of the Membership Advisory Committee
18 March 1999
18 March 1999
Summary of March 18 Membership
Committee Conference Call
Prepared by Molly Shaffer
Van Houweling, Committee Staff
Izumi Aizu
George Conrades
Greg Crew
Kanchana Kanchanasut
Oscar Robles
Molly Shaffer Van Houweling (staff)
Jonathan Zittrain (Berkman Center liaison)
(Dan Steinberg joined at the end of the call.)
George Conrades explained
the background behind a proposed summary of committee consensus items
that he and Greg Crew had recently distributed to the committee members.
He said that he and Crew were hoping to help bring things to resolution
so that the committee could present recommendations to the ICANN Board
which could then be made available for public comment in advance of
the Berlin meeting in late May. The committee would then concentrate
on implementation issues, which would probably extend beyond the Berlin
Conrades then led a discussion
of the proposed consensus points and the committee comment on them to
date. (The consensus points are the numbered items below.)
1. Any individual or
organisation may be an AL member. Only ORGANISATIONS that are members
of a SO are excluded.
Greg Crew explained that he
thought that exclusion of organizations in SOs was something agreed
upon by the committee in Singapore, and that’s whey he put it in, but
that some committee members have raised concerns about the complexity
of enforcing this limitation. Some committee members suggested that
organizations should all be excluded in order to avoid this complexity.
Conrades expressed the opinion that to be as broad as possible, the
at-large membership should include both individuals and organizations.
Kanchana Kanchanasut asked how the balance of individuals and organizations
would be struck in the Supporting Organizations. Conrades explained
his understanding of the DNSO that is currently in the formative stages--that
individuals and organizations will take part, but that the voting for
directors will be indirect, through the Names Council. After it was
clarified that individuals would not be excluded from the SOs, Kanchana
agreed that it would be acceptable for her for organizations to have
one vote each in the at large membership.
2. Members must apply
by sending an on-line registration form provided by ICANN, giving an
e-mail address and other minimal identification details, which ICANN
will only attempt to verify if a complaint is lodged.
Conrades reported that a number
of committee members had expressed concern about the adequacy of the
authentication procedures. Michael Weinberg had also raised a concern
that physical ballots, proxies, and nomination information are required
under California law. Jonathan Zittrain suggested that the committee
ask Weinberg to consider whether there might be some way to work around
the California law provisions--maybe by having members vote to select
Directors who are then officially elected by the Board of Directors
(which would be required to elect who the members voted for) (much as
the SOs currently do under the ICANN bylaws). Izumi Aizu worried that
indirect voting would not be acceptable to people who had supported
the idea, when ICANN was formed, that it should be a membership corporation..
Jonathan emphasized that the practical effect would be the same, as
long as the Board had no discretion about electing the Directors selected
by the at-large membership. Greg Crew expressed support of the idea
of parity with the SO members, who are not now members of the corporation.
Along those lines, Zittrain suggested referring to the membership as
the "At Large Membership SO." Crew suggested leaving the specifics of
the membership’s legal status to the Board, since the structure would
work the same, practically, in either case.. Conrades asked Molly Shaffer
Van Houweling to confer with Weinberg and Joe Sims to determine what
alternatives would be legally feasible under California law and politically
acceptable. Conrades also expressed interest in finding out how much
paper ballots and mailed documentation would cost, and what documentation
California law requires to authenticate members.
3. Members must re-register
annually. Changes to registered details, particularly e-mail address,
must be advised on pain of loss of membership.
Committee members did not
express any concerns with this consensus item.
4. There will be no membership
fee. (We consider this to be too difficult to set equitably, and costly
to collect. We intend to be silent on the question of donations - they
will always be acceptable).
Committee members did not
express any concerns with this consensus item.
6. Members form a single world
wide constituency to elect AL directors.
Committee members did not
express any concerns with this consensus item.
7. Every member has a single
vote at election of AL directors. (I.e., one vote for one director. Candidates
scoring most votes are elected, subject to regional representation rules).
Zittrain wanted to know if
whether this item precluded the possibility of alternative voting mechanisms--cumulative
or preferential voting, for example. He and Greg agreed to write up
the costs and benefits of the various approaches.
8. Objective qualifications
will be established for candidates for board positions. Candidates must
provide ICANN with supporting documentation, by post if necessary.
Committee members did not
express any concerns with this consensus item.
9. There is no limit to the
number of candidates at any election.
Committee members did not
express any concerns with this consensus item.
10. We see no need for
a nomination committee, or for an electoral committee. These are tasks
for the ICANN executive.
Several committee members wanted to leave the door open for the possibility
of a committee that would work to solicit nominees (if, for example, there
was a special need for representation from one region). But they agreed
that there is no need for a committee to screen candidates.
Several committee members
favored the idea of including a sunset provision in the membership structure--directing
the board to review how well the membership system was working after
a set period. Crew suggested that following the second election would
be a natural time to review. Zittrain suggested that the board should
also do some sort of review after the initial membership is determined,
but before the first election. That way if there are only a few members,
they are all from the same place, or there is some other reason that
the membership is not satisfactory, the Board can address the problem
before the election. Dan Steinberg agreed to work with Diane Cabell
on drafting a sunset provision.
Finally, Conrades discussed
the timing of the next conference call. Greg Crew said that the committee
should complete its recommendation by early April, to give the Board time
to review it and post it in advance of the Berlin meeting. The group agreed
that the next call will be on Tuesday, March 30, at 9:00 am U.S. East
Coast time.
In advance of that call,
Conrades asked all committee members to email their thoughts about how
to do outreach to potential ICANN members, and what "value proposition"
ICANN can offer people to entice them to join. What can they expect
to get out of it?
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