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Formal Call for Statements of Interest and Suggestions for Candidates

Posted: 18 April 2006

This document is a comprehensive description of all of the information needed for the process of volunteering to serve in the governing bodies of ICANN in forthcoming terms. It contains information for potential candidates, for people wishing to suggest candidates, and for the submission of statements of interest, and provides links to other information on the ICANN website regarding the Nominating Committee (NomCom) process.

The call for candidates is now posted. Statements of Interest should be received before 1 August 2006, and the selection of final appointees will be announced before 31 October 2006. Completed Statements of Interest should be sent to <>.

If you would like to volunteer and be considered as a candidate, click here to read more about the process and to nominate yourself.

If you want to suggest someone for one of the positions click here.

Send all comments/questions to:

For more information about the NomCom, see

NomCom encourages redistribution of this Formal Call for Statements of Interest and Suggestions for Candidates provided it is transmitted in its entirety, without any changes.

NomCom encourages translation of this Formal Call and grants permission to distribute a translation provided that (1) any distributed translation includes the full text of the Formal Call in English in its entirety and without any changes and (2) a copy of the translation and the identity and contact information for the translator are sent to NomCom at <>.


A. ICANN, the organization

B. Important Opportunities to Contribute to this Global public private partnership

C. Characteristics and High Qualifications Sought via the NomCom Process

D. Criteria, Core Values and Timing for Positions to be Filled by NomCom

E. Position Roles, Eligibility Factors, and Time Commitments

F. Choosing to be a Candidate

G. NomCom Process and Background

H. How to suggest a candidate for consideration

I. How to Submit a Statement of Interest as a candidate

A. ICANN, the organization

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit, private-sector corporation that serves as a major technical coordination body for the Internet. Created in 1998 by a joint initiative of the Internet's business, technical, academic, and user communities, ICANN has been gradually assuming the responsibility for a set of technical functions previously performed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and other groups. ICANN is a California public benefit, non-profit corporation.

ICANN's mission is "to coordinate, at the overall level, the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers, and in particular to ensure the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems. In particular, ICANN:

1. Coordinates the allocation and assignment of the three sets of unique identifiers for the Internet, which are:

a. Domain names (forming a system referred to as "DNS");

b. Internet protocol ("IP") addresses and autonomous system ("AS") numbers; and

c. Protocol port and parameter numbers.

2. Coordinates the operation and evolution of the DNS root name server system.

3. Coordinates policy development reasonably and appropriately related to these technical functions." <>

ICANN is dedicated to preserving the operational stability of the Internet; to promoting competition; to achieving broad representation of global Internet communities; and to developing policy appropriate to its mission through bottom-up consensus-based processes.

ICANN accomplishes its work through various entities such as the Board of Directors; the three supporting organisations GNSO, ccNSO and ASO; and the At Large Advisory Committee.

B. Important Opportunities to Contribute to this Global Enterprise

The ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) invites the participation of the Internet community in its ongoing process for selection of well qualified, accomplished individuals to serve in four sets of leadership positions within ICANN. The following seats are to be filled in the 2006 NomCom process:

- Board of Directors (3 seats)

- Generic Names Supporting Organization Council (GNSO) (1 seat)

- Interim At-Large Advisory Council (ALAC) (2 seats, European and North American regions)

- Country Code Names Support Organization Council (ccNSO) (1 seat)

Those selected by NomCom will work with accomplished colleagues from around the globe to address Internet's technical coordination problems and related policy development challenges within diverse functional, cultural, and geographic dimensions.

They will make an important public service contribution and gain useful experience and perspective. Placing the broad public interest ahead of any particular interests, they will help ensure the stability and security of the Internet

ICANN holds public meetings approximately 3 times a year in locations around the world. These meetings constitute an essential part of ICANN's global consensus-development and outreach efforts; all NomCom appointees are expected to travel and participate in ICANN meetings. However, these meetings are only part of the responsibilities of the appointees. Much of the work of the ICANN Board, GNSO Council, Interim ALAC, and ccNSO Council is done via e-mail and teleconference meetings of the respective groups.

Those who hold these positions serve without compensation but can receive travel expense reimbursement where authorized and where resources have been allocated within the ICANN budget.

The whole Internet community benefits from the voluntary commitment and efforts of the many individuals who serve in the organization. ICANN respects and appreciates this generous contribution of time, energy and effort. The appointees of the NomCom will join the numerous other hard working volunteers who help to further ICANN's policy activities.

We invite both (1) suggestions of persons who should be considered for these positions and (2) Statements of Interest from persons wishing to be considered for them. The NomCom looks upon all Statements of Interest equally.

For full consideration suggestions should be submitted promptly and Statements of Interest should be received no later than 23:59 GMT 1 August 2006.

C. Qualifications Sought in the NomCom Process

NomCom seeks women and men who have demonstrated the maturity, experience, knowledge, and skills to handle the tasks and make the judgments involved in fulfilling these important leadership roles.

