when talking about global policy
formation, the three existing RIRs stressed the need for open
policy forums with 'final approval by the community'. It acknowledged
the need for responsive policy development that was 'fair to
all' and that co-ordination by RIRs on global policy was a prime
requirement for globalisation of the Internet, accepting that
local implementations may differ must policies must converge.
[8]. The way forward
In line with the decision made at the ICANN
meeting at Marina del Rey, California (13 to 16 November 2000)
the Ad Hoc group will be put forward for formal closure at the
ICANN meeting in Melbourne, Australia (9 to 13 March 2001), following
submission of this closure report.
Since the formation of the Ad Hoc group
the methodologies, working practices, procedures and relationships
between the RIRs, the Address Council and the Address Supporting
Organisation have become clearer. The work of the Ad Hoc group
has produced a detailed bibliography pointing to documents that
describe the intersection between addressing requirements for
IP and other technologies as well as undertaking a wide review
of future drivers and address space requirements. The Address
Council has acknowledged the need for this work as well as the
need for additional policy co-ordination and more involvement
of the wider addressing community.
When coupled with the acceptance that an
open and transparent approach is a fundamental requirement, particularly
where global address policy formation is the goal, this effort
provides a clear indication that close co-operation and involvement
of all sectors of the industry is a necessity. With the emergence
of additional Regional Internet Registries this will become even
more important.
Having completed the task set for the Ad
Hoc Group it is proposed that ICANN should continue to seek assurance,
and regularly test, that the goals set for the Address Supporting
Organisation when it was originally conceived, are fully met
within the existing arrangement.
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Page Updated 23-March-2001
(c) 2000-2001 The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
All rights reserved.