ICANN Membership Advisory Committee
3 January 1999
3 January 1999
Prepared by Greg Crew, Diane
Cabell, and Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
This is a January 3 status
report on the work of the Membership Advisory Committee (MAC). The
primary task of the MAC is to provide the ICANN Board with a number of
possible membership structures suitable for the election of At Large directors
in accordance with the ICANN By-laws, which the Committee hopes to present
to the ICANN Board during the ICANN Board meeting in Singapore the first
week of March, 1999.
The committee was appointed
on December 16, 1998, and began to discuss its goals, agenda, and working
methods via email and teleconference. The committee decided that
committee members would prepare periodic reports, such as this one, about
the progress of its work.
The committee hopes to engage
in a constructive public discussion about membership issues. To
this end, the committee will establish a public email discussion list,
which will be launched during the week of January 4, 1999. The committee
is in the process of discussing what guidelines for list participation
should be established. Contributions will be archived in the MAC
section of the ICANN web site (http://www.icann.org/membership-com.html),
and the MAC progress reports will include summaries of the email discussion.
In preparation for its substantive
discussion the MAC has started brainstorming about membership issues that
may need to be resolved. To date, this list includes the following
- Why are there at large
- Are there (if so, why are
there) members (of Supporting Organizations) that are not at-large members?
How do rights and obligations of At Large members and AL directors differ
from those of SOs, if at all? Are AL directors drawn from the
pool of all members, and how does that interact with SO members?
- Who are the expected members?
- Who can be a member. (Any
qualification such as holding a domain name, having an on-line presence?)
- Is membership automatic
or voluntary?
- If domain names or email
addresses are a vehicle, then how do we manage one individual or entity
with a multiplicity of names?
- How is geography, population,
financial standing and language to be balanced. How should this
change over time as these attributes vary? How does this tie in
to the geographic diversity requirements of the ICANN Bylaws?
- One class or different
classes of membership? (large corporations, small corporations, associations,
individuals, demographics, TLD)
- Rights and obligations
of membership - same for all or differentiated (depending on whether
a SO, corporation, association, individual?)
- What are the liabilities
of a member?
- Is there/should there be
an off-line constituency? How are people without domain names
or email addresses represented? These may include universal
access users of community centers, telecenters, business centers etc.
How will emerging communities not be excluded including those from developing
countries as well as inner city communities in developed countries?
- Is it desirable to put
in place structures or mechanisms designed to minimize the risk that
a determined group could capture all or a majority of the at large ICANN
board seats? If so, how can that be done?
- What identification will
ICANN need to register a member? (none, telephone number, e-mail address,
proof of domain name ownership, sworn affidavit?)
- Will the "membership" have
any legal status distinct from ICANN? Will the membership need
to elect its own officers to supervise functions or shall registration,
voting, etc., be handled by ICANN?
- Are SOs to be "members",
although presumably not having rights to vote for At Large directors
(and how would that be controlled?) Should the SOs be excluded
from At Large membership?
- Is there a way or a need
to prevent duplicate voting by SO members? In other words, should
a member of a SO be prevented from also being a member of ICANN?
Should multiple employees of a business be prevented from being members?
How different should the At Large membership be from the SOs?
Is the At Large membership sufficiently distinct from the Domain Name
Supporting Organization or how do we make it distinct?
- Will at large members have
a right to petition ICANN, either: for or against an SO proposal
or a Board decision; or in order to ask the Board or an SO to address
some new issue?
- Should members pay (annual
subscription, buy shares?) Are there securities laws or other
issues that arise as a result of charging fees? If not, what consideration
will create binding obligations?
- How will fees be collected?
- Should fees be uniform
or graduated?
- How are candidates to be
nominated? How are nominees to be placed on or removed from a
ballot? Are write-in candidates to be allowed?
- What qualifications if
any for candidates?
- What proof of identification
is required from candidates?
- One vote per member, or
different voting rights depending on membership class?
- How to apply regional representation
rules when counting votes?
- How are voting rules to
be policed?
- Should some rules be applied
to spread directors across different gTLD constituencies? Across
ccTLD constituencies?
- Should ICANN provide a
forum for candidates to campaign/for referenda to be discussed?
- Can AL members propose
changes? If so, how and under what constraints?
- What is the cost to ICANN
of the proposed membership and voting structures?
The committee is looking forward
to adding to this list with the input of interested members of the public,
and to starting to develop alternative ways to resolve these and other issues.
concerning the layout, construction and functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
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(c) 1999, 2001 The Internet Corporation for Assigned
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