NomCom seeks persons of the highest integrity and capability with experience and talents for problem solving, policy development, and decision-making involving diverse perspectives regarding how best to accomplish the mission and responsibilities of ICANN. Those selected in the NomCom process will also be expected to place the public interest of the global Internet ahead of any particular interests.

In NomCom's selections, such qualifications are more significant than is deep involvement in technical aspects of the Internet. The NomCom Selected Nominees are expected to be knowledgeable, or committed to becoming knowledgeable, about the environment in which ICANN operates and the technical functions for which it is responsible, but strong technical knowledge of the Internet is not the determining factor in the NomCom selections.

ICANN also has complementary selection processes, based in the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees, which are designed to ensure that the needed technical expertise and knowledge of constituencies is present in the ICANN leadership bodies. Together, NomCom and these complementary selection processes yield, in the aggregate, the full range of skills and experience needed for the organization.

NomCom will apply the criteria and terms of eligibility defined in the ICANN Bylaws to develop a pool of qualified candidates (See Section D). In selecting from this candidate pool, NomCom will also take into account additional considerations related to the specific roles to be filled and will support implementation of ICANN's Core Values, including its commitment to seek and support broad functional, geographic, and cultural diversity of the Internet at all levels of policy development and decision-making. NomCom recognizes that the term cultural diversity is multifaceted, including gender, ethnic, religious, and other forms of diversity.

NomCom encourages wide participation in this process, and is grateful for the valuable input it will receive from those who nominate themselves or others for the positions available.

D. Criteria, Core Values, and Timing for Positions to be Filled by NomCom


NomCom will use the Criteria for Selection of ICANN Directors contained in the ICANN Bylaws for all four sets of positions it will fill. These Criteria are:

1. "Accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence, with reputations for sound judgment and open minds, and a demonstrated capacity for thoughtful group decision-making;

2. Persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the potential impact of ICANN decisions on the global Internet community, and committed to the success of ICANN;

3. Persons who will produce the broadest cultural and geographic diversity on the Board consistent with meeting the other criteria set forth in this Section;

4. Persons who, in the aggregate, have personal familiarity with the operation of gTLD registries and registrars; with ccTLD registries; with IP address registries; with Internet technical standards and protocols; with policy-development procedures, legal traditions, and the public interest; and with the broad range of business, individual, academic, and non-commercial users of the Internet;

5. Persons who are willing to serve as volunteers, without compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses; and

6. Persons who are able to work and communicate in written and spoken English."

NomCom welcomes and encourages participation from all members of the global Internet community. Although Candidates should be able to both work and communicate well in English, there is no requirement that English be the candidate's first language.

Core Values

In making its selections, NomCom will look for persons who can help implement ICANN's Core Values, stated in its Bylaws:

"In performing its mission, the following core values should guide the decisions and actions of ICANN:

1. Preserving and enhancing the operational stability, reliability, security, and global interoperability of the Internet.

2. Respecting the creativity, innovation, and flow of information made possible by the Internet by limiting ICANN's activities to those matters within ICANN's mission requiring or significantly benefiting from global coordination.

3. To the extent feasible and appropriate, delegating coordination functions to or recognizing the policy role of other responsible entities that reflect the interests of affected parties.

4. Seeking and supporting broad, informed participation reflecting the functional, geographic, and cultural diversity of the Internet at all levels of policy development and decision-making.

5. Where feasible and appropriate, depending on market mechanisms to promote and sustain a competitive environment.

6. Introducing and promoting competition in the registration of domain names where practicable and beneficial in the public interest.

7. Employing open and transparent policy development mechanisms that (i) promote well-informed decisions based on expert advice, and (ii) ensure that those entities most affected can assist in the policy development process.

8. Making decisions by applying documented policies neutrally and objectively, with integrity and fairness.

9. Acting with a speed that is responsive to the needs of the Internet while, as part of the decision-making process, obtaining informed input from those entities most affected.

10. Remaining accountable to the Internet community through mechanisms that enhance ICANN's effectiveness.

11. While remaining rooted in the private sector, recognizing that governments and public authorities are responsible for public policy and duly taking into account governments' or public authorities' recommendations.

These core values are deliberately expressed in very general terms, so that they may provide useful and relevant guidance in the broadest possible range of circumstances. Because they are not narrowly prescriptive, the specific way in which they apply, individually and collectively, to each new situation will necessarily depend on many factors that cannot be fully anticipated or enumerated; and because they are statements of principle rather than practice, situations will inevitably arise in which perfect fidelity to all eleven core values simultaneously is not possible. Any ICANN body making a recommendation or decision shall exercise its judgment to determine which core values are most relevant and how they apply to the specific circumstances of the case at hand, and to determine, if necessary, an appropriate and defensible balance among competing values."


