NomCom members developed and reached consensus on a Code of Ethics to
which all NomCom members and NomCom staff have expressed their commitment
to adhere. The Code of Ethics includes the following statement on Conflicts
of Interest:
The NomCom Subcommittee on Conflicts of Interest is charged to administer
and monitor compliance with the ICANN Conflicts of Interest Policy as
applicable to the work of the NomCom. [For the ICANN Conflicts of Interest
Policy see].
The Subcommittee's duties and those of NomCom in relation to conflict
of interest matters are described below:
1. The Subcommittee will take appropriate steps to
ensure that the NomCom members and NomCom staff remain aware of their
responsibilities for prompt disclosure to the Chair of NomCom of the
existence and nature of any financial or other relations that might
affect (or reasonably be seen to affect) his/her performance on the
Committee, including any financial connections to any Candidate or employer
of any Candidate under consideration by the NomCom. This disclosure
must be made prior to the NomCom's detailed discussion surrounding the
Candidate concerned.
The NomCom Chair will refer disclosures from members and staff of the
NomCom to the Subcommittee and will also refer to the Subcommittee any
actual or potential conflicts of interest that are identified otherwise.
For matters pending before the full NomCom, a referral to the Subcommittee
on Conflicts of Interest will not be required where the NomCom member
or NomCom staff concerned fully discloses to the NomCom his or her financial
or other interest and abstains from participation in the NomCom's consideration
of the matter. The disclosure may be made either to the NomCom members
involved in the discussion(s) or meeting(s) during which abstention
occurs, or beforehand to the NomCom Chair.
2. Once actual or potential conflicts of interest have
been referred to the Subcommittee, the disinterested members of the
Subcommittee on Conflicts of Interest shall promptly determine whether
a conflict of interest exists. Except as provided for in paragraph 2,
the NomCom shall not vote or reach consensus on a matter under its consideration,
including but not limited to determining or carrying out its processes
for selection of Nominees, in connection with which an actual or potential
conflict of interest has been disclosed until such time as the Subcommittee
on Conflicts of Interest has addressed the actual or potential conflict
of interest.
3. Where a matter has been referred to the Subcommittee
on Conflicts of Interest and the Subcommittee has concluded that a conflict
of interest exists, the Subcommittee will notify the Chair of NomCom
and the NomCom member or NomCom staff concerned of the necessity of
the member's or staff's abstention from participation in the NomCom's
consideration of the matter in question. Where appropriate, the Subcommittee
will determine the extent of the abstention required.
4. If the Subcommittee on Conflicts of Interest has
reasonable cause to believe that a NomCom member or NomCom staff has
failed to disclose an actual or potential conflict of interest, it shall
inform the NomCom member or NomCom staff of the basis for such belief
in writing and afford the NomCom member or NomCom staff a written opportunity
to explain the alleged failure to disclose. The written communications
shall be made via e-mail or fax.
If, after considering the response of the NomCom member or NomCom staff
and making such further investigation as may be warranted in the circumstances,
the Subcommittee on Conflicts of Interest determines that the NomCom
member or NomCom staff has in fact failed to disclose an actual or potential
conflict of interest, it shall recommend to the NomCom appropriate disciplinary
and corrective action. In the case of a NomCom staff failure to disclose,
the NomCom will also refer the matter to the Corporation.
5. The violation of the Conflict of Interest policy
is a serious matter and may constitute "cause" for removal
of the NomCom member by NomCom in accordance with its Procedures or
termination of the NomCom staff in accordance with the Corporation's
6. The Subcommittee on Conflicts of Interest shall
keep records of its proceedings.
a. The Minutes of the Subcommittee on Conflicts
of Interest shall contain:
(1) The names of NomCom members found to have a material financial
interest or other relation in connection with an actual or possible
conflict of interest; the nature of the financial interest or other
relation; any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest
was present; and the decision of the Subcommittee on Conflicts of
Interest as to whether a conflict of interest in fact existed.
(2) The names of the persons who were present for discussions and
votes relating to the actual or potential conflict of interest;
the content of the discussion; and a record of any votes taken in
connection therewith.
b. The Subcommittee shall also keep sufficient records
to be able to report to NomCom and, upon request, to the Corporation
on the matters referred to the Subcommittee and their resolution.
At the time the 2003 Nominating Committee completes its term and is
discharged, the Chair will arrange for one anonymized report of conflict
situations to be sent to the Corporation for the purpose of building
a tradition for how to handle conflicts of interest.
7. In connection with a conflict of interest, the Minutes
of the NomCom shall contain the names of the persons who were present
for discussions and votes relating to the NomCom matter concerned; the
content of the discussion, and a record of any votes taken in connection