Membership Implementation
Task Force
MITF Member Bios
Task Group
Pierre Dandjinou
(Benin) [Chair]
Pierre Dandjinou is currently an IT programme officer for Africa for
the Sustainable Development Networking Programme of the UN Development
Programme, Benin. He has been involved in the development of many Internet
initiatives on the continent since 1995 and has organized the first-ever
held Africa Conference on Internet governance in Cotonou in December
1998, in his position as the appointed Coordinator of the Africa
Internet Group . He currently serves on the Interim Board of Trustees
of the nascent African regional registry (the AfriNIC) and is President
of the ISOC Chapter of
Abdulai (Ghana)
Mohammed-Sani Abdulai is Director of the Centre for Information and
Communication Technology, Accra, Ghana, and has consulted widely on
IT issues. He holds degrees in computer science from the University
of Cape Coast, Ghana, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
and has been a Lecturer/Adjunct Lecturer in computer science at the
University of Ghana, Legon.
Silvio Cabral
Almada (Angola)
Silvio Cabral Almada is an Internet Technology expert, providing technical
support to EBONet - Angola, since
1996. He is responsible for training all EBONet
technical staff on Linux-Redhat administration, TCP/IP, Cisco equipment
and other Internet topics.
Amar (Mauritania)
Zakaria Amar is Professor at the University of Mauritania and a sub-regional
Adviser for the UNDP Internet Initiative for Africa programme. He is
the founder of the Internet Society of Mauritania, a member of NIC-Mauritania
council (ccTLD .mr manager), and is a member of the interim board of
trustees of AfriNIC (an emerging african regional IP adress registry).
Recently he was involved as Senior Consultant for the IDRC in the preparation
of the National Information and Communication Infrastructure Plan (1999-2002).
He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences (1994) and Master in Telecommunication
Clement Dzidonu
Clement Dzidonu, President and CEO of the International Institute for
Information Technology (INIIT), is an Adjunct Professor of Information
Technology of Touro University International, California and Professor
of Computer Science, Valley View University, Accra. He has formerly
taught and conducted research at: Trinity College, Dublin; National
University of Ireland, Galway; Makerere University, Uganda; and the
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. He has published
seven computer books and a numerous scientific papers and reports. Professor
Dzidonu is founder of the African Network for IT Experts and Professionals
(ANITEP) and AFRIK-IT - a popular discussion list on Africa-related
IT issues.
Philip Fergusson (United Kingdom/Sierra Leone/Nigeria)
Philip Chukwu-Emeka Chikezie Fergusson is a London-based Sierra Leonean/Nigerian
who currently works as Director of the African
Foundation for Development (AFFORD), an organisation that connects
Africa and its diaspora to promote Africa's development and that sees
ICTs as central to its strategy. Philip's experience covers communications
policy, hands-on IT, media, industry, research and writing, and development
Sondlo Leonard
Mhlaba (United States/Zimbabwe)
Dr. Sondlo Leonard Mhlaba, a native of Zimbabwe, is a graduate of Northeastern
University's Law, Policy & Society
Program, Boston, MA. His current research interests focus on internet
access and regulation for public and private purposes. He serves as
associate professor of applied mathematics & sciences at Wentworth
Institute of Technology, and head of the Institute's Academic Resources
& Writing Centers.
Muigai (Kenya)
Andrew Muigai is CEO and Publisher of africapoint.com
an online travel site. The Nairobi based firm offers reservations and
information for the leading travel destinations in Africa.
Nkusi (Rwanda)
George Nkusi is System Administrator for RWANDATEL
S.A., Rwanda's telecommunication company and provider of Internet
Nwankwo (Nigeria)
Chief Victor Nwankwo, Manager Director of Fourth Dimension Publishing
Company Ltd of Enugu Nigeria, was founding chairman of African publishers
Network, APNET. Chief Nwankwo has had extensive and varied professional
training and experience in publishing development and engineering, as
well as in politics and community leadership.
Traoré (Mali)
Alioune Badara Traore, Ph.D., is the manager of the national Internet
Network Operating Center (NOC) and chief engineer for the Télécommunication
Sociéty of Mali (SOTELMA). He is a consultant to numerous organizations
and teaches about Internet technical management. He lives in Bamako,
ASIA Task Group
Anil (Singapore) [Chair]
Samtani Anil is from the Nanyang
Technological University in Singapore (where he specializes in information
technology law and international business transactions) and is currently
an associate editor of the Information Technology Law Journal and the
Asia Business Law Review.