By 31 October 2006, the NomCom expects to make its final selections for individuals to serve the Terms that are associated with the following positions:

* ICANN Board of Directors (3 seats, 3 year terms)

* Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council Members (1 seats, 2 year term)

* Interim At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) Members (2 seats, 2 year terms)

* Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Council Members (1 seat, 3 year term)

As provided in the ICANN Bylaws, the starting date for terms for these positions is the end of ICANN's 2006 Annual Meeting (to be held from 2-8 December in Sao Paulo, Brazil.) The ending date is the conclusion of a specific later ICANN Annual Meeting, depending on the length of term applicable.

E. Position Roles, Eligibility Factors, and Time Commitments

Position: Board of Directors

Number of Seats: 3

Start of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2006

End of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2009

ICANN's Directors, as a group, are responsible for exercising the powers of ICANN, controlling its property, and conducting or directing its business and affairs, except as otherwise provided in the ICANN Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws. Directors serve as individuals who have the duty to act in what they reasonably believe are the best interests of ICANN and not as representatives of the entity that selected them, their employers, or any other organizations or constituencies.

Directors are expected to support the ICANN mission and the implementation of ICANN's Core Values.

The Nominating Committee will use the Selection Criteria for Directors, set forth in the Bylaws, for these positions.

ICANN Directors shall receive no compensation for their services as Directors. The Board may, however, authorize the reimbursement of actual and necessary reasonable expenses incurred by Directors performing their duties as Directors. [Bylaws Article VI, Section 22, see]

Board Eligibility Factors

1. No person who serves on the Nominating Committee in any capacity is eligible for selection by any means to any position on the Board or any other ICANN body having one or more membership positions that the Nominating Committee is responsible for filling, until the conclusion of an ICANN annual meeting that coincides with, or is after, the conclusion of that person's service on the Nominating Committee. [Bylaws, Article VII, Section 8, see ]

2. Nominating Committee shall seek to ensure that the ICANN Board is composed of members who in the aggregate display diversity in geography, culture, skills, experience, and perspective, by applying the criteria set forth above in this document. [Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2(2), see ]

3. At no time shall the Nominating Committee select a Director to fill any vacancy or expired term whose selection would cause the total number of Directors (not including the President) who are citizens of countries in any one Geographic Region to exceed five; and the Nominating Committee shall ensure through its selections that at all times the Board includes at least one Director who is a citizen of a country in each ICANN Geographic Region. [Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2(2), see ]

4. No official of a national government or a multinational entity established by treaty or other agreement between national governments may serve as a Director. [Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4(1), see ]

5. No person who serves in any capacity (including as a liaison) on any Supporting Organization Council shall simultaneously serve as a Director or liaison to the Board. [Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4(2), see ]

6. None of the ICANN Directors appointed by the NomCom whose terms expire at the ICANN General Meeting of 2006 have exceeded the three-term limit as defined in the Bylaws.

The current composition of the Board of Directors is available here

Time Commitment and Working Practice

The basic responsibilities of an ICANN Director require a minimum commitment of time roughly equivalent to 7 hours each week, exclusive of any work on Board Committees. The time spent in these basic responsibilities is typically clustered around Board meetings and teleconferences. Directors are also expected to attend three ICANN meetings per year in locations that rotate across ICANN's five geographic regions. Depending on the location and including travel time and preparation this could be a commitment of up to ten (10) days per meeting. In addition the board occasionally holds shorter face-to-face meetings such as retreats.

Directors spend additional time in connection with their work on Board Committees, a commitment that varies in relation to the number of Committees on which they serve, the scope of the Committee's responsibilities, and their role as Chair or Member of the Committee.

Position: GNSO Council

Number of Seats: 1

Start of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2006

End of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2008

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) is a policy-development body responsible for developing and recommending to the ICANN Board substantive policies relating to generic top-level domains. The GNSO consists of various Constituencies representing particular groups of stakeholders and a GNSO Council, responsible for managing the policy development and administrative processes of the GNSO. The GNSO Constituencies choose the majority of the Council members; Nominating Committee chooses three Council members with staggered terms. The GNSO also includes a liaison from the ALAC and the Governmental Advisory Committee. Liaison activities from the ASO and ccNSO are under development.

GNSO Council Members receive no compensation for their services as GNSO Council Members. ICANN provides administrative and operational support necessary for the GNSO to carry out its responsibilities through the GNSO Secretariat. Most recently ICANN also provides staff support for policy development. As stated in the ICANN Bylaws, such support shall not include an obligation for ICANN to fund travel expenses incurred by GNSO participants for travel to any meeting of the GNSO or for any other purpose. However, ICANN has customarily furnished travel expenses for Nominating Committee appointed Council members to ICANN meetings. This custom is planned to continue, but is subject to the Bylaw statement. [Bylaws Article X, Section 4, see ]

Nominating Committee will use the Criteria for Selection of ICANN Directors (see above) in choosing Selected Nominees for the GNSO Council. GNSO Council members are expected to support the ICANN mission and the implementation of ICANN's Core Values.

Nominating Committee will also take into account the following eligibility factors and additional considerations.

