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Patrick Vande Walle
Patrick Vande Walle is a computer engineer by training. He has been working at the European Commission IT department for the last 15 years.
He is a founding member of the Luxembourg chapter of the Internet Society, a chartered ICANN At-Large Structure. He currently serves a second term at the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society.
A long time ICANN participant, he has provided input to several policy work processes. He was instrumental in hosting the Luxembourg meeting of ICANN in 2005. He describes himself as a "civil society technologist", meaning by this that technology needs to serve the society and help build bridges between peoples and cultures. Patrick was an early adopter of the Internet and has been online in one way or another ever since the beginning of Fidonet and 2400 bps modems.
Mr. Vande Walle is fluent in several languages, including, French, Dutch, English, C and Perl.
Personal blog: http://patrick.vande-walle.eu/.