Call For Nominations to the ICANN
Independent Review Panel
26 June 2001
Call to the Internet Community For Nominations
to the ICANN Independent Review Panel
The ICANN Bylaws call for
the establishment of a procedure by which the actions of the ICANN
Board may be subjected to independent third-party review. The ICANN
Independent Review Panel Nominating Committee is now accepting suggestions
from the public for nominations to the ICANN Independent Review Panel.
Members of the public may submit potential nominees until 26 July
Mission of the Independent
Review Panel
The mission of the Independent Review Panel ("IRP") is to
compare contested actions of the ICANN Board to the Bylaws and Articles
of Incorporation and to declare whether the ICANN Board has acted consistent
with the provisions of those documents. The IRP is also responsible
for reviewing determinations regarding the presence of a consensus on
which an adopted policy is based, to the extent provided in agreements
between ICANN and third parties. The IRP should act in an open and efficient
Composition of Independent
Review Panel
The members of the IRP are nominated by the IRP Nominating Committee
and must be confirmed by a 2/3 vote of the ICANN Board. The IRP will
consist of nine members. The initial members of the IRP will have terms
of staggered length: three initial members shall be appointed for a
4-year term; three for a 3-year term; and three for a 2-year term.
Qualifications for Independent
Review Panel Members
- A nominee to the IRP should
be a person of high professional standing and accomplishment.
- A nominee to the IRP should
be (i) a current or former judge, and/or (ii) an individual with legal
training who would qualify for judicial appointment and who has experience
conducting arbitration or a similar dispute resolution proceeding.
- A nominee to the IRP must
hold no other office or position within the ICANN structure.
- The IRP Nominating Committee
will make nominations primarily on grounds of competence, experience,
and accomplishment, and without reference to strict geographic or
other quotas. At the same time, the IRP Nominating Committee will
take account of various diversity factors, including diversity in
geographic representation and diversity in legal systems, in making
its choices.
To Submit a Candidate
to the Nominating Committee
Members of the public are invited to submit suggestions to the IRP Nominating
Committee for consideration. To do so, please send the candidate's name,
contact information, and evidence of the candidate's qualifications
to irp-nomcom-coordinator@icann.org.
The Open Call period for submitting suggestions to the IRP Nominating
Committee will close 26 July 2001.
Background Information
For more information on the IRP, the IRP Nominating Committee and the
IRP Policy that will guide the work of the IRP and the IRP Nominating
Committee, see http://www.icann.org/committees/indreview/nomcom.htm.
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