GNSO Council Eligibility Factors

1. No person who serves on the Nominating Committee in any capacity is eligible for selection by any means to any position on the Board or any other ICANN body having one or more membership positions that the Nominating Committee is responsible for filling, until the conclusion of an ICANN annual meeting that coincides with, or is after, the conclusion of that person's service on the Nominating Committee. [Bylaws, Article VII, Section 8, see ]

2. No more than one officer, director, or employee of any particular corporation or other organization (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) shall serve on the GNSO Council at any given time. [Bylaws, Article X, Section 3(5), see ]

Additional Considerations

For the GNSO Council position, specific experience related to the scope of the GNSO's work with the Domain Name System would be advantageous.

The current composition of the GNSO Council is available here

The Bylaws do not state a limit on the number of terms GNSO Council members may serve.

Time Commitment

The basic responsibilities of a GNSO Council member would spend at least 18 hours per month on Council related activities, with those chairing or participating in committees or task forces spending at up to 50 hours a month. Task force members and councillors are not compensated for either time or teleconference costs.

Position: Interim ALAC

Number of Seats: 2

1 (European Region)

1 (North American Region)

Start of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2006

End of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2008

(for a definition of ICANN's geographic regions see )

The role of the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is to finalize the establishment of a mechanism for individual user participation in ICANN, through the accreditation of user organizations as "At-Large Structures" and the creation of Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs). The Interim ALAC also performs the role that is attributed to the ALAC once established, that is to consider and provide advice on the activities of ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users. Individual users may be consumers, non-for-profit or profit or business users but the key term is that they are 'individuals'. Upon the seating of persons selected by all five Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs), the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee shall become the At-Large Advisory Committee, as established by Article XI, Section 2(4) of the Bylaws. The individuals selected to the Interim At-Large Advisory Committee by the Nominating Committee shall become members of the At-Large Advisory Committee for the remainder of the terms for which they were selected. Some members of the Interim ALAC are chosen by each of the RALOs (or by the ICANN Board subject to the Transition Article of the Bylaws); Nominating Committee chooses five members with staggered terms.

Interim ALAC Committee members, like the members of ICANN's other Advisory Committees, receive no compensation for their services as a member of a committee. The Board may, however, authorize the reimbursement of the actual and necessary expenses incurred by Advisory Committee members performing their duties as Advisory Committee members. [Bylaws Article XI, Section 6, see ]

Nominating Committee will use the Criteria for Selection of ICANN Directors (see above) in choosing Selected Nominees for the Interim ALAC. ALAC members are expected to support the ICANN mission and the implementation of the ICANN Core Values. Nominating Committee will also take into account the following eligibility factors and additional considerations.

Interim ALAC Eligibility Factors

1. No person who serves on the Nominating Committee in any capacity is eligible for selection by any means to any position on the Board or any other ICANN body having one or more membership positions that the Nominating Committee is responsible for filling, until the conclusion of an ICANN annual meeting that coincides with, or is after, the conclusion of that person's service on the Nominating Committee. [Bylaws, Article VII, Section 8, see ]

2. The five members of ALAC selected by the Nominating Committee shall include one citizen of a country within each of the five Geographic Regions (Europe; Asia/Australia/Pacific; Latin America/Caribbean Islands; Africa; and North America) established according to Bylaws Article VI, Section 5, see Citizens of European and North American countries as defined in ICANN's definition of geographic regions are eligible for ALAC vacancies in 2006.

Additional Considerations

For the Interim ALAC positions, experience and skills that bear on gathering, understanding, and communicating the interests of individual users would be advantageous. Perspectives not otherwise reflected in the existing ALAC membership would be advantageous. Nominating Committee 's selections for ALAC are intended to diversify the skill and experience sets of the ALAC, including in such areas as group decision-making.

Members of the Interim ALAC are expected to meet the primary goal of establishing the RALOs in the shortest possible amount of time. They should commit to this objective and proactively work to reach it.

Current composition of the Interim ALAC is available here

The Bylaws do not state a limit on the number of terms Interim ALAC members may serve.

Time Commitment

The basic responsibilities of a member of the Interim ALAC is approximately 18 hours each month. This includes participating in online (e-mail) discussions, commenting on/contributing to documents/proposed actions (drafted in English), participating in monthly ALAC telephone conferences (in English), and meeting with/making presentations to, local and regional organizations.

ICANN has traditionally reimbursed expenses incurred by ALAC members for attending ICANN meetings.

Position: ccNSO Council

Number of Seats: 1

Start of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2006

End of Term: Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2009

The Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) is a policy-development body which is responsible for developing and recommending to the Board global policies relating to country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs), nurturing consensus across the ccNSO's community, including the name-related activities of ccTLDs; and coordinating with other ICANN Supporting Organizations, committees, and constituencies under ICANN.