Izumi Aizu
(Malaysia and Japan)
Izumi Aizu is Secretary General, Asia
& Pacific Internet Association, and Principal, Asia
Network Research, based in Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo.
Srisakdi Charmonman
Srisakdi Charmonman
is a member of the Board of Trustees of ISOC,
President of ISOC Thailand Chapter,
Thai Government Representative in the e-ASEAN Task Force, Dean of Internet
and E-Commerce at Assumption University of Thailand, 'Asian Computer
Man of the Year 1981' voted by Computer-Asia magazine, and Chairman
of MKSC Group of companies.
Gu (China)
Gaoyang Linda Gu is an analyst at the Beijing Internet-networking Institute,
China. She graduated from the College of Information Management, Beijing
Union University with major in Computer Science, and in 1999 received
a master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the School of
Economics and Commercial Law, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
Huang (Taiwan)
Kenny Huang is the Founder of Geotempo International Ltd. He is the
lead developer of many of Geotempo's technologies and fosters strategic
relationships with business and technical partners. He is also a technical
consultant of the Academia Sinica,
Taiwan's highest research institution. Prior to Geotempo, Mr Huang was
the Head of Communication & Network Services in the Academia Sinica.
His previous experience includes STARTAP-Taiwan NGI (Next Generation
Internet) design, Fax over Internet project, NLANR National Cache, Taipei
GigaPoP Chief Architect. He has participated in several working groups
of TANet, TWNIC and IETF, occupying a number of management and operational
positions. He holds a postgraduate degree in Scientific Computing and
Information Technology in the South Bank Polytechnic London, and Doctoral
Study in National Cheng Chi University.
Ching-Yi Liu
Ching-Yi Liu is Assistant Professor at the National
Central University. She hold a J.S.D. degree from the University
of Chicago Law School and an L.L.M. degree from the Harvard Law School.
Yumi Ohashi
As an international liaison in JPNIC,
Yumi Ohashi is in charge of coordination between JPNIC
and other related organizations worldwide; research on the Internet
governance issues; and outreach activities to the Internet community
in Japan. She resides in Tokyo, Japan.
Chae Kyu
Park (South Korea)
Chae Kyu Park is president of HANGANG
Systems which is the first accredited registrar in Korea. HANGANG
also maintains several Internet businesses including Internet billing,
web hosting, and electronic commerce services, as well as providing
enterprise software solutions for Cable TV and DBS system operators
in Korea.
Y. J. Park
(South Korea/Singapore)
Y.J. Park is a member of the DNSO Names Council, selected by the Non-Commercial
Jacob Park
(United States)
Jacob Park is a senior researcher specializing in Japanese and Asian
companies for the ethical research unit of a London-based fund management
company and a fellow of the U.S. Environmental Leadership Program.
Yu (Hong Kong S.A.R., China)
Josephy Yu is Chairman of Pacific Challenge Holdings Limited (PCH) which
is an investment bank listed (in October 1998) on the main board of
the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. He is Vice Chairman and Council Member
of UNICEF (HK), and Director of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.
He is a member of the Internet Domain Task Force of the Hong Kong government.
Yang Yen-Thaw
(India) [Chair]
Yang Yen-Thaw is a corporate lawyer with a focus on foreign direct investment
and cyber laws. He practices in New Delhi with the law firm of Yang
Advocates and Solicitors.
Duggal (India)
Pavan Duggal is a practising cyberlaw consultant who resides in New
Delhi, India. Pavan is the President of Cyberlaws.Net,
an online Cyberlaw Consultancy.
He served as a member of ICANN's Membership
Advisory Committee.
Hameed (Pakistan)
Nadeem Hameed is currently working with Sustainable
Development Networking Programme Pakistan (SDNPK) as an Information
Manager. He lives in Lahore.
Kansal (Nepal)
Shashank Kansal is President/CEO of InfoTech & Telco International (IT&TI),
Kathmandu, Nepal.
S. Raju (India)
K.S. Raju is President of Internet Communications India, Ltd. He lives
in Hyderabad, India.
REGION Task Group
James Spenceley
(Australia) [Chair]
James Spenceley works for MailTV,
an Asia/Pacific focused internet start-up. James is based at the company's
head office in Sydney, Australia.
Ian Oi
Ian Oi is an Australian lawyer who focuses on IT, telecommunications
and e-commerce work for both public and private sector clients, mainly
in Sydney and Melbourne.
