Letter from Louis
Touton to the Committee Requesting Advice on Implementation
(1 December 2000) |
To the .com/.net/.org
Whois committee:
First, let me thank
each of you for agreeing to help on reviewing the various issues
concerning implementation of the Whois requirements embodied
in the current agreements with registrars for the .com, .net,
and .org TLDs.
I understand that
in some respects your discussions of the current Whois service
requirements have led the committee to conclude that some new
approaches to providing Whois services (and some new policies)
should be considered. For example, I understand that you
have been discussing some changes to the terms for access to
Whois data that are embodied in the current agreements.
To the extent that the committee, or any other group of stakeholders,
feels that some policy additions/changes should be considered,
it is of course appropriate and helpful to the consensus-based
process to make those views, and any supporting analysis, available
to the Internet community. I encourage the committee (or
any of you individually) to prepare a detailed report on any
policy extensions you feel are appropriate. As stated at
the committee's inception, the ICANN staff intends to refer any
such report to the DNSO (and, if protocol matters are involved,
the PSO) for consideration of whether policy changes or additions
should be recommended.
The primary purpose
of this committee, however, is to generate some advice on specific
issues that have arisen in the implementation of existing Whois
provision for registrars in the .com, .net, and .org TLDs.
To assist the committee in giving focused feedback on the staff's
implementation of the existing agreements, I have prepared the
following list of specific questions. It would be very
helpful to me if the committee would give its feedback to these
questions in a separate document from any report you might prepare
on policy additions/changes that should be considered.
This will make it easier to determine which portions of the committee's
feedback are intended for use by the ICANN staff and which portions
are appropriately referred to a supporting organization.
on Whois Provisions of Current Agreements
The principal agreement
concerning Whois service in the .com, .net, and .org TLDs is
the Registrar
Accreditation Agreement. (The ICANN-NSI
Registry Agreement covers
registry-level Whois, but implementation of that has been
more straightforward.) The portions of the Registrar Accreditation
Agreement that pertain to Whois are:
Subsection II.F.1 - This subsection contains
the basic requirement that registrars provide Whois service and
lists the data elements that must be provided in response to
Subsection II.F.2 - This subsection requires
registrars to update their Whois databases promptly.
Subsection II.F.3 - This subsection covers
subcontracting of Whois services.
Subsection II.F.4 - This subsection is concerned
with registrars' obligations to provide Whois search functionality
across all registrars within .com/.net/.org.
Subsection II.F.5 - This subsection governs
the restrictions that registrars may place on use of Whois data.
Subsections II.F.6 and 7 - These subsections concern
bulk access to registrant data, a non-Whois issue.
Subsection II.F.8 - This subsection concerns
future, amended Whois policies.
Section II.H - In this section, registrars
license Whois providers to distribute their data.
Subsection II.J.7(a), first
- This paragraph provides that domain-name holders will provide
accurate contact information and promptly update that information.
Subsection II.J.7(a), second
- This paragraph states that domain-name holders will be responsive
to Registrar efforts to correct contact data.
Subsection II.J.7(a), third
- This paragraph provides for a form of anonymous registration.
Subsection II.J.8 - This subsection sets
forth requirements for registrar efforts to keep Whois data accurate
and up to date.
An overall goal
of the Whois provisions of the Registrar Accreditation Agreements
was to help restore the InterNIC Whois service that existed in
.com, .net, and .org prior to the introduction of multiple registrars.
This service is described in Section 6.4 of RFC
1580 (FYI
With the advent
of multiple, competitive registrars in .com, .net, and .org,
contact data on domain-name holders was broken up into separate
databases maintained by each sponsoring registrar. As a
result, searches that were previously possible (e.g., a search
for all .com/.net/.org entries that reference a particular person)
were no longer possible on a TLD-wide basis. The approach
of the agreements was to require, as an immediate measure, the
provision of Whois service from each registrar's database (subsection
II.F.1), and to provide a pathway toward restoration of a
TLD-wide Whois capability.