In addition to the above core responsibilities, the ccNSO may also engage in other activities authorized by its members, including: seeking to develop voluntary best practices for ccTLD managers, assisting in skills building within the global community of ccTLD managers, and enhancing operational and technical cooperation among ccTLD managers. The ccNSO consists of ccTLD managers that have agreed in writing to be members of the ccNSO, and a ccNSO Council responsible for managing the policy-development process of the ccNSO. Some ccNSO Council members are chosen by the ccNSO members within each of ICANN's Geographic Regions; Nominating Committee chooses three members with staggered terms.

ccNSO Council members receive no compensation for their services as ccNSO Council Members. Upon request of the ccNSO Council, ICANN shall provide administrative and operational support necessary for the ccNSO to carry out its responsibilities. As stated in the ICANN Bylaws, such support shall not include an obligation for ICANN to fund travel expenses incurred by ccNSO participants for travel to any meeting of the ccNSO or for any other purpose. However, ICANN has customarily furnished travel expenses for Nominating Committee appointed Council members to ICANN meetings. This custom is planned to continue, but is subject to the Bylaw statement. [Bylaws Article IX, Section 7, see]

Nominating Committee will use the Criteria for Selection of ICANN Directors in choosing Selected Nominees for the ccNSO Council. CCNSO Council members are expected to support the ICANN mission and the implementation of the ICANN Core Values. Nominating Committee will also take into account the following eligibility factors and additional considerations.

ccNSO Eligibility Factors

1. No person who serves on the Nominating Committee in any capacity is eligible for selection by any means to any position on the Board or any other ICANN body having one or more membership positions that the Nominating Committee is responsible for filling, until the conclusion of an ICANN annual meeting that coincides with, or is after, the conclusion of that person's service on the Nominating Committee. [Bylaws, Article VII, Section 8, see]

Additional Considerations

For the ccNSO Council positions, while no specific considerations are reflected in the Bylaws, experience or knowledge of ccTLDs and issues of importance to the global Internet, would be advantageous. Additionally, familiarity with the global environment in which ICANN operates and perspectives not otherwise reflected in the ccTLD community would be advantageous. Experience in international organizations and in developing new organizations is likewise valuable for these positions.

Time Commitment

An average ccNSO Council member would spend at least 12 hours per month on Council related activities, with those chairing committees or task forces spending at least 30 hours a month. (The commitment involves a minimum of 6 hours per month based on an average of 1.5 two-hour teleconferences (or physical meetings) per month plus about two hours of preparation for each meeting for reading task force reports and potentially discussing with the community. Participation in committees of the council and/or task forces could easily double that minimum time commitment.)

F. Choosing to be a Candidate

Choosing Among the Positions

You may apply for any of the available positions set out in the Statement of Interest for which you are eligible and in which you would be willing to serve. You may apply for up to four positions; however, you are encouraged to read and consider carefully the background materials on each position prior to filling out the Statement of Interest form below.


ICANN Directors, GNSO Council members, Interim ALAC members and ccNSO Council members enjoy several types of protection from liability for their activities in service to ICANN. These may be summarized as follows:

(a) Indemnification by ICANN. Under its bylaws, ICANN indemnifies members of ICANN bodies against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts that actually and reasonably arise in a proceeding because those persons are acting or have acted as agents of ICANN. There are various conditions to this indemnity, including that the indemnified person's acts were in good faith and done in a manner reasonably believed to be in ICANN's best interests and not criminal. [Bylaws Article XIV]

(b) Insurance. ICANN carries insurance covering liabilities (including defense expenses) that ICANN and its Directors, volunteers, and committee members may incur by reason of acts or omissions solely in their capacities as Directors, volunteers, and committee members acting on behalf of ICANN. The insurance policy includes deductibles, exclusions, and conditions that are ordinary in a liability policy covering directors, officers, and volunteers of a non-profit corporation.

(c) Statutory Immunity. United States federal law and California law contain provisions shielding volunteers to non-profit organizations (such as ICANN) from liabilities for their volunteer work, with some conditions. The U.S. Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 protects volunteers (i.e. those serving without compensation) to non-profit organizations from liability for harm caused by their acts and omissions while acting within the scope of their responsibilities in the organization and not in a willful, criminal, grossly negligent, reckless, etc. manner. [42 United States Code ĦħĦħ14501-14505] California law provides similar liability protections to volunteer directors. [ California Corporations Code Ħħ 5239]

Although there are various conditions and limits on each type of protection, in the aggregate these protections provide significant protection to ICANN volunteers acting in good faith and in the scope of their responsibilities to ICANN.

G. NomCom Process, and Background


Central to the Nominating Committee's process are the Statements of Interest received from individuals who agree to be considered for service in any of the positions. A person who has submitted a complete Statement of Interest is considered a Candidate for selection by the NomCom. NomCom will begin its review of Candidate information contained in the completed Statement of Interest shortly after it is received and confirmed to have all the required information. If the Statement of Interest is missing required information the individual will not be considered a Candidate for selection by the NomCom.

The NomCom will evaluate Candidates in a fair and consistent manner, considering the Statement of Interest, references, interviews as needed, consultations, and third-party information sources. While doing so, it will adhere to its Code of Ethics, which includes procedures regarding Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest.