Young (Australia)
Ken Young is CEO of Web Words, which seeks to address the "digital
divide" through hands-on development work with 21 rural communities
across Victoria. He is the national spokesman for the Australian
Community Networking Alliance, a member of Steering Committee of
the RMIT University Learning Network Project, a member of the State
Library of Victoria Board Library Networking Committee, and on the Victorian
Telstra Consumer Consultative Council.
Sinan Oymaci
Sinan Oymaci is an Industrial Engineer with an MS degree in Management
Information Systems. He is a managing partner of TRIO
Solution House, Inc., a software development and consultancy company.
He is the president of ISOC Istanbul
Chapter and the secretary of Istanbul branch of Turkish Informatics
M. Al-Balooshi (UAE)
Saleem M. Al-Balooshi works on network design and implementation for
Emirates Internet, one of
the largest ISPs in the Middle East Region. He currently handles the
operation activities for Emirates
Internet and the UAE's exchange point (EMIX). Since 1995, he has
been in charge of the .AE ccTLD (UAE-NIC) administration. He received
a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electric and Electronics from ETISALAT
College of Engineering in UAE.
Ali Kia
Ali Kia is the manager of MARNET,
which is aiming to develop the IT business in Turkey. He established
the technical substructure of MARNET.
David Teten
David Teten is Founder and CEO of GoldNames, Inc. (www.goldnames.com),
a venture-backed company with operations in US, Israel, and Europe.
He lives in Israel and New York.
Magda Ismail
Magda Ismail is assistant manager of the Information Highway Unit of
the Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) of Egypt.
She holds degrees in computer science and information systems from the
American Univerisity of Cairo and the London School of Economics, and
is a former Visiting Fellow of the Global Information Infrastructure
Commission (GIIC).
Najat Rochdi
Najat Rochdi is President of ISOC-Morocco.
EUROPE Task Group
Mike Norris
(Ireland) [Chair]
Mike Norris has been with HEAnet,
the Irish education and research network, since 1992. He is currently
senior technical officer. Prior to that, he worked at UCD Computing
Services, Dublin.
Ahlert (Germany)
Christian Ahlert has studied Political Science in Germany and in the
US. He has published about Electronic Democracy, ICANN and Internet
Governance. Currently he has to spend some time in East-Westphalia,
where he is doing a project for the Bertelsmann
Foundation which aims to support the creation of ICANN´s At-Large-Membership.
Bhatti (Austria)
Naseem Bhatti is CEO of internic Datenkommunikations
GmbH in Vienna, Austria. After working with Silicon Graphics Inc.
for 6 years I have started as an ISP in April 1999 together with his
partner Andreas Paumann, concentrating on Domain Name and related issues.
Eder (Austria/Germany)
Juergen Eder finished his diploma thesis in the summer of 1999 in Telecommunications
Engineering at the Polytechnic University
of Salzburg. Since October 1998 he has worked as Project Manager
in the department for IP-Technologies at the R&D arm of Deutsche
Telekom AG, T-Nova.
Richard Francis (United Kingdom)
Richard Francis is an international business and internet lawyer, with
the London and Oxford firm, Manches.
Angelo Gonzalez (Spain)
Angelo Gonzalez is a Spaniard who worked for 26 years in the USA, in
the areas of computers and telecommunications, He now lives in Spain
where he is very active in all the aspects related to the Internet.
He has been involved in ICANN's evolution from the times of the "White
Kvellheim (Norway)
Bjørnar Kvellheim is the chief administrative officer of UNINETT,
the Norwegian national network for research and education. He is based
in Trondheim.
Nickelt (Germany)
Iliya Nickelt is a PhD-Student in Astrophysics who lives in Berlin,
Germany. He has been engaged in several media-related political groups
in Germany and is a close observer of the German internet scene.
Karel Vietsch
Dr. Karel
Vietsch is the Secretary-General of TERENA,
the Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association.
EUROPE Task Group
Veni Markovski
(Bulgaria) [Chair]
Veni Markovski is chairman of the Internet
Society - Bulgaria , and owner of veni.com.
Kleinwächter (Germany/Denmark)
Wolfgang Kleinwächter is a professor for international communication
policy and regulation at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. He had
several appointments at universities in Germany, Finland, the US and
Russia, has worked both in the public and the private sector and was
involved in a number of information society projects of the European
Andrew Romanov
Andrew Romanov is Telecommunication Technologies Department manager,
ISP billing systems development, ServoComp.
In addition, he is CEO of Internet Providers Union, and Secretary of
the Internet Committee of the Russian
Association for Networks and Services.
