Comment of USTAR Regarding
Reconsideration Request 00-8
Date: March 5, 2001 |

511 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10011-8436
Tel: 416-922-6332
Fax: 416-922-0039
(on behalf of the undersigned
23 February 2001
(Via Electronic Submission)
Reconsideration Committee
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA
Re: Application for .travel TLD by the International Air Transport
Association (IATA)
Comments on IATA's Request for Reconsideration (00-9)
Dear Sir or Madam:
On 15 December 2000, pursuant to Article III, § 4 of the
By-Laws of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(ICANN), and the ICANN Reconsideration Policy, the
International Air Transportation Association (IATA) requested
that ICANN reconsider its decision announced on 16 November 2000
not to grant IATAs application to sponsor the .travel TLD.
As the committee knows, the IATA application has been the subject
of extensive concern, particularly by the travel agency community,
which has focused on the following issues:
1) Has IATA or its supporters demonstrated an actual need to
launch a chartered (restricted) .travel TLD?
2) Has IATA developed adequate and equitable governance policies
and procedures to fairly administer the proposed .travel TLD?
3) Does IATA have the broad base of support, in an industry as
diverse as the travel industry, to grant the airline community
effective control and substantial influence over the proposed
.travel TLD?
On 18-20 February 2001, executive level representatives of the
undersigned organizations met in London, England to consider
IATA's proposed .travel TLD application and its subsequent request
for reconsideration by ICANN. The representatives overwhelmingly
believe that the three issues outlined above have, in fact, not
been adequately substantiated or developed by IATA and that grave
concerns exist regarding IATA's plan to launch the proposed .travel
Accordingly, the undersigned, representing more than 20,000
travel agencies in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, Mexico,
and India, submit the following comments regarding IATA's
request for reconsideration:
a) IATA's application does not evidence facilitation of previously
unmet needs in the travel industry or as it pertains to travel
services or information on the Internet. To the contrary, the
travel industry is already enjoying a highly successful and reliable
presence on the Internet, with travel consistently commanding
the top slots of web visibility, functionality, accessibility,
and e-commerce in general.
While IATA infers that its application of a restricted TLD is
necessary to ward off travel scams and is intended to protect
consumers from unreliable Internet travel sellers, it provides
no statistics or evidence to support that consumers have been
subjected to any major Internet travel scams or that travel sales
on the Internet are in any way more prone to scams or other illicit
activity, proportionately compared to other Internet retailing
or e-commerce.
The fact is that IATA's application is really intended to create
huge revenue opportunities for it and its "partners"
in pure registration activity. IATA is a master in the "for-profit
registration and accreditation business". The reality is
that IATA's application is intended to facilitate building a
campaign of fear and consumer-doubt about travel sales on the
Internet and where .travel and .travel alone will be touted as
the "hallmark" of travel retailing safety. Travel vendors
large and small will be strong-armed into using .travel to portray
themselves as "legitimate" or "accredited".
Rather than fostering a more diverse and competitive travel presence
on the web, IATA's application of a restricted TLD will lead
to narrowing domain naming, the creation of heavy-handed tactics
asserted over retailing independence, and the imposition of arbitrary
standards which would otherwise become barriers to many travel
businesses, particularly small and medium size travel enterprises.