To ensure open and frank communication with the NomCom, we have paid particular attention in our procedures to safeguarding confidentiality. Specifically, under our procedures all NomCom members will safeguard all internal NomCom communications concerning candidates and treat them as strictly private, confidential, and for the use of the immediate committee members and NomCom staff only, without exception.

NomCom members will not disclose outside of the committee the identities of Candidates under consideration by the NomCom, nor any discussions about them, unless both the Candidate and the NomCom as a whole have given explicit authorization to disclose the information. Nor will NomCom disclose the identity of those who suggested candidates or whether a specific candidate has been suggested. For more information about the procedures NomCom members follow regarding security and confidentiality of information, please refer to the Code of Ethics agreed by all members and the NomCom's Procedures.

Note that because NomCom will need to check references and consult selected third-party sources on a confidential basis before making its final selections, those wishing to be considered as Candidates are required to confirm this understanding of the confidentiality arrangements when they submit a Statement of Interest.

When NomCom has completed its selections, it will publish the identities of the Selected Nominees. Statistical information, such as the size and nature of the candidate pool, will be published at the close of the process. No other personally identifiable information will be publicized or retained after the selection process has been completed.

It should be noted that this Nominating Committee process differs from an election, although the goal is the same: to elicit the Internet community's participation in a thoughtful process leading to the selection of very well-qualified individuals to fulfill the specific roles of their positions.

NomCom's selections are final; no further approval or ratification will take place.

While considerable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this Formal Call, the NomCom reserves the right to make additions and corrections. If any changes are made, they will be posted on the NomCom web page. The full Formal Call is listed here.

The 2006 Nominating Committee maintains its webpage at The webpage, including announcements and answers to frequently asked questions, will be updated as the committee's work progresses.


NomCom operates independently from the ICANN Board, the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. The functional and geographic diversity and independence of NomCom members enables and encourages it to select persons who are not beholden to any particular interests and are capable of representing the broader view of the Internet community.

NomCom members act only on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community and within the scope of the ICANN Mission and the responsibilities assigned to NomCom by the ICANN Bylaws.

NomCom seeks widespread participation, through submission of suggestions for candidates and Statements of Interest, to find the talent and experience needed for these roles, to inform NomCom's decisions, and to generate the confidence and respect of the community for those whom NomCom selects.

Further information about NomCom's origin, role, responsibilities, procedures, composition, and biographical information about its members have been placed on the NomCom webpage.

H. How to suggest and encourage someone to become a candidate

To enhance the Candidate pool from which NomCom will choose Selected Nominees, we encourage you to suggest the name(s) of individuals whom we should invite to complete the Statement of Interest. Please note, however, that volunteering for positions is strongly encouraged: a suggestion is not compulsory in the NomCom process.

To submit the name of someone you would like to suggest as a candidate, please send an e-mail to <> that includes the following information:

(a) Name of person you wish to suggest as a candidate

(b) Position/s person is suggested for

_____GNSO _____ccNSO _____ALAC _____Board

(c) E-mail address of person you wish to suggest

(d) Your name

(e) Your e-mail address

Would you like the person you suggested to know that you suggested their name to NomCom? Y/N

(f) Optional: please describe the qualities you think the person you are suggesting would bring to ICANN.

NomCom will acknowledge your suggestion and will provide the person(s) you have suggested with the Statement of Interest Form and Instructions. We ask you to inform those whom you suggest as candidates that you have submitted their names to NomCom.

Early submission of suggestions will be appreciated.

Names of people you wish to suggest as candidates should be received by NomCom no later than 23:59 GMT 18 June 2006. NomCom reserves the right to consider suggestions received after 23:59 GMT 18 June 2006, but makes no commitment to do so.

NomCom will contact by e-mail all those for whom it receives such suggestions to request their submission of a Statement of Interest (see below), but NomCom will only consider and select individuals who have submitted a completed Statement of Interest.

Statements of Interest must be received by the NomCom no later than 23:59 GMT 1 August 2006 for full consideration. NomCom can only consider electronic submissions via e-mail. Completed Statements of Interest should be sent in plain text to <>.

A suggestion is not required in the NomCom process.

Note also that endorsements by organizations or groups and lists of signatories are not appropriate for this Nominating Committee process, and they will not influence the NomCom's selections.

The NomCom's procedures for Confidential Treatment of Statements of Interest call for confidential treatment of the identities of Candidates and the NomCom's discussions about the Candidates.

The NomCom does not disclose externally whether individual candidates have been suggested or who suggested them, and advises that you maintain the confidentiality of your suggestion since the person you named to us may not wish his/her candidacy to be disclosed.

You are encouraged to review the instructions and form for submission of Statements of Interest, and to note the more detailed explanation of confidentiality in the NomCom process.