Eric Scace
(Russia/United States)
Eric Scace works for UUNET on international geographic expansion programs.
During the last 25 years he has worked primarily on international data
communications on technical protocol design and implementation, as well
as product marketing, sales and operations management, and corporate
strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions. He has served on as well
as chaired technical standards-setting committees within ITU, ICAO,
ISO, ANSI, and ASTM on both technical and organizational matters. He
lives in Moscow.
Carlos Afonso
Carlos A. Afonso is Development Director of Rede
de Informações para o Terceiro Setor (Rits) -- the Information Network
for the Third Sector, based in Rio de Janeiro. In 1989, he proposed
and implemented the first ISP in Brazil outside the academic community,
a non-profit project which contributed to the formulation of ensuing
Internet development policy in Brazil.
Barrios Garrida (Mexico)
Gabriela Barrios Garrido is one of Mexico's leading Internet lawyers,
the author of "Internet & Law in Mexico," published by McGraw Hill,
and currently a director of JurisTel,
a law firm specializing in intellectual property rights, Internet and
e-commerce law. Ms. Barrios is a member of the Internet Society and
the Mexican Bar Association.
Bauer (Argentina)
Raúl Bauer is general manager of Trends / IDC Argentina, has been working
in the IT arena since 1969. He has served as CIO at leading Argentine
banks, utilities, manufacturing companies and in government and educational
institutions. He is member of the Board of the Argentine Chamber of
ITC users and at the ISOC-Argentina.
Brandt (Venezuela)
Leopoldo Brandt G. is a Venezuelan attorney, MCJ of the University of
Texas at Austin, and professor of E-commerce Law at UCAB University
in Caracas, Venezuela.
Gómez Alamillo (Spain)
Francisco Gómez Alamillo is the Secretary General of AHCIET.
In that capacity, he has worked with the ITU, Internet Society, European
Commission, IADB and World Bank, among others. He has been involved
with the telecommunications industry for more than 20 years in a wide
range of issues.
Iriarte (Peru) [Chair]
Erick Iriarte Ahon is an Adviser in Computer Law to the Peruvian
Scientific Network and Peruvian NIC (Pe-NIC). He is director of
the Electonic Magazine of Computer Law (Revista
Electronica de Derecho Informatico). He lives in Lima, Peru.
Parker (United States)
Jay Parker lives in Charleston, South Carolina, USA, and is managing
director of West Indies Communications
Group. He has worked in the advertising field for 18 years and serves
as marketing consultant to several Caribbean governments and government
Quincy Yarde
Quincy Yarde is a final year student at the University of the West Indies,
Cave Hill Campus, majoring in Computer Science and Management and is
deeply interested in the application of technology in business.
AMERICA Task Group
Bill Washburn
(United States) [Chair]
Bill Washburn is Chief Policy Officer of RealNames.
A former executive director of CIX, Senior VP for Internet Business
Development at Mecklermedia, and head of Information Technology at Colorado
State University, he holds a Ph.D. from Stanford and lives in Palo Alto,
Diane Cabell
(United States)
Diane Cabell is a Fellow at the
Berkman Center for Internet &
Society at Harvard Law School and is Of Counsel to the Boston law
firm of Fausett, Gaeta & Lund.
She served on ICANN's Membership
Advisory Committee and the Representation in Cyberspace Study Group.
Crocker (United States)
David H. Crocker is a principal with Brandenburg
Consulting, providing Internet business planning and technical design.
He has been a core contributor in the development of internetworking
capabilities for nearly 30 years, first as part of the Arpanet research
community and more recently in the commercial sector. Mr. Crocker has
been a leader in the development of Internet Mail. He served as an Area
Director for the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) the primary source of Internet standards and has
chaired a number of IETF working groups. He has worked at a number of
Silicon Valley companies, producing a wide range of TCP/IP, OSI, and
network management products. He was a co-founder of the Internet Mail
Consortium and the Internet Facsimile and Business Communications Association.
Mr. Crocker's consulting practise ranges across government and private
industry, including startups and venture capital firms, as well as established
organizations such as SunSoft, Xerox, Bell Labs, US Air Force and NASA.
Mr. Crocker continues technical involvement in Internet standards activities
for transport services, electronic mail, electronic commerce and facsimile.
Last year he lived in Malaysia.
Gallant (United States)
Pamela Gallant is an attorney specializing in telecommunications and
regulation and is based in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. She
previously worked at the Federal Communications Commission, where she
worked on Internet issues. Currently, she is a consultant to government
and private sector clients considering, among other issues, e-commerce
Geist (Canada)
Michael Geist is a law professor at the University of Ottawa in Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada specializing in Internet and e-commerce law.