Implementing this
approach has presented significant problems. With a few
exceptions, most registrars have simply implemented a domain-name-lookup
capability, rather than the full features of Whois described
in RFC 1580.
These deficiencies have been aggravated by the differences in
the format and other details implemented by registrars; these
differences have made it difficult for registrars to provide
even a consistent TLD-wide domain-name-lookup service.
To move toward achieving
the goals of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (or, as some
would put it, fixing the now-broken Whois), it appears that efforts
should be made to remedy these problems. This effort, of
course, should be done in a manner that minimizes the burdens
on registrars, which are (quite properly) occupied with competing
to meet the many facets of registration-market demand.
ICANN staff could
benefit from the committee's views on the following implementation
Should registrars provide Whois replies in a standard format?
Currently, registrars use a wide variety of formats for Whois
responses. If a standard format were employed, it would
simplify the efforts of registrars to provide a seamless, TLD-wide,
domain-name-lookup capability. While this would not satisfy
the long-delayed goal of restoring full TLD-wide Whois service,
it would at least ameliorate the delay in achieving that goal.
If a standard format is to be encouraged, what should it be?
If registrars provide supplementary data in response to Whois
queries, how should it appear in the overall format? (Some
registrars, for example, provide an indication that the domain
name is subject to a UDRP proceeding.)
Should registrars be permitted to limit the number of queries
from a particular site? If so, what limit should apply?
II.F.1 of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement appears to
require free public access to port 43 Whois service "concerning
all active SLD registrations," indicating that limitations
on the number of queries are not contemplated. The use
of governors, however, can prevent inappropriate heavy loading
of a registrar's Whois systems. The ICANN staff would benefit
from guidance as to the extent to which it should, as a matter
of enforcement choice, permit use of governors.
Are there some particular sources from which registrars should
not be permitted to limit the number of queries? Permitting
registrars ungoverned access to each other's Whois services facilitates
registrars in implementing TLD-wide domain-name-lookup service.
Should limitations on this access be permitted, even if governors
are tolerated for other users? Are there other sources
of queries for which governors should not be permitted?
Should .com/.net/.org registrars be permitted to limit the number
of responses returned to a single query? If so, what limit
should apply? Again, subsection
II.F.1 of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement appears to
require free public access to port 43 Whois service "concerning
all active SLD registrations," indicating that limiting
the number of responses was not envisioned. Use of some
limits, however, can prevent abusive use or overly burdensome
use of the Whois service.
ICANN staff would
benefit from guidance as to the extent to which it should, as
a matter of enforcement of the .com/.net/.org agreements, require
registrars to return all responses that satisfy a given query.
Should the requirement for full (RFC 1580) Whois service, rather
than merely domain-name-lookup service, be vigorously enforced?
Most registrars appear not to be in compliance with the requirement
for true "Whois" service. However, prior to implementation
of the TLD-wide Whois service contemplated by subsection
II.F.4, registrar-by-registrar Whois service appears to be
of limited value. Would it be better to avoid burdening
registrars with a requirement for single-registrar Whois service,
so that they can devote their energies toward implementaiton
of a TLD-wide Whois service?
The design of the SRS makes registrar records of host(nameserver)
IP addresses authoritative only when the registrar is sponsoring
the domain name containing the host. In view of this, should
registrars be required to provide nameserver IP addresses in
response to Whois inquiries? If so, what measures should
registrars take to ensure data consistency?
Should there be a standard definition of the role of technical
and administrative contacts, as those terms are used in subsections
II.F.1(h) and (i)?
Should efforts be made to encourage better dissemination of information
about the anonymous registration mechanism of subsection
II.J.7(a), third paragraph?
In view of the long delay in implementation of TLD-wide Whois
capability, are there any steps that should be take to encourage
registrars to begin testing possible technologies to meet this
The above questions
may suggest to the committee other guidance that it might give
on implementation of the Whois requirements; the ICANN staff
would particularly welcome any additional guidance of this nature.
Best regards,
December 2000)
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Page Updated 17-December-2000
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