Send suggestions by e-mail to: <>

I. How to Submit a Statement of Interest

For full consideration of your statement of interest please :

  • complete in full the statement of interest below, answering all questions (question D.3. is optional) using English, and without the use of additional attachments;
  • provide your responses to the statement of interest categories in order, immediately following the heading for that category;
  • make your response sufficient to stand alone without reliance on linked resources;
  • provide the meaning of any acronyms used to reference an organization or activity, and state the purpose of the organization or activity;
  • limit your responses to less than 3,500 words (in total) and focus your responses carefully in terms of the nature of the position(s) for which you wish to be considered to give the NomCom a clear picture of your candidacy;
  • understand that the NomCom does not commit to review material that you reference by URL links in your response: your SOI should be self-contained.

To receive full consideration statements should be received before 1 August 2006 (23:59 GMT). The selection of selected nominees will be announced before 31 October 2006.

You must answer all questions below, except question D.3 which is optional.

Statement of Interest Form, 2006

Please complete in plain text, do not use formatted text (no bold, underline, italic, colour, etc. URLs may be helpful, but understand that for reasons beyond nominating committee's control we may not be able to view linked material.) Send the completed form by email to

Download a text version of the SOI here.

SECTION A. Identifying and Contact Information.

Please refer to Note 1.

(A.1) Your name: first name, FAMILY NAME (in capital letters)

(A.2) Male/Female?

(A.3) Your e-mail address

(A.4) Your telephone number(s)

(please include country and city/area codes and indicate your preferred contact number.)

(A.5) Your country of citizenship

(If multiple citizenships please state all.)

(A.6) Your country of residence

(A.7) Provide details of your current job, title, employer or affiliation

Please refer to Note 2.

(A.8) Describe your educational background and past professional positions

Please refer to Note 3.

SECTION B. Background and Interests.

Please refer to Note 4.

This section asks questions we hope will tell us about your candidacy, how your experience makes you suitable for the position(s) you would like to be considered for, the qualities you will bring to ICANN and how you will help ICANN over the coming years.

(B.1) Position(s) for which you would like to be considered.

If you would like to be considered for more than one position, please state so, categorizing each position with numbers, in your order of priority (i.e., 1 is your highest priority)

Please refer to Note 5.

ICANN Board ___

GNSO Council ___

ccNSO Council ___

Interim ALAC ___

(B.2) Describe how you meet the criteria for each of the positions you are applying for.

Please refer to Note 6.

(B.3) Describe any current and past involvement in, contributions to, and leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development and operation of the Internet's naming and addressing infrastructure.

Please refer to Note 7.

(B.4) Describe any current and past volunteer positions, roles and accomplishments.

(B.5) Provide a statement about what you would contribute to ICANN and its mission.

Please refer to Note 8.

SECTION C. References and Related Information.

This section asks for additional information about your candidacy, the names of people you would like to provide references, and information indicating you agree to due diligence and other checks ICANN may carry out.

(C.1) Conflicts of interest with ICANN. Please indicate clearly if you have any areas of potential conflicts with ICANN.

Actual and potential conflicts of interest will not be disqualifying.

Please refer to Note 9.

(C.2) All positions are voluntary and require a significant commitment of time and energy. Is your schedule of activities compatible with a significant allocation of time to contribute to the positions that you are looking for? Board / GNSO / ccNSO / ALAC

Please refer to the description of the commitment required in the "Leadership Positions" document.

Please indicate Yes or No:

[ ] Yes [ ] No

(C.3) Please provide the names of no less than 3 and no more than 4 people who can provide a reference for your candidacy. Please provide the person's name, e-mail address, telephone number, professional position, and a brief description of your relationship with them.

Please refer to Note 10.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

NomCom will send a copy of your SOI to each of the people you name as a reference.

SECTION D. Consent and Authorisation.

(D.1) Under the nominating committee's procedures, your candidacy will be treated as confidential unless you give the nominating committee your permission to disclose it or unless the nominating committee is consulting your references and conducting third-party reference checks from selected sources on a confidential basis. These third party checks are required as part of a due diligence process necessary before we can accept candidates for leadership positions in ICANN. Due diligence will be conducted by professional companies experienced in such work (i.e. executive recruitment and other human resources organizations.)

Once selections are made, the nominating committee will make the identities of only the Selected Nominees public. Although the nominating committee will take reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed, Candidates and Selected Nominees shall have no claims against ICANN, the nominating committee, or affiliated persons in the event information is disclosed despite these procedures.

You also authorize the nominating committee to consult with your references and conduct third-party reference checks. You will not be entitled to review or access any of the information received, generated, or considered by the nominating committee regarding any Candidate or Selected Nominee, or any of the nominating committee's discussions or deliberations regarding any Candidate or Selected Nominees. Candidates and Selected Nominees have no right to challenge or seek review of the nominating committee's selections.

Please indicate that you understand this statement and agree to it. Indicate Yes or No:

[ ] YES [ ] NO

(D.2) From time to time, due to a change in employment or other circumstances, a mid-term vacancy may occur in previously NomCom appointed leadership positions. If a vacancy is for more than three months in length, the Chair of the next NomCom may be asked to fill the vacancy.