Lisa King
(United States)
Lisa King,
of Fairfax, Virgnia, is president of DC
Web Women, an online community for women working in new media, as
well as a graduate student in Science and Technology Studies at Virginia
Alan Raul
(United States)
Alan Raul is a partner in the international law firm of Sidley
& Austin and coordinates the Firm's e-commerce practice in Washington,
Sanyin Siang
(United States)
Sanyin Siang is an Associate in the Directorate
for Science and Policy Programs at the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, where she works on issues
at the intersection of science, technology, law and ethics.
Thieme (United States)
Richard Thieme writes, speaks,
and consults on the human dimension of technology and work, in particular
the impact of technology on society, organizations, and our personal
lives. He lives in Milwaukee.
Trexler (United States)
Trexler is an Assistant Professor at SMU School of Law, Dallas,
TX, where he teaches nonprofit and business enterprise law. He holds
a law degree from Yale and a Ph.D. from Duke University.
Guedon (Canada) [Chair]
Beside writing a book on the Internet (La planète Cyber - Paris, Gallimard,
1996) and a good many articles on Internet-related matters, Professor
Jean-Claude Guédon, a historian of science by training, has either been
a member or a co-chair (3 times) of the Program Committee of ISOC's
annual Inets since 1996
Kent Crispin
(United States)
Kent is computer scientist at a national research lab who has been involved
in domain name issues for a long time. He lives in California, USA.
Clement Dzidonu
Professor Clement Dzidonu, President and CEO of the International Institute
for Information Technology (INIIT) is an Adjunct Professor of Information
Technology of Touro University International, California and Professor
of Computer Science, Valley View University, Accra. He has formerly
taught and conducted research at: Trinity College, Dublin; National
University of Ireland, Galway, Makerere University, Uganda and the National
University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. He has published seven
computer books and a numerous scientific papers and reports. Professor
Dzidonu is founder of the African Network for IT Experts and Professionals
(ANITEP) and AFRIK-IT - a popular discussion list on Africa-related
IT issues.
Klein (United States)
Hans Klein is Assistant Professor in the School of Public Policy at
the Georgia Institute of Technology and Visiting Researcher at the Center
for the Sociology of Innovation at the Ecole des Mines in Paris. His
research interests include Internet governance and uses of the Internet
for grassroots democracy. He is active in numerous public interest organizations
in the areas of Internet, public access television, and community radio.
He is the Chair of Computer Professionals
for Social Responsibility (CPSR).
Lubsen (United States)
Hal Lubsen is the President and CEO of Domain
Bank, Inc. an ICANN-accredited Registrar. He has been active in
domain issues since 1997 and hopes to involve accredited Registrars
and others in the process of encouraging ICANN Individual At Large Memberships.
Maruyama (Japan)
Naomasa MARUYAMA is Vice President of JPNIC,
the .JP Domain Name Registry and local IP address Registry in Japan.
He is also a senior member of the INET2000
Japan Executive Committee.
McClure (United States)
David P. McClure
is executive director of the US Internet
Industry Association, a trade association for Internet commerce,
content and connectivity located in Washington, DC.
Joe Peck
(United States)
Joe Peck lives and works in the Washington, DC metropolitan area where
he serves as Director of Congressional Affairs in the Government and
Legal Affairs department of the Consumer
Electronics Association (producer and manager of the International
Steele (United States)
Shari Steele is a founder and co-director of Digital
Bridges. Until recently, Ms. Steele was the Director of Legal Services
for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Tony Yustein
Tony Yustein is CEO & President of SoftCom
Technology Consulting Inc. located in Toronto, Canada. SoftCom is
Canada's largest web hosting company and is also a developer of Mail2Web.Com
and Mail2Wap.Com, the Web- and WAP-based free email clients.
Brunner (United States)
Eric Brunner is the coordinator of the North American Aboriginal Registry
and the Indigenous Intellectual Property Constituency, two ICANN-focused
projects of the TribalLaw and Native-Telecoms communities. He is an
active participant of the IETF, an active member of the Maine Abenaki
John Afele
Dr. John Afele, a Ghanaian, is Director of the International
Program for Africa at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
He and his fellow Ghanaian and colleague, Dr. Kofi Anani of the Global
Network for Peace and Poverty Alleviation, are working to intellectualize
indigenous African knowledge towards rural poverty alleviation, with
modern information and communication technologies as facilitating tools.