Communiqué of the Governmental Advisory Committee
(24 June 2003)

Communiqué of the Governmental Advisory Committee
24 June 2003
Montréal, Canada

1. The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) met in Montreal, Canada, 22-24 June 2003. The participating GAC Members, included representatives from thirty seven national governments, distinct economies as recognised in international fora, and multilateral governmental and treaty organisations. They engaged in a follow-up to previous GAC Advice, moved forward the activities of the GAC working groups and had useful discussions, including an exchange of views with other ICANN constituencies and the ICANN Evolution and Reform Committee.

2. The Governmental Advisory Committee expressed warm thanks to Canada for hosting and organising the meeting in Montreal.

3. GAC welcomed the presence of several new Members participating for the first time: Botswana, India, Nigeria, Palau, Tunisia and Uganda. They also welcomed the membership of Mali and Slovenia who have also joined GAC since the Rio de Janeiro meeting.

4. At the last meeting in Rio de Janeiro, GAC had set up a system of Liaisons with ICANN and GAC Working Groups . This new system is working well and has contributed to accelerating and deepening aspects of GAC’s policy work and facilitating, in certain areas, the dialogue between GAC and the ICANN constituencies, supporting organisations and advisory bodies. GAC noted that all members support the current policy of open and transparent communications with ICANN constituencies.

5. Regarding IDN: GAC took good note of recent decisions by ICANN to facilitate deployment of Internationalised Domain Names.

6. Regarding the implementation of WIPO II, GAC recalls its Advice from the Rio de Janeiro meeting on the "WIPO recommendations on names of countries and inter-governmental organisations (IGO)." GAC welcomed ICANN's decision of 2 June 2003 (Resolution 03.83), to set up the joint working group at Montreal. GAC requests that the working group should present an outline and timetable for its work to the ICANN and GAC meetings at Carthage. The GAC encourages the group to complete its work by the Cape Town meeting, December 2004.

The terms of reference of the working group should be limited to the practical and technical aspects of the implementation of the WIPO recommendations, and notably the implication for the UDRP. The Working Group should propose solutions for overcoming any problems identified. GAC is prepared to appoint delegates to the ICANN/GAC working group. GAC requests to be consulted on the Terms of Reference of the joint Working Group.

7. Regarding the proposed Bylaws amendments for the creation of the Country Code Names Supporting Organisation (CCNSO), the GAC gives the following Advice.

(a) The Governmental Advisory Committee restated its inter-sessional Advice to the ERC of 16 May 2003 and has had further consultations with the ccTLD Community and ERC in Montreal.


In the short time available, GAC has done its utmost to provide constructive advice on the revised Bylaws. In this context, GAC welcomes the positive spirit shown by the ccTLD community and the ERC in constructively responding to GAC’s questions and concerns.

(b) The GAC expresses its appreciation for the extended efforts of the ICANN community regarding the preparation of the ccNSO, notably the Evolution and Reform Committee (ERC), the ccNSO Assistance Group and the ccTLD Community as a whole. GAC has taken note of recent ERC proposals for the ccNSO Bylaws. GAC agreed to the importance of ccNSO becoming as inclusive an organisation as possible.

(c) In light of the further consultations that have taken place during the Montreal meeting, GAC concurs that the proposed Bylaws, as presented to the GAC at the end of its meeting, adequately reflect GAC's Advice . The GAC hopes that the revised Bylaws will be the framework for a good working relationship between the ccTLD Registries, ICANN and the GAC in establishing global ccTLD-related policies. It notes, however, that an important measure of success of the ccNSO will be how it will operate in practice and in particular to what extent it will attract extensive participation of ccTLD Registries.

(d) GAC notes that a review of the functioning of ccNSO and the ccNSO Council will be initiated and would wish to participate in that review.

8. Regarding the up-dating of the GAC ccTLD Principles, GAC requested the ccTLD Working Group to prepare a discussion document for consideration at the next meeting in Carthage, Tunisia.

9. GAC has participated extensively in the development, preparation and presentation of the ICANN Whois Workshop. The GAC Chair has asked the Whois Working Group to prepare a written report on the proceedings of the Workshop for the information and consideration of GAC Members, particularly those who are not able to be present in Montreal. The policy issues arising from the Whois Workshop will be further considered by GAC in its next meeting, as appropriate.

10. Outreach: GAC confirmed that the approach to non-member countries would continue and that efforts should be enhanced, particularly in the context of the forthcoming meeting in Carthage, Tunisia. Reinforcing communications among GAC members would continue to be encouraged on a regional basis.

* * * *

11. Next Meeting: The next GAC face-to-face meeting will be in Carthage, Tunisia, October 2003. Meanwhile, GAC will continue its work on-line, in conference calls and through the ICANN Liaisons and GAC Working Groups.

Attachment: GAC Liaisons and Working Group Convenors.

GAC Liaisons and Working Group Convenors


1. ICANN Board - GAC Chair

2. Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)
Audri Mukhopadhyay, Canada (Accr. Rep.)

3. ccTLD Names Supporting Organisation
Martin Boyle, UK (Accr.Rep.)

4. Root Server Advisory Committee RSSAC
Thomas de Haan, Netherlands (Accr. Rep.)

5. Security and Stability Advisory Committee --- TBD ---

6. Addressing Supporting Organisation (ASO)
Robert Shaw, ITU (Accr. Rep.)

7. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Richard Hill, ITU (Adviser)

8. At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
Carlos Valdez, Peru (Accr. Rep.)

9. Nominating Committee
Provisional liaison: GAC Secretariat


1. Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) --- TBD ---

2. International Domain Names (IDN) --- TBD ---

3. Whois - Robin Layton, US (Accr. Rep.)

4. Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs)
Pablo Hinojosa, Mexico (Accr. Rep.)

5. Root Server Operation and DNS Security --- TBD ---

6. Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) - Eiji Aoki, Japan (Adviser)

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Page Updated 29-Jun-2003
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