If you are NOT selected for any of the preferences indicated in (B.1.) above this year, would you permit the Chair of this year's NomCom to retain your name (based on the same preferences) and transfer your statement of interest to the Chair of the 2007 NomCom for possible consideration in the event that a mid-year vacancy occurs in 2007?

This is only in the event that a mid-term vacancy occurs and does not mean you will be included in the pool of candidates for regular term positions next year, you would need to apply again. Please indicate Yes or No:

[ ] YES [ ] NO

If your Answer to the above is YES, please indicate whether the same preferences indicated by you in (B.1) above would be applicable or whether you would have any ONE specific interests? Please state clearly your specific interest.

Please confirm your understanding of and agreement with the above conditions by marking the box below:

_____Yes, I agree to be a Candidate under these confidentiality arrangements and other terms outlined herein, listed in full in the Formal Call for Statements of Interest and Suggestions for Candidates at

(D.3) Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be helpful to nominating committee in making its decision? If so, please summarize it here:

If you have a personal web page, you may wish to provide a link to it here:

The nominating committee values your interest in being a candidate for the positions it is charged to fill. We expect and rely on your integrity in presenting your qualifications and experience. We appreciate your effort in completing this Statement of Interest.

NOTE Form: Statement of Interest ICANN Nominating Committee 2006

Please use these Notes to help you answer the questions in the statement of Interest. You should read these notes carefully before answering.

NOTE 1. Section A. Identifying Information.

Section A asks for information about your personal background, the type of information typically provided in a CV or resume, however, please do not attach your CV to this statement.

NOTE 2. Information about employment.

Please provide your current job title and name of your employer. If self-employed mention your area of work. Briefly, in not more than 75 words, describe your current job and your duties.

NOTE 3. Education and professional background.

The nominating committee does not need to see an exhaustive list of education and work experience. Summarize your educational background, such as degrees achieved and the university(s) where you studied, and [places of employment and positions held for the past eight (8) years] or [most recent three places of employment and positions held].

NOTE 4. Section B. Background and Interests.

The purpose of the questions in Section B is to help us understand the skills and experience you would bring to ICANN, and how you meet the criteria for the leadership positions the nominating committee will fill. Please refer to the "Leadership Positions" document for details of these criteria. The nominating committee needs to understand why you are the right person for the position(s) you wish to apply for.

Please be bold in telling the committee about yourself and your ideas.

If you are a citizen of, or resident in, multiple countries please provide us with additional details and where relevant refer to this aspect in your answers to Section B, Background and Interests.

NOTE 5. Interim ALAC Vacancies 2006

Interim ALAC vacancies in 2006 are only for citizens of countries from European and North American regions, see <> for a description of ICANN's geographic regions. If you are not from one of these regions, please do not apply for an ALAC position this year, but do check for vacancies next year.)

NOTE 6. Satisfying eligibility and other selection criteria.

See "Leadership Positions" document for eligibility criteria and other selection factors. Describe how your work and other experience helps you meet the criteria for the position(s) you are applying for. You may wish to describe how your work experience is relevant to your candidacy.

NOTE 7. Familiarity with the Internet's naming and addressing infrastructure and other Internet technical functions coordinated by ICANN.

The nominating committee would like to know about your familiarity with the Internet's naming and addressing infrastructure, then domain name system and other Internet technical functions coordinated by ICANN, both in technical and policy matters. Please describe any involvement with the operation of ccTLD, gTLD registries or registrars, IP address registries, or relevant DNS technical or policy development process, including Internet technical protocols and standards. Your answer should include details of any involvement with ICANN, its policy development processes including its creation and evolution, supporting organizations and councils. Your answer may overlap with your response to question B.2.

NOTE 8. Contribution to ICANN and its mission.

Please state clearly how you see yourself contributing to ICANN and its mission. Please highlight your personal skills and experience that would be beneficial to the organization. You should mention specific past or current contributions in fields such as international relations, technical leadership, managerial skills, languages, etc., as well as goals for your contribution in the desired position.

NOTE 9. Conflicts of Interest.

Please refer to the ICANN Conflicts of Interest policy <>. This document is aimed at conflicts for ICANN Directors and Officers, but should provide guidance for all ICANN leadership positions. If you have had any relationship with an ICANN accredited registry or registrar (other than registering a domain name) or any organization that has been in dispute with ICANN, please describe that relationship here. Conflicts of interest will not be disqualifying, we anticipate many experienced people may have such relationships.

NOTE 10. Selecting references.

You must ask the people you select as references for their agreement to do so before submitting their names to the nominating committee. They should know they will be asked by the NomCom to provide a reference and understand its purpose. Provide them with your statement of interest (this completed form) so that they can respond knowledgeably to our request for information. We recommend that you choose your references carefully so the NomCom has a broad view of your experiences and abilities.

* Current nominating committee members must not be included as references.

* Current ICANN staff must not be included as references.

The nominating committee will not consult as a reference anyone who is also a candidate under consideration, but because of our confidentiality commitment, nominating committee will be unable to advise candidates about another person's presence in the candidate pool. We will ensure that your candidacy is not harmed should this occur.

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