b) IATA has indeed reached out to travel agency organizations
to seek support for its .travel application. However, it is fair
to say that IATA has only done so after its application was met
with stiff opposition from the travel agency community. It is
also fair to say that travel agents know IATA better than most
any other sector in the travel industry. In addition to the strong
objections filed by the undersigned, here are just a few of the
public comments from agency associations which IATA now curiously
counts among its supporters:
American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
"While we recognize the limited supply of available
.com, .org and .net domain names and the need to provide travel
businesses with new opportunities that .travel would provide,
IATA should not be chosen to fulfill this role ... Furthermore,
it [IATA] is not the neutral trusted intermediary
it claims to be. Simply put, IATA is an airline cartel. It is
completely inappropriate for an international cartel to control
segments of the Internet, especially when the competitive interests
of the members of the cartel may be involved." (ASTA
press release, 18 October 2000)
Association of Canadian Travel Agents (ACTA)
"The Association of Canadian Travel Agents (ACTA)
has serious concerns with IATA's application to ICANN for sponsoring
the dot-travel Top Level Domain. There are already many concerns
about the domination of the airline sector within the travel
and tourism industry." (ICANN Public Comment Forum)
The reality is that most every quarter of the travel agency community
has filed, at one time or another, strenuous objections to IATA's
This notwithstanding, ASTA reversed its position some two weeks
after its 18 October 2000 press release with the following statement:
IATA has given ASTA a written
commitment that ASTA will have a seat on the Board for the new
domain and significant input into the criteria ... IATA has also
agreed that existing ASTA member travel agents with Airlines
Reporting Corp. (ARC) accreditation will automatically qualify
to receive a .travel domain name."
(ICANN Public Comment Forum)
Needless to say, this brokering of a private
agreement between IATA and ASTA, one clearly intended to diminish
ASTA's criticism of IATA's application, does little to allay
the concerns of the rest of the travel agency community. In fact,
to the great dismay of many other travel agency groups, this
suspicious arrangement between IATA and ASTA harms the rights
and equality of the majority of the world's travel agents which
are non-ASTA members. This would seem to be in direct conflict
with one of the major criterion established by ICANN in the evaluation
process of TLD applications, namely: "Appropriate protections
of rights of others in connection with the operation of the TLD."
c) While IATA claims support from a variety
of travel industry organizations, it fails to prove, apart from
airlines, that is has any substantive support from even a respectable
percentage of the travel industry's key individual sectors. There
is absolutely no evidence that even a small percentage of major
hotel chains, car rental companies, cruise lines, or tour operators
has even commented on the IATA proposal, let alone stepped forward
to support it. This clearly raises the question as to whether
or not IATA really has broad industry representation in its application.
We think not.
d) It is hard to imagine that any of the
key industry players, including the airlines themselves, will
favor the new .travel TLD in lieu of the huge investment in branding
and marketing their existing .com presence. Even if these travel
industry businesses were to move from their .com identification,
would any choose to gamble with not receiving the .travel name
they would require? Does anyone really believe that Delta Air
Lines will put at risk its huge investment in delta.com, where
it would otherwise have to compete to acquire delta.travel? To
whom does one think that IATA will assign delta.travel:
Delta Hotels
Delta Travel and Tours Agency
Delta Mississippi Queen Steamboat Lines
Delta Air Lines
We think the answer is rather obvious.
Accordingly, for these and all the reasons
stated above, we do not, at this time, believe that IATA has
demonstrated the need, representativeness, or fairness for its
proposed operation of the .travel TLD.
We the undersigned request that ICANN uphold
its original decision to disapprove IATA's application for the
.travel TLD. We believe that .travel may at some later time surface
as a viable and
needed TLD, and it may be that with wider industry support, input,
and above all, a fair and equitable process for all potentially
effected stakeholders, such a need which will be identified sooner
than later; however, not at this time.
We appreciate the opportunity to share
our comments with the Committee and appreciate your consideration
of our position in your deliberations.
Thank you.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Bishins, CTC
President and CEO
United States Travel Agent Registry (USTAR)
New York, NY USA
John Hawks
Association of Retail Travel Agents (ARTA)
Lexington, KY USA
Gary Fee
President and CEO
Outside Sales Support Network
Jupiter, FL USA
Leslie Cassettari, CTC
Canadian Standard Travel Agent Registry (CSTAR)
Vancouver, Canada
Joseph Reitinger-Laska
European Standard Travel Agent Registry (ESTAR)
Vienna, Austria
John Tollis
Australian Standard Travel Agent Registry (ASTAR)
Perth, Australia
Eduardo Castellanos
Mexican Standard Travel Agent Registry (MEXSTAR)
Mexico City, Mexico
Sudhan Thomas
Indian Standard Travel Agent Registry (ISTAR)
Chennai, India
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Page Updated 05-March